when double birth weight?



I'm just curious - by what age did your LO double his/her birth weight?
My doc suggested it should be about 6 months....Teddy did it in 2 months. (& he'd lost opver the average 10% after birth too....) what a fattie :)
Chloe is neraly there. 6lbs 12oz at birth 12lb 12 last week (at 9 weeks exctly)
ffion is no way nearly there shes only 10lb odd and she was 7lb 7oz when born

rhys weight 6lb odd when he was born and he was 11lb at his 8 month checkup.. hes only 20lb now
Well Hannah was a bigger baby, 8 pounds 10 ounces at birth, 12 pounds at her 2 month appointment
jack was 7lb2.5oz at birth

i had him weighed last monday at 3 months and he was 14lb 6 oz so jack has doubled his x
my wee man was 5ibs 3ozs at birth.

yesterday he weighed 10ibs exactly. almost double.

he is 8 wks old.

Katie was 5lb 10oz and doubled that in about 8 weeks
Dec was 7lbs 3ozs and had doubled that by 8-9 weeks.
Jayden was 9 weeks when he doubled his birth weight lol .. my long babii! :D x
Skye is nowhere near it yet! She was 10 pounds 5 when born, now is 13 pounds 7, she went down to 9 5 though in the first couple of weeks.
Katie was 7lbs10 when born and is now 15lb6 when she just got weighed this week at 17 weeks.
Colton was 9.14 at birth, at 4mo he was 18.11 so almost doubled it. He has completely doubled it now, and then some!

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