When to tell people????

Drama queen85

May 12, 2014
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Hello all, this is my first post, got my first BFP last week after our first month of trying!! :cloud9: DH and I know how lucky we are and can't wait to share the news with nearest and dearest. However I am only 5 weeks and 1 day along and know it's too early just yet, but when is the right time? Any advice warmly received. Xxxx :flower:
I've told our parents and my sisters but were waiting till twelve weeks to tell everyone else.

Congratulations by the way!! :happydance:
Even though most people wait until they are 12 weeks along before telling extended family and friends, those same people will tell their families pretty much straight away.
If your families have been supportive to you then there is no reason not to tell them now.
I was naughty and told them all before my official blood test to confirm, then announced it on facebook last week at only 8 weeks. I dont believe in the "once i tell people, something will go wrong" mentality- one of my friends announced her pregnancy at just 4 weeks (as soon as she knew) and she has a beautiful little boy.
I was naughty everyone knows. Im bloated n tired all time everyone basically quessed. I dnt believe in the 12 week thing. Its up to u when u say and when ur comfortable to tell everyone. Good luck with ur pregnancie xxx
Thanks ladies, think we're just nervous, excited and surprised it happened so quickly. DH now thinks he is a super stud!! Bless him x think we're going to wait until 8 weeks to tell the parents then tell friends later. It just sucks as due to the nature of my work Iv had to tell my boss straight away. Would have rather told family first xx
I didn't make it until 12 weeks with the last one and I've already spilled the beans to some people this time, too. :blush: Basically, I think the commonly accepted thing is to wait until the first tri is over and the miscarriage risk has gone down, but my doctor also told me that after a healthy heartbeat is seen at 8 weeks the risk is just about gone anyway. So that's when I did it.

With the public, that is. My family and close friends knew almost right away. I figured it wouldn't be the end of the world if (God forbid) something happened and I had to tell them the news - at least I'd have support. Do what you feel is right!

I didn't make it until 12 weeks with the last one and I've already spilled the beans to some people this time, too. :blush: Basically, I think the commonly accepted thing is to wait until the first tri is over and the miscarriage risk has gone down, but my doctor also told me that after a healthy heartbeat is seen at 8 weeks the risk is just about gone anyway. So that's when I did it.

With the public, that is. My family and close friends knew almost right away. I figured it wouldn't be the end of the world if (God forbid) something happened and I had to tell them the news - at least I'd have support. Do what you feel is right!


I did the same thing and told after my scan showed a healthy baby.

Also, is your sig supposed to say 2015?
For us we will wait to 12 weeks at least because of our miscarriage history x
after trying for 2 years I've decided not to tell anyone except the parents its hard thou when I'm talking to friends and i just wanna shout I'm pregnant at them lol I'm only 4 weeks thou and I'm waiting until 20
Im a little over 5 weeks and have told all of my family, and a few friends. I'm not going to post on facebook or anything like that for awhile, or maybe not at all. The people who matter, know already :)
I told my best friends at 5 weeks. We plan to tell our parents after our 12 week scan. My husbands parents can't keep a secret, so once they know, the entire world will know. Lol

I'll tell my job once I can't hide it anymore.

I don't think I'm going to make a Facebook announcement. People that matter will find out sooner or later.
With my first two children, I told everyone straight away.

With my m/c last year, we also spilled the beans immediately---and then we had a m/c two weeks later :cry:

When we conceive again, I plan to wait until we see a heartbeat.
I say tell when YOU feel comfortable. Before dd I was pregnant and told everyone after my u/s at 8 weeks with perfect HB and growth only to lose the baby at 12 weeks...so for me I feel like there is no safe time but at least I had everyones support. With this one close family knew right away and the rest of the world figured it out by 11 weeks as I am already showing.
We haven't told anyone yet (am 6+4).

This is our #3 and nobody really thinks/knows we want a third (my mum keeps making comments about how I should start getting rid of our baby stuff!!). My issue with telling people is that if something should happen, everyone would know we were keen for a third and then there would be pressure to conceive again very quickly. Telling people so early seems for us to increase the pressure to have a healthy pregnancy.

With #1 and #2 we told close family after early private scans at around 8wks, then everyone else after the NHS 12wk scan.

Something could go wrong at any point: at some point you have to tell people (or have them guess), so you just have to decide when's the right time for you.
With Alex we went for a meal with our parents, my sister and OH's brother and told them at 7 weeks pregnant. We were planning on announcing it after our scan to other people but MIL put it on facebook without even asking us! Was not impressed.

With my last pregnancy we told my mum, dad, sister and her bf at about 5 weeks. We told his dad a couple of weeks later and was going to tell his mum AFTER the scan but I had a mc at 11 weeks.

I want to tell my mum and dad in the next couple of weeks, one me and my mum are meant to be doing weight loss on a friday at her house and shes going to be suspicious, if I had morning sickness like I did with Alex then they will know straight away lol. OH doesn't want me to tell them until the scan, but my thinking is that if something went wrong again we would have their support.
We told people when I was 7 weeks. We had just gone to my first scan and it felt right so we announced!
i HATE telling people. I don't know why, just put it down to psycho pregnancy hormones!
So far my husband knows and no-one else. Despite being 36, married and this being baby number 4 for us there's something about having to tell my family that makes me feel like a scared 16 year old!
My boyfriend and I weren't planning on telling anyone until at least 3 months but I had to tell a girl at work today and I can't workout if I'm relieved someone else knows or more worried....

We will tell our parents and close family after the first tri then hold off as long as possible before telling anyone else.

Dawn x
After trying for 7 half long years I pretty much told all my family straight away, and a few of my OH's. I figured if something was going to go wrong at least I had had that special moment with them all. It's all I and my family have ever wanted. Now I'm 12 weeks and hoping to see a very happy healthy baby next week :)

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