I'm due to Ov in about 8 days....although I've been stuffing myself full of EPO in an effort to lengthen my Luteal Phase. So whether that will bring Ov forward, lengthen my cycle overall, do nothing, or just drown me in a huge pile of EWCM I don't know!
Good luck ladies xx
Last month was my first time using preseed.....
I have little to no EWCM ( egg white cervical mucus for u newbies) and foudn it helped with ealry mornign . I am usually half asleep and my body takes time to wake up. It is also a little extra help to get those swimmers where they need to be.
i am all for it........I think I read on a journal that one husband doesn't like it....but mine didn't complain yet.
so lyns...when do you think you will be in the 2ww?...i should be in it by tuesday myself