Sparks - so are you gonna start TTC after Meadow's Birthday? We are crossing our fingers that we get our BFP quicker this time - 3 cycles with #1, 2 cycles with #2 so maybe first time lucky with #3???? That would mean I was due around the time of Heebs 2nd birthday....
OH said in one year we can try. Fingers crossed that everythings in place financially by then. Hes convinced its going to happen first cycle.... Im not!
Im waiting til we've moved (some of you may have seen my other post 'Waiting for house') hate the waiting but hopefully not too much longer! (hoping to start ttc sept/oct once we've had a month or so to settle in ).
my reasons are that i wanted Annabelle to have turned 2 by the time i have another baby or be very close to it. i am waiting till beginning of next year i will return to work full time. the original plan was to wait until june next year to TTC but think it will be anytime from january as long as my management course is completed so then when im ready to return to work i can and will have further qualifications behind me
Im WTT (and recently cant wait to have another bubba) because of debt where IM living and really need to get my career running... so thinking it will be about 3 years ..
Well it's nice to get an idea of everyone's situations. Thanks girls!! Let's hope the wait to TTC doesnt drag but we enjoy our time between now and our BFPs!
I'm here coz we're waiting to be a bit more financially stable, in our own home (rented probably) and to let old wounds heal a bit before we consider another baby.
I joined BNB in Oct, me and OH wanted to wait till we bought our first house, which we have done and get the keys in 3 weeks 1 day! We want some time settling into the house too. There was a point where i wanted/would like a sept/oct baby so did think about trying at christmas but we will have saved a lot more money by July 10 so going to wait till then.
(if i can wait that long) lol
lissssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! so good to see you here hon :wave: how exciting no 3 for you well we're wtt as we would like a bigger age gap between maddi and no 2 and we also need to move (and the selling market isn't fab right now) and we also are getting married in Florida in a few years - and wouldn't want to take a baby out there, so thats our reasons - hope to start trying when maddi turns 3 i think - we should be sorted in the next two years and sooooo hoped to be blessed again - with my pcos we only took 9 months to conceive maddi, so would be amazing to conceive no 2 within a year xxx
I'm in here cos of OH. Sometimes he says we're never having anymore and other times he says to ask him in a couple of years - but I want one now!!!!!!! He says we wouldn't be able to cope but I don't see why not, everyone else does! Oh well, at least i've got Charlie to keep me busy!
We're waiting for Jessica to have her operation (this month) and get used to using her prosthesis. We also need to save some money up and work out where we would put bubba no.2. Maybe see if we can get planning permission for an extension and save some cash up towards it. I would love to just go for it now tho lol xXx
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