where are all the ladies pregnant with twins???


single mum to 4 cuties
Sep 9, 2008
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hey everyone, this forum is dead so thought i would try and liven it up a bit lol. i am 13 weeks pregnant with monochorionic diamniotic twins:cloud9:. they are identical as they share the same placenta. i have had 2 scans so far. one was the dating scan and the other was the nuchal translucency scan which was amazing. i would love to hear from other women who are having or have had twins. i am due 09/08/09
I'm having twins!!
Congratulations and good luck!
Hi I'm having non-identical twins a wee boy and a wee girl! I'm due on the 3/05/09. Congratulations on your pregnancy! How are you feeling so far!
Baboo, we're due on the same day!
thats great that you two have the same due date! ive been fine so far thank you, no ms or anything. when did you feel movement? im only 13 weeks but im sure i feel it every now and again (i recognise the feeling as its the same as when pg with dd). do you have really big bumps lol im not showing yet. due for my 3rd scan soon, i cant wait, they are going to tell us the sexes!
I didn't really feel mine until about 20weeks, but i've never been pregnant before so i didn't really knw what i was supposed to be feeling -lol.
My bump is pretty huge now, people who dont know me think i'm due to give birth anyday now!!
What sex are you hoping for?
lol plus2- I'm the same I keep getting people asking when I'm due to give birth as I look full term now. I think I was feeling movements from about 15 weeks, but I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be feeling. One of my babies placenta is anterior so I didn't feel him until about 23 weeks.
i am hoping for girls but i will be happy with either as long as they make it to term!! i bet you are both really excited! i cant wait to feel proper kicks. my next scan is to check for ttts so i am quite nervous about it but looking forward to seeing them. wow you must be big if ppl already think you are due to give birth :rofl:
i just posted in another section asking if anyone else was expecting twins. i had an early ultrasound last wednesday just for dating but to my shock found out there were two babies in there. i am 6 weeks 5 days. scared and excited all at once. congrats on all your twinnies, and i am so glad i found you all! i have good days and bad, generally always more tired than usual, and have felt crappy but not puked yet. the days i feel better i just end up being paranoid about it though. next apt is feb 26 and ultrasound will be soon after. not sure if identical or not yet but they are in their own sacs. good luck to everyone!
ooooh how exciting, welcome highlandlassi! its such a shock when you find out isnt it! i havent had many symptoms either. up until about 10 weeks i was nauseus but never vomited,extremely tired and sensitive to smells. since about 10 weeks ive needed to pee more and still sleepy but thats about it! oh god and ive been extremely hungry 24-7 lol im glad ive found more ladies expecting twins :D
i am so glad to have pregnant with twin moms too. and a little selfish here but i am so excited that you are a little farther along than me so i have a bit of a mentor. hope you are ok with questions, i am sure i will have many as time passes. i woke up today feeling great, not even sore boobs so the paranoia is kicking in as it does on good days. no cramping or bleedin g though so trying not to worry. hope you all have a great day
oh god hun sooo many ppl write on here about their symptoms disappearing i'm sure everything is fine! i know what you mean about asking question and i'll b happy to answer if i can! ive got my 16 week scan soon and they are going to tell us the sex! have to keep going to london for scans which is a pain but at least i get to c them! how did the sonographer tell u it was twins? i was so shocked! he said to us "are you ready for the news?" i said yes and he said "it seems you have twins in there" lol
I'm currently 16 weeks pregnant with Monochroinic Monoamnotic twins (They share a placenta & sac)...Since the begining of the pregnancy i've had problems with bleeding. I recently found out i have a haematoma (bloodclot) on my placenta. I've been bleeding for 3+ weeks now with no break. So far i've had 7 scans to check my babies and their growth as they are apparently higher risk for TTTS and cord entwinement with being in the same sac. I have my gender scan tomorrow so will hopefully find out whether we're having little boys, or girls!! :)
mine are monochronic diamnotic (sp??) twins, but we need to realy find out their sex's as the ladies @ hospital have a feeling their placenta is either fused or too close together to see a gap between them, im so so excited!! i got my 20wk scan on the 17th feb so i got my fingers x'd everything goes fine..so how are you girls feeling??? x x x
hey havent posted in here for a while. i had a mw appt today and heard the heartbeats :cloud9: she said she couldnt guarantee it was def 2 individual hbs as they are so small and close together, one of them swam off just as she found hb lol they said all my bloods have come bk fine and im measuring 16 weeks (im 14 weeks) but thats ok because its twins. it was such a relief to hear heartbeats as at this stage i cant feel them move so im constantly worried (although im almost positive i felt a little poke this morning). only 2 weeks until my 16 week scan now!
Awwww...hello twin mommies. Congrats to you all. I'm also expecting twins...two girls. I'm so excited.
hey, im havin twins mono/di the same as you, unfortunatley i lost a twin at 25 weeks :cry: i had ttts, i wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy xxx
im so sorry for ur loss emxlouize. they are checking me for ttts at 16 and 18 weeks, i have to go to london for the scans. i can feel them moving now! for definate! its not constant but i know what im feeling as its the same as with dd, its lovely :cloud9:

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