Where's all the October mummies?


Had little Daniel a week late on 18/10/12 so he is 3 weeks old today. Had an epic 38 hour labour and had forceps delivery in theatre due to his heart rate dropping and cord around his neck.

Gaining weight well. Got colic unfortunatley but Colief seems to have cleared up the worst of it.

Hes a sleep fighter so I'm one exhausted mama!

Hope all you ladies are doing well x

Haha the things during contractions. Sit still for an epidural through contractions...hardest thing i've ever done!!!! Also going through the options of forceps or go straight for a caeserian, sign this and that, the effects of this and that...seriously LOL
Wow I don't log on for a day and I come back to so many replies! I forgot there was so many of us October mummies. Hi to you all, it's so good to hear from you all again and catch up! My LO is exactly three weeks old today. Can't believe she's already been in our lives for three weeks, but on the other hand, feels like she's been with us forever. I'm having a bit of a low day today as even though Aylin is such an angel, I'm finding that the twins are really playing up and I feel like I'm not coping well at all. Theyre constantly throwing temper tantrums and fighting with each other and screaming T the top of their lungs. The place is a tip, I can't keep up with the cleaning. And they've regressed. One was finally STTN but since the baby's arrival, h wakes twice a night and DH has to go lie with him until he falls asleep. He's not eating properly. He's starting biting holes in his dummies ( I've had to chuck two dummies away yesterday). I know he's doing all this as he's feeling insecure and wants my attention, but I have my hands literally full with the baby. She breastfeeds lot, so I find myself constantly occupied with her. The guilt is killing me. I'm thinking of changing to formula just so I can have more time with the twins. But this doesn't sit right with me as I've always breastfed all my babies for at least he first six months and I feel like I'll be failing her. Between my four LOs I have zero time for me. Feel exhausted. Sorry to put a downer on the thread. Just having a shitty day and wanted to vent. :(
Babe, I HAD to switch with Amelia, for the exact reasons you mention. I just didn't have time for Fin, and I HAD to have time for him that wasn't too far from what he was used to. It hurt my heart too much xx
Babe, I HAD to switch with Amelia, for the exact reasons you mention. I just didn't have time for Fin, and I HAD to have time for him that wasn't too far from what he was used to. It hurt my heart too much xx

It's horrible isn't it. They get plenty of attention from DH as he's not working at the moment also he's very hands on with them, otherwise I don't tank I would have been able to breastfeed at all. But I guess attention from mummy is still needed. Not that they don't get it at all, just not as much as before. They are really getting used to her now and are constantly stroking her or cooing over her, but I'm sure the tantrums are to do with their confusion over the baby, as they were never this bad before. Unless the terrible two stage has hit now and it's just a coincidence. Anyway, I'm going to give it another week and see how it goes. I know it would get better if I persevere as the older Aylin gets, the quicker her breastfeeding sessions will be. Just hope we can last until then. I don't want the boys to suffer, but I also want to give her the same start I gave all my boys. :( surely if I can breastfeed twins for 11 months, I can bf one baby for at least six!!
Babe, I HAD to switch with Amelia, for the exact reasons you mention. I just didn't have time for Fin, and I HAD to have time for him that wasn't too far from what he was used to. It hurt my heart too much xx

It's horrible isn't it. They get plenty of attention from DH as he's not working at the moment also he's very hands on with them, otherwise I don't tank I would have been able to breastfeed at all. But I guess attention from mummy is still needed. Not that they don't get it at all, just not as much as before. They are really getting used to her now and are constantly stroking her or cooing over her, but I'm sure the tantrums are to do with their confusion over the baby, as they were never this bad before. Unless the terrible two stage has hit now and it's just a coincidence. Anyway, I'm going to give it another week and see how it goes. I know it would get better if I persevere as the older Aylin gets, the quicker her breastfeeding sessions will be. Just hope we can last until then. I don't want the boys to suffer, but I also want to give her the same start I gave all my boys. :( surely if I can breastfeed twins for 11 months, I can bf one baby for at least six!!

I know how you feel hun, I have a 3 year old and a 10 year old. the elddest is fine apart from the usually sisterly disagreements. I have noticed my 3 year old s mood has changed slightly. She has always been quite sensitive and I was slightly worried about how the baby would afect her. She has had a few tantrums and had been so loud recently! Im not sure if it is because I am paying more attention to it or because I am telling her to be quite for baby and she is a bit jealous. Im not breastfeeding but baby does want to be held a lot! I am thinking about investing in a harness because I am finding it hard to get things done around the house. My 3 year old doesn't sleep through the night either, however we started geting OH up with her at night before baby came so she could get used to it.

