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Wicked Witch has arrived!! TTC BUDDIES - *1st BFP Confirmed!*

Oops I forgot to attach the photo so here it is.

Oh and I forgot to say which's CD they were so from top to bottom it goes


And I did two today which is CD17 and they were both positive.
Yep yesterdays was definitely a positive! Yeah they are IC's. If you are doing SMEP, bd for 3 days from and inc day of first OPK then have a day off and then bd one more time for good luck. Then bd for fun!

I haven't been diagnosed with anything. I was on the pill for 12 years! I stopped in March but my cycles don't seem to know what to do with themselves. Only been TTC since July but only had 2 cycles and this one since then. All explained in my journal if you want more info. I spoke to a doctor (GP/Family practitioner) today, casual chat not formal. She doesn't think the pill caused my problems but maybe masked them. She said to try for another 3 months then if nothing maybe have a chat with my GP to get the ball rolling for tests.

You're CM descriptions sound good. I'll send you a link of how to interpret. Basically watery/egg white around ov and creamy before and sometimes after.
Looks good Ash. If you've been going along BDing every other day then you should be golden.

Hoping- I'm not trying to be mean or anything but either your OH has his head up his but or he didn't know you were TTC. I also wonder as I read all the back and forth the two of you have been having and it makes me ask why if he's already got 4 kids with someone else perhaps he thought that was plenty to support. Maybe he's worried about money.
Yep yesterdays was definitely a positive! Yeah they are IC's. If you are doing SMEP, bd for 3 days from and inc day of first OPK then have a day off and then bd one more time for good luck. Then bd for fun!

I haven't been diagnosed with anything. I was on the pill for 12 years! I stopped in March but my cycles don't seem to know what to do with themselves. Only been TTC since July but only had 2 cycles and this one since then. All explained in my journal if you want more info. I spoke to a doctor (GP/Family practitioner) today, casual chat not formal. She doesn't think the pill caused my problems but maybe masked them. She said to try for another 3 months then if nothing maybe have a chat with my GP to get the ball rolling for tests.

You're CM descriptions sound good. I'll send you a link of how to interpret. Basically watery/egg white around ov and creamy before and sometimes after.

Looking forward to that link. I also have one more question ... Sorry!! You just seem to have so much knowledge on all of this!

Last night when me and OH were BDing it kinda hurt ... like I'm assuming he was hitting my cervix and that normally doesn't happen .... When your Oing is your cervix lower than normal or higher? Sorry for the TMI!

FX'd for your BFP soon! And hopefully no testing needs to be done!
Looks good Ash. If you've been going along BDing every other day then you should be golden.

Hoping- I'm not trying to be mean or anything but either your OH has his head up his but or he didn't know you were TTC. I also wonder as I read all the back and forth the two of you have been having and it makes me ask why if he's already got 4 kids with someone else perhaps he thought that was plenty to support. Maybe he's worried about money.

Me and OH have been Oing so much lately .. I'm exhausted! :haha: Every other day from CD8 to my pos OPK. Since I got my first pos OPK yesterday we did it last night and we'll be doing it the next 4 days! Oh and we're using Preseed and I had an HSG about a week and a half ago and both tubes were open.

I'm hoping that it may have cleared out any mucus that may have been in the way and I'll get that BFP!


Lots of baby :dust: to everyone!
Yep yesterdays was definitely a positive! Yeah they are IC's. If you are doing SMEP, bd for 3 days from and inc day of first OPK then have a day off and then bd one more time for good luck. Then bd for fun!

I haven't been diagnosed with anything. I was on the pill for 12 years! I stopped in March but my cycles don't seem to know what to do with themselves. Only been TTC since July but only had 2 cycles and this one since then. All explained in my journal if you want more info. I spoke to a doctor (GP/Family practitioner) today, casual chat not formal. She doesn't think the pill caused my problems but maybe masked them. She said to try for another 3 months then if nothing maybe have a chat with my GP to get the ball rolling for tests.

You're CM descriptions sound good. I'll send you a link of how to interpret. Basically watery/egg white around ov and creamy before and sometimes after.

Looking forward to that link. I also have one more question ... Sorry!! You just seem to have so much knowledge on all of this!

Last night when me and OH were BDing it kinda hurt ... like I'm assuming he was hitting my cervix and that normally doesn't happen .... When your Oing is your cervix lower than normal or higher? Sorry for the TMI!

FX'd for your BFP soon! And hopefully no testing needs to be done!

