Who's ovulating Today?

I haven't even got to the end yet!! My bump isn't uncomfortable yet so I dread to think how impatient I will be once I start to get fed up of being pregnant.

Yeah the nursery is ready, still waiting for my husband to finish putting the furniture together though. But I think we have everything we need for the room, apart from curtains, and its all decorated now!

I bet you can't wait! When will you get to find out? Yay you're a lime now! I remember being a lime and getting really excited
When did you start showing? It must feel great to have everything organized.

I was very excited becoming a lime too :) usually you find out around week 20 right? My scan isn't booked yet but it will probably be around January 20th. I just can't wait for that!
Yeah I found out at 20 weeks :) wasn't sure if its the same where you are!
Sorry didnt notice the first part Of your post! I started showing about... Well it's hard to say really... I've really popped out in the last 3 or 4 weeks, but my bump started growing I guess around 14 weeks :) it's getting bigger by the day now!!

You're 12 weeks that's fantastic, bet you're feeling so much less stressed now, I remember getting to that point where you start to feel more relaxed and settled in to pregnancy. I can't believe I'm only a week away from third tri now it's going so fast!
Omg already! It's been going fast for me too in the past couple weeks so you were right. I feel much more secure now and I had my scan this week too! I will have to post the pic once I get on my laptop. I think that's what my friend told me too that she started showing around 14-16 weeks. Do do you get any other scans in the third tri?
Wow it's amazing to see the difference between the first 2 scans! We get 2 NHS scans one at 12 and one at 20 weeks. So no more free scans for me! I am booking a private 4d one though for just after Xmas, for our joint Xmas present to each other :)
Thanks :)

That is such a cute gift! Those scans are really cool you will see eveything.
Hey, how are you doing? You're a peach already!! I remember being about 13 weeks and it was lovely every time I progressed to the next one. Second tri is much easier than first tri, you begin to feel better and don't worry as much :) I can't believe im in my last week of second tri!!! Almost time to start thinking about the birth eek
Oh third tri here you come! Are you nervous about the birth? I am and think about it every day. I feel like I don't know what to expect and what to do. Must keep on reading my books! Are you taking prenatal classes?

Tomorrow will be 14 weeks! How incredibly fast this first trimester has gone by. I feel exactly like you say. No more worries like the begining it just feels so real. All I need is a bump now :haha:
Not really, it sounds stupid but to be honest I havent really thought about it! I think more about being pregnant and then physically having my baby afterwards.. I often forget that I've got to go through the birth first! I've not started classes yet, but maybe once I do it will start to seem more real!

Ahh you should hopefully be rid of the sickness soon.. Think mine started to fade around 14 weeks! It's a horrible stage though, have you been very sick?
Well that's good you must be feeling relaxed and easy about giving birth. Let me know how the classes go. I'm thinking I'd be interested in the labour related ones.

My ms has been so bad that I take the medication. That teaches me to worry about not having any at first remember? :haha:
Wow, I never had to take the medication and I felt pretty bad - you must be feeling awful!! Hope it passes soon, you're right I felt the same - and as soon as I got it I wished I'd enjoyed feeling good while it lasted!
And the ms continues but how can I complain when I feel so happy. Were you throwing up a lot? Without the meds I would be so useless at work.

Look at how chubby and cute that baby looks in your ticker! :hugs:
I threw up usually every other day for about 6 weeks, so wasn't too bad really I was quite lucky. It was normally after eating which was so frustrating as then I'd be starving hungry! You're right though it's all worth it :)

Ahh I know! Was watching a programme the other day about premature babies and I was thinking wow, my Alfie's bigger than that now! It was so surreal.
I really miss our conversations here...i just don't feel like I have anything to add since I'm stuck in ttc land :(

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