why push for so long?


First Time Mum
May 3, 2011
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Anyone know why pushing sometimes takes so long?
I spent 3hrs pushing and ended up with a bitch of an episiotomy.
Yet some people push for 5minutes.
I think it's to do with the baby getting past the pubic bone? Now I could be wrong but I know some babies have a harder time pushing past that part and when women need help its usually past that part? Correct me if I'm wrong anyone? But that's what I thought anyway :) both my boys came out in 3 pushes but I started to push when head was already visible they moved their way down to that part on their own without me pushing. I know some ladies start pushing when the get to 10cms even if the head isn't visible? So it suppose it just depends on baby's position and mothers frame and how big baby is? Xxxxx
It was 2 hrs and a blown out vag for me as well. It was getting under the pelvic bone that was the problem. However, my hips seem a foot wider now so hoping next time will be easier!
I pushed for over 2 hours after her hair started to show. I think her shoulders were a tight fit.
My first was just a little guy. Pushed 6 min and he popped out on push 3 head and all. The midwife was caught by surprise and barely caught him.
For me I pushed on my back so that really slowed things down. He was quite big and had his hand up by his face so those were other factors. Also he was turning as he came down and I think that slowed the process down? And I have a narrow pelvis. Lots of factors! Hopefully we all have faster pushing times next time around :). Well except you Seity, don't want your midwife to have a heart attack! :haha:
I've heard tall women have a shorter time "pushing" because things aren't as bunched up so babies have an easier time getting out? It also can sometimes have to do with how you push? Not you specifically...clearly things like pelvic size, shoulders ect ect...all are uncontrollable factors for sure...but like I had a friend whose dr told she was pushing wrong..not that that's helpful at all but it did play a part..maybe some women are afraid to poop so they don't push from their butt? Or even where to push? I mean if I hadn't taken my prenatal course and watched 3 months worth of babies stories...not sure i would have either!!?! Lmao!!
1st I pushed for 1 hr15 with no urge to push and then she went into distress and I needed ventouse (she was posterior though) 2nd I didn't push as such, no actual deliberate pushing, my body did it all for me and she just flew out in 2 minutes. Good thing too as the PAIN right at the end...ugh! Would have died if she hadnt plopped out so fast!

I think its to do with shape of pelvis, position of baby and whether its your first birth or not.
How do others push for so long without giving out due to pure exhaustion? I had a 56 hour labour, but I only pushed for 20 minutes. Those 20 minutes were by far the most exhausting part of my labour. It's hard work pushing a baby out! I'm impressed that someone can do that for hours.
How do others push for so long without giving out due to pure exhaustion? I had a 56 hour labour, but I only pushed for 20 minutes. Those 20 minutes were by far the most exhausting part of my labour. It's hard work pushing a baby out! I'm impressed that someone can do that for hours.

I found pushing really exhausting but the adrenaline kept me going. I was only in labour for 6 hours though, don't think I could have done it for 56 hours!! Yikes!
I pushed for 4 hours as my contractions slowed! There wasn't a contraction to hold him so he kept going back!!! They have me a drip to quicken things in the end. This time round ill be asking for that drip a whole lot quicker if my contractions slow..... My mini can't take that again..... Ouch!!!!!

With Earl it took 36 minutes to push him out, but he got a bit stuck and I also am pretty sure I wasn't pushing right to begin with. After about 20 minutes of very little progress I got very angry, switched position to on all fours and basically snorted him out (very glamourous! lol) but only took 16 minutes from hair showing properly to having him out.

Eddy - well, I only actually remember consciously pushing twice. I had excruciating pain as he passed through (or should I say barged through) my pelvis. As soon as he was through I felt his entire weight sitting between my legs and he was crowning. It felt like he dropped about a foot! lol. The only time I pushed was the birth his head properly and then again for his shoulders as they get a bit wedged so I had to give mini-pushes.

I'm told it took a while but I don't actually remember as I was in so much pain I was pretty far gone on G&A. I can however, remember the immense relief when he was born lol. That feeling is amazing! lol :blush:
It can depend how high baby is above the ischial spines when you start to push, obviously the lower the better. Can also depend on position you're in. Upright/all fours etc has gravity on your side as opposed to laying down which can speed things up. Also some women don't push effectively...as horrible as that sounds. Not pushing in the right place/ sheer exhaustion etc are all factors x
I am hoping this baby is easier than my first . He was posterior with a hand on his head for good measure. . . No2 was an emcs. I am really hopeful for a successful VBAC .xx
Many times it's because you're laying flat on your back and pushing against gravity.
I found flat on my back the most comfortable both times. I think knowing how to push effectively is a huge part of it. 6 min for first baby, 5 min for second and that was with having to stop while the midwife unwrapped the cord from around his neck and then eased his fist/hand out because he'd stuck it up by his chin.
I only had to push for 9 mins....and he was breech..... I must have child bearing hips! lol

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