Hey ladies! Sorry to keep you waiting. We've had some weight gain concerns and concerns with my milk coming in but we had a weight check today and she gained 5oz in 2 days so everyone is happy with the progress. We're also sleeping slightly better so I finally have the energy to pop back on.
Here's a birth story I wrote up and I'll do pictures in another post from my phone.
On Monday 5/11 I woke up at 3:30am with sporadic but intense contractions, the first I'd felt. I couldn't fall back asleep so I got up, bounced on my ball, and finished packing. At 5:30 I woke up DH and called my doula at 6ish. We all agreed that since I'd started having some bloody show it could be go time but that we'd wait for the contractions to get more regular and my doula would wait for further instructions.
The contractions slowed as the day went, especially after I took a quick nap. I tried a bunch of things but it was clear that we were not getting a 5/11 baby so I sadly unpacked a few things from my bag and went to bed. I was terrified of having prodromal labor for weeks.
The next morning (5/12) contractions began again at 3:30am-ish, much more regular and longer. At 7:30 I was lying in bed timing them when I felt a weird pop. I knew immediately that my water had broken but I frantically hoped that LO has just punched me. A few seconds later though I started gushing, even still lying down. DH jumped up and got me a bunch of towels and I waddled to the bathroom. The fluid on the towels was greenish and I knew with that and my GBS+ that I wasn't going to be laboring at home for long, like I'd hoped. Unfortunately, with my water breaking my contractions also basically stopped.
We got our stuff together and I called my doctor. They told me to come to the office since I wouldn't have to wait there like I would at triage and they are in a building connected to the hospital.
At 10:30 we got to my doctor's office and they saw me immediately. I was 3cm dilated, about 50% effaced, and there was meconiun in the fluid. They admitted me from there to L&D and sent us over. I even got to bump some ladies in line to check-in since I was already ruptured. We got in our room, my doula and a student doula showed up, they monitored the baby for a while and everything looked good, except I wasn't having contractions. My doctor gave us some time and for the next 3 hours we all tried everything we could think of to restart my contractions. I did lunges up and down the halls, bounced on a ball, even tried nipple stimulation. But nothing worked and I didn't want to wait any longer with the meconiun and GBS+ so we started Pitocin.
For the next 11 hours I labored through Pitocin contractions without pain meds. Most of those hours were great, minus the fact that I had lots of IV lines and constant fetal monitoring. My doula and DH were amazing and I was so glad to have the student doula there as an extra pair of hands. I worked my butt off to stay on top of the contractions but after about 10.5 hours and having been awake for almost 24 hours (plus hardly sleeping the day before), I was done. I was about 8cm dilated and completely losing it. My doula pulled DH aside and told him it was cruel to let me continue like that and that if I labored like that for the next probably hourish it would take to get to 10 she didn't think I would be able to push. I'm so thankful that they both pretty much made the decision for me when I was too far gone to make it myself.
I got an epidural and with being able to relax, was dilated to 10 in 20mins. They had me hold off on pushing while the baby descended more and so I could get some rest. There was a ton of pressure but I got to sleep between contractions for about an hour and that gave me the energy to start pushing at about 4:40 in the morning on 5/13.
About 40mins later Miriam Caroline arrived. She was born head and all in 1 push. I didn't get immediate skin to skin or delayed cord clamping because of the meconium but they put her on my chest for a moment while they cut the cord and as they were taking her off to suction I asked them to see her face and they held her up.
She was 7lb11oz, 20.5 oz, and born on my birthday and her due date. She was such an amazing trooper through the labor, I'm so grateful.
And I am thoroughly at peace with how everything worked out. I got to attempt a med-free birth and make decisions everyone was comfortable with, which was all I ever wanted. I think at this point the whole thing in retrospect is more upsetting to DH than to me. My pushing experience in particular was very different than I expected though- very quiet and DH and a nurse had to hold my legs and I had to be told when to push because I was so numb. I unfortunately got a 2nd degree tear but I'm already starting to feel better.