Your cervix should be soft, high, open and wet - SHOW. If it's low you have probably ovulated. Bding can be painful if your cervix is low or it could be that it's a little 'bruised' from all the bding. I'd say bd tonight, tomorrow if you want to then have a night off. If you check you cervix and it's closed and low then you can be pretty sure you ovulated. The majority ovulate 36hours after the first positive OPK. The site peeonastick.com is good for info on OPKs. I'll find and send you the CM one later or tomorrow morning.

Have fun!
Can't find the exact website I was looking for but

This one looks good.

Also check out Amanda Bears website and if you don't mind TMI and not squeamish then check out My Beautiful Cervix for pictures!
Can't find the exact website I was looking for but

This one looks good.

Also check out Amanda Bears website and if you don't mind TMI and not squeamish then check out My Beautiful Cervix for pictures!

I checked out that my beautiful cervix with my OH :O website and we both found it fascinating!
Good morning all. Not such a good morning for me though :( I think AF is here. I had some spotting pink on the tissue this morning already. Going to see if this picks up though as my temps are still above the coverline on FF. If this is the true AF then I'm going to do some serious dieting and try to get at least 5 pounds off this next month. None of my winter clothes fit from last year. Skin tight is not a good look on me!
Sorry to hear that Messy. Hope it's just implantation spotting. I can't see you chart. Have your temps fallen at all?
Sorry to hear that Messy. Hope it's just implantation spotting. I can't see you chart. Have your temps fallen at all?

They fell slightly. Why can't you see it? I have a big FF ticker that's supposed to link to my chart. Did it disappear on me?
put on jeans this morning the "fat jeans" and i have to unbutton them :(
Hoping - you got a bump? How are things going?

Messy - sorry, I'm being stupid. Didn't realise the ticker linked to FF chart!
Messy - hope AF doesn't come for u.

I guess it was lucky that mine did come. Tom is leaving and I'm too stubborn to tell him not to. So guess I reeeeeally need to shift some of this weight if I'm back on the shelf or it may just collapse!!
What the hell am I gonna do?? We r moving in less than 2 weeks, or supposed to be. I'm spinning out here... :/

How is everyone else? Better I hope!! X
Oh Carly what a mess. What happened? Has he said he's leaving or you just having a break? Maybe the stress has got to him too?

Do you want him to stay? How do you feel about it? Massive :hugs:
things are horrible... completely horrible... and i little bump i guess
That he's leaving. Becoz I tell him to all the time (which I do when we row to be fair) but I just said so what if I do? Every1 says stupid stuff wen they row! If I'd really wanted him to go I'd throw his stuff from the bedroom window or summit... So yesterday I was ready to make up. But after he'd ignored me all day long. Ate tea that I had made especially without sayin a word, and then sat playin on his phone before going to bed, the anger in me is just too strong now to even try and make up - especially as HE was the one who started shouting and swearing at me for nothing!
So he's said that he's leaving and if I can't swallow my pride and ask him to stay face to face than over text then he's going. So I guess he's going. I think a bit of me is testin the boundaries a little bit... Another bit of me is dying inside... And another bit is scared to death... And another bit is thinking maybe its the right thing and I deserve better? But IS there better? Y should I pander to his insecurities when I haven't actually done anything? If he wants to leave he can I guess... But there's gonna be a foot thru his TV before he got chance to take it.
It sounds like he should be apologising to you. The thing you have to ask yourself is is thus the person I want to spend the rest of my life with and want a child with?

Does he make you happy? Don't stay with him because you are worried you won't find better. You are young and you will.

Have a good think but try and calmly talk to him.

Good luck. Thinking of you. :hugs:

And you too Hoping :hugs:
I just don't know anymore. We just seem to row a lot lately. I know I'm not easy to live with. Going thru so much with FOB when I was younger has made me hard work... I know I got issues. He knows I got issues! I'm guarded, I'm stubborn and I'm firey! I get so scared of letting myself be a mug like I was before that I go to the other extreme I think.
I can't see myself with anyone else... But is that the same thing as seeing me with him? I don't know... Balls in his court anyways. Its out of my hands!
Thanks Rach :hugs:
That pic of Elliot is so cute!

Whats FOB? I think every couple goes through a rough patch and it can get through hopefully you'll be able to communicate better and have a stronger relationship. You have both had a very emotional month and have a lot of stress with the house and everything. I think maybe you are both letting that stress out on each other. The ball's only in his court if you let it be. You can always meet half way, but don't let him make you feel that you have done something wrong. You haven't.

As i've said before I think things always work out how they should. I'm here if you need me. :hugs:

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