when did you first go out after ur c-section??


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2011
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hello ladies, just a quick question really, how soon after ur c-section did you venture out the house to go food shopping or to walk to the local shop etc etc. my c-s was 9 days ago now and we really need to do a food shop do you think it be ok for me to go??
it depends how you feel? can't you get it delivered? with my first i went shopping at 5days after but tbh it was to much with last one i went straight from hospital at 3days after it all depends how you feeling but be really careful about lifting bags ect make them really light and don't walk to far first time take it easy x
Hiya, I went out a week after mine and i ended up in so much pain i had to sit down every few steps! You should try going for a short walk etc before battling shopping as the first time i went out was to shop and i regretted it almost immediately! Hope this helped :)
I went to asda 5 days after, i felt tiered but managed ok x
Had bubs on sat and went shopping on the fri x
i went out after 4 days , only a tesco trip - but it was too much and if it wasnt for the positive comments and attention that the baby was getting then i think i would have just cried, when i relaised half way round that i was tired, in pain, heavily bleeding due to pushing myself to far, and feeling like i was goign to pee myself. All in all very stupid and wished i had left it longer before trying to go out. I think you should be ok now, but play it by ear, dont go alone, and if u have enough have way round sit down and then go home, dont push yaself xx
Two days after I was discharged, and the next day I was trecking to the nicu...walking a lot (using a pillow), and overdoing it.
If you feel ready, then go for it ~ But as others have said, no heavy lifting & take it gently :flower:

Mayby just get the essentials, not a big shop :winkwink: GL
well i went to tesco with OH, took it easy held the trolly, didnt do any packing or lifting. took nearly 50 mins to walk round a small store got home felt ok but when i got up this morning i felt really sore and achy then when i went to get LO a nappy i twisted round to much and hurt myself even more!!! cor wot a day. thank you all for your replies xx
I bounced back from my pretty quick. My son was born on a saturday evening, I got released from the hospital 4 days later (on Wednesday). I was at church Sunday Morning, when he was a week old. I was out and about that Friday and Saturday as well, but not anywhere special. The Monday when he was 9 days old, I was driving again. I guess it depends on how you feel. (I've always recovered from childbirth quickly though. After my 3rd one, my husband yelled at me to sit down and rest, b/c I came home from the hospital, thought the house was disgusting, and cleaned it, including vacuuming and mopping the kitchen, LOL!!!)
well i went to tesco with OH, took it easy held the trolly, didnt do any packing or lifting. took nearly 50 mins to walk round a small store got home felt ok but when i got up this morning i felt really sore and achy then when i went to get LO a nappy i twisted round to much and hurt myself even more!!! cor wot a day. thank you all for your replies xx

being really sore is your muscles healing and you doing stuff strengthening them again i still feel sore now if i do lot of walking in the day. well done for getting out. just take it easy bit more everytime xx
4 days after, I just had to take it a bit slow because it wasn't a quick trip and I found if I walked too fast I'd cramp. If I kept that in mind I was pretty comfortable moving about.
DS was born Friday, went for a little walk on Monday & shopping on Tuesday. We did retail park (only 2 shops) and then tesco but I ended up going back to car in tesco as I was shattered.
thank you all for your replies, im guessing i just expected things to go straight back to normal, but i am just taking things easy and not over doing it, levichips i never thought that that may be the reason why i was so sore but it makes sense now that its healing. thank you all again xx
I had my section on the Monday and was out by the Friday x
I went out 4 days after my c-section. It hurt like all get out. So I would definitely stay within your limits, if you are feeling okay, I would give a quick stroll to see how the pain is. If it's not too bad, a shopping trip should be fine. If anything, take breaks while shopping. xx
With my 1st, my husband was in a wedding the day after I got out of the hosptal. 4 days after c-section. I went and it wasn't too bad. I took a pain pill and off we went. It wasn't until we were leaving and everyone commented at how great a baby we had. He had slept the entire 8 hours we were there. I panicked when I reallized since I was nursing and our son was probably drugged to sleep from my pain pills!!!! Thank goodness he was just fine. 10 years later I can kind of laugh when people say what a great baby our son was. Opps!
We went out about 4 days after I got home. It was knackering but lovely to get out :) It really does depend on how you're feeling :)
Had the emcs on sunday, discharged Thursday and went shopping that night for a few pick ups after leaving the NICU. Stupid. I was in such pain and never realized how many dang bumps are in the road!! I actually cried when we hit a good one. Go when you feel ready! I was still having high BP so it made me pretty tired as well.
Had the section last Sunday morning, discharged on Monday night, went out to the shops on wednesday, stayed in on Thursday, out again for a photo shoot on Friday, shops on Saturday and a walk today!!
Got to say though that tonight I feel very sore :(

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