Its so difficult, you have to teach them boundries, but you sdon't want to come down to hard either because its hard enough for them to adjust as it is. She has got better with the baby the past few days though, cuddling and kissing her, so im glad shes getting close to her now. I think when baby gets a few months older and more interactive it will be a lot easier as they will be able to amuse each other, kind of if you know what I mean! xx
Hi, :hi: just feeding at the moment but will post my details soon xx
Wow I don't log on for a day and I come back to so many replies! I forgot there was so many of us October mummies. Hi to you all, it's so good to hear from you all again and catch up! My LO is exactly three weeks old today. Can't believe she's already been in our lives for three weeks, but on the other hand, feels like she's been with us forever. I'm having a bit of a low day today as even though Aylin is such an angel, I'm finding that the twins are really playing up and I feel like I'm not coping well at all. Theyre constantly throwing temper tantrums and fighting with each other and screaming T the top of their lungs. The place is a tip, I can't keep up with the cleaning. And they've regressed. One was finally STTN but since the baby's arrival, h wakes twice a night and DH has to go lie with him until he falls asleep. He's not eating properly. He's starting biting holes in his dummies ( I've had to chuck two dummies away yesterday). I know he's doing all this as he's feeling insecure and wants my attention, but I have my hands literally full with the baby. She breastfeeds lot, so I find myself constantly occupied with her. The guilt is killing me. I'm thinking of changing to formula just so I can have more time with the twins. But this doesn't sit right with me as I've always breastfed all my babies for at least he first six months and I feel like I'll be failing her. Between my four LOs I have zero time for me. Feel exhausted. Sorry to put a downer on the thread. Just having a shitty day and wanted to vent. :(

:hugs: Vent away huni, better shared than locked inside.

As far as your twins go - they remind me of my 2 year old... And he rarely STTN either :(

Since my LO's arrival just over 2 weeks ago he has started screaming louder than he was already (not crying but high pitched squealing screams), if i have a visitor he doesn't know (midwife/health visitor for example) he plays up real bad, go into their stuff etc... He didn't do this before. When I go out with people he kicks off big, throws himself on the floor and paddies etc. When we go out on our own he is much better....

Unreal how our new arrivals can cause such upset to them... I try to share my time as evenly as possible, even save spending "too much time" hugging Faith so that he doesn't feel left out and it isn't doing me any favours.

Its hard hun, and a very testing time.

Don't be so hard on yourself as far as the breastfeeding goes. If you think putting LO onto formula will help and benefit then go for it, you've already given LO a good start :) And things will have been so much easier for you when you were breastfeeding the twins, they weren't running around and causing a riot then...

Keep your chin up hun and remember we are here for you :) Anytime you need to rant :) xxx :hugs:
Hi! Robyn was due 26th October. Had a c section scheduled for 16th due to GD and breech. But my waters broke at 9:00 on the 11th, contractions started straight after. Painful back contractions. Every couple of minutes. and they only gave me paracetamol for the pain, because I was only 1 1/2cm dilated. My c section was brought forward and Robyn was born 16:58, weighing 6lb 14oz.

Breastfeeding has been a struggle to say the least, Robyn went down to 6lb 3oz by day 4 and I expressed milk for her. we're getting there now and Robyn weighed 8lb 4oz at 3 1/2 weeks old :D

Robyn is a good baby and hardly cries- so long as she's being cuddled! I am lucky to be able to put her down for 15 minutes.

Chetnaz- I bought a stretchy wrap which Robyn seems to like so I an have my hands back. could you maybe get something similar to nurse Aylin in? Then you have your hands free and can move around a bit to pay attention to your other 3.
I had my little boy on 30th October, 5 days over, via EMCS. He weighed 7lb 3oz.
He's not been weighed in 10 days so I'm taking him to clinic today. He was 5oz up on his birth weight at 5 days though!
I'm BF and it seems to be going well.
He sleeps in 3-4 hour chunks so I don't feel as tired as I did at this point with my first.

Hope you and you LOs are all well.

Hi all, just thought I'd bump this thread up to see how everyone's doing now that our babies are reaching three-months!

Molly's so much fun now, she goos and coos and gurgles and shrieks :) me and her daddy often wake up laughing listening to her morning chorus.

She's much more wakeful now and if she naps for more than an hour we're lucky. So although she demands more attention than as a newborn, life with her feels much easier. Specially now she's on a bottle.

I recently packed away her newborn clothes ready for her sibling in a couple of years time and she's starting to wear 3-6 month clothes.

Being a mama is the best!!! Its going so quickly though :(
LO just turned 3 months 4 days ago and i can't believe how big he is! he's turned into a little person and we can see a little personality coming through! i love it so much! watching him learn and discover new things is so amazing to watch!

i just put away his newborn and some 0-3 month clothes :( he fits well into some SIX MONTH clothes!! unbelievable.

his naps are usually an hour the most, so he is more demanding but i love it! i love playing and talking to him. i just love being a mommy!! :)
Aw its so nice to hear how you're getting on. Me and Sophie finally appear to have won the battle with breastfeeding and on Monday she was 13lb 7oz despite occasionally sleeping 10 hours through the night.
We've also managed to start freezing a stash of milk but she's refusing a bottle still so we'll save it until she gets the hang of her cup.
I know exactly what you mean about their little personalities. Both my mum and the health visitor have commented on how content she is but with a proper temper!
I'm still not bored of showing her off and i don't think i ever will be x
Forgot to mention Sophie has also been referred to the community pediatrician to see if she needs further investigations for Spina Bifida Occulta. Im not worried though because she's perfect to me either way x

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