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Wicked Witch has arrived!! TTC BUDDIES - *1st BFP Confirmed!*

Isn't it just? He really was the cutest baby... I know all mothers think that, but he really was. Lol. He must've been just over 1 on that pic. :hugs: I miss baby Elliot. Kids really do grow up too fast!!

FOB is father of baby.

Yea ur right. I do need to swallow some of this pride and make things right... To be fair it normally is him who waves the white flag. Maybe I shud for once. I guess we both are feeling the stress of everything... When did u get so smart Rachel??? Lol :hugs: star u r xx
I think you should tell him how you feel. Swallowing your pride isn't that bad. He should also know how his words hurt you and maybe setting the tone yourself will allow him to also say he's sorry for his actions and you guys can come up with a way to work things out.
we are sitting and chatting tonight. im nervous after the convo we had this morning and argued.
Sorry message as I'm out.

Good luck hoping! Be honest!

Carly - I'm not that smart, it's just easier from the outside. Good luck.X
This is kinda random but I'm still excited about it. So I havent been charting my temp, just keeping a record of it on my phone but I finally got a FF account and charted it and even though I only had like .. maybe a week of temps I like the way the chart looks and I'm looking forward to doing it all of the time!
Hey Ash. That's great. Link your chart to your sig so we can have a look!
Hey Ash. That's great. Link your chart to your sig so we can have a look!

How do you do that? Haha I'm so new to this!


Here's the link :)
so my predictor says its a boy and i honestly think that because, i dont feel any different!!! my face is so clear!!! im not sick one bit, my boobs are larger but dont hurt to had. just bloated!!! ill take a pic later of the bump
Hey Ash. That's great. Link your chart to your sig so we can have a look!

How do you do that? Haha I'm so new to this!


Here's the link :)

On FF if you go to your chart, click on sharing, then get code, copy the link for bb boards and paste in your sig on here. Left hand side of CP page.
Ash, looks like you got on there just in time. With the rise in your temp I'd say in a few more days it will throw on crosshairs for O and a coverline!
Ash, looks like you got on there just in time. With the rise in your temp I'd say in a few more days it will throw on crosshairs for O and a coverline!

What do the crosshairs and coverline show you? Sorry I'm new at this!
Yep agree with Messy! I'd say you ovulated Cd18, though maybe
Cd19. Had to say for definite without more temps. That's a good spike.

Really hope you caught that egg!!

Hoping - great the pregnancy is going well even if everything else is going crazy. Hope the talk goes well tonight.
Ash, looks like you got on there just in time. With the rise in your temp I'd say in a few more days it will throw on crosshairs for O and a coverline!

What do the crosshairs and coverline show you? Sorry I'm new at this!

Cross hairs show you your ovulation day. Coverline is a guidance for pre Ov post Ov temps. It's not physiological but gives a clear separation between pre/post Ov.

Copied from FF-
My temperature has dipped below the coverline during the luteal phase. Does this mean I didn't really ovulate? Could I still be pregnant?

The coverline carries no physiological meaning. It is just a visual tool to help you see your ovulation pattern. Whether or not your temperature rises or falls below this line does not necessarily indicate anything significant. Individual temperatures can fluctuate at any time of the cycle, for both hormonal or non-hormonal reasons. A single dropped temperature usually doesn't mean much. You want to look at "the big picture" and see a pattern of temperatures over time. As long as you can see a biphasic pattern and a trend towards elevated temperatures after ovulation, there is no need to worry about a single dropped temperature or two.

If, however, you have so many lower temperatures that you can no longer see a biphasic pattern on your chart, (and you are taking your temperature accurately) this could mean that you did not yet ovulate and should consider yourself potentially fertile so you don't miss an opportunity to conceive.
Hoping not to be a downer if you are excited about having a boy, but (LOL) my face broke out bad when I was prego with my son. I am talking zits that were like knots and they hurt so bad. I haven't had breakouts like that until this week since being pregnant and I am due to test on Monday. Fingers crossed. I was also sick! So far I am 9 DPO and I have sensative nipples and the break outs and that is it. I am trying to have some will power and not test until Monday. I usually start testing on 8 DPO so I am pretty proud of myself for waiting.
Hoping- I was also covered in zits with my pregnancy with my son. I don't think any of those things for it's a boy if...or a girl if... work. I think you need to just relax and enjoy being pregnant. We'd all love to be in your shoes. Perhaps you could go in the pregnancy part of Bump and compare symptoms there with other pregnant people.
Carly - how you feeling today?

Messy - how are you? Really sorry the witch got you. :hugs: Are you planning anything different for next month?

Angelria - fingers crossed for you. Hope you're will power lasts and you get a BFP on Monday.
Hey Rach. I'm ok... Me and Tom had a little chat, and a little cuddle. I think we'll be ok.... We just need to get thru this stressful patch and I'm sure we'll be fine. I need to stop lashing out with my tongue coz I have got a spiteful mouth on me at times. :shrug:
We'll get in the new house which will help... And with not TTC that will be less stressful and we can maybe start enjoyin ourselves more, than just bein totally :sex: out after fertility week that we hardly :sex: for fun anymore. That's not good for a relationship I'm sure... It puts negative tension where there isn't any need for it! So yes, I think we'll make it thru :)

My mother on the other hand... Phoned her upset and then find out she told my sister, who I don't get on with, who thinks her relationship is so perfect becoz she can do and say what she likes to her "yes man" fiance as he hasn't got any balls to say anything back to her. Not happy and told her so - and she started swearin at me too!! No wonder her and Tom don't get on well... They r the same person. Niether can be told they are wrong without losing their heads...

That's enough moaning from me tho! I'm boring myself. :yawn: lol.
How are u Rach?

Messy - sorry AF got u. :( hope ur not takin it too badly... :hugs:

Hoping - haven't read all the way back coz my phones too slow, but in regards to what the others are sayin, my skin was DISGUSTING when I got pregnant with Elliot. Face, chest, back... Covered in spots! Gross!! My skins never gone back as it was either. Its super sensitive on my back and chest and face... Nightmare! Had never had a spot beforei got pregnant! Was hoping gettin pregnant again might kick my body back to how it was. Lol.

Ang - weldone on the will power!! Not long to go now! Hope u get ur BFP!!
God well since i havent been on here soooooo much has gne on i think i have caught up on stuff,.

Carly:- am glad u have sorted things out, i think im quiet like u and never wants to be the one tht gives in but sometimes it just needs to be done but am happy ur getting things back on track, and hopefully without all the stress of everything ya never no ur luck may be in.

Messy :- sorry to hear tht W(B)ITCH got to u agen ull do it soon i no u will :D

Ash :- hello im new to all this aswell and its great being on here and hearing other peoples stories and knowing you have support of the girls, nt tht i get on here tht much in the evening but i try to keep up with everyone.

Hoping :- dont actually no if i have ever said congrats to u but big hugs aswell for what u going through with ur MUPPET OH lol gd luck to u and let us no how the chat goes.

Well i let my rabbit out today for the first time in a few days and god its a little bugga chasin it rwnd the house bloddy stressin me out makes me fink how will i cope with a child...... am sure ill manage though wen it does come :D

Well gd luck everyone fingers crossed speak soon xxxxx
Well I caved today when I got out of school and took a store brand digital test. BFN :( I really wasn't expecting a positive. I took a store brand digital one and I know they are not as sensative. I will wait now until Monday and see what happens.

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