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Wicked Witch has arrived!! TTC BUDDIES - *1st BFP Confirmed!*

I'm just waiting it out. Only cd4. Got ages to wait. Think we've decided to have a chilled month after last months stress. Just gonna bd every other day and not worry about OPKs. I am going to chart though so I have some proof to show the doctors if my LP is short in the next 2 cycles.

How are you and everyone else?
everything has gne quiet on here any news anyone? xxx

I've been SS .... :blush: terrible, but I can't help it!

I'm having cramps today and AF isn't due for 6 days, my temp is still up. I'm hoping maybe implantation cramps because they say that implantation can happen from days 8-10 ... I'm sure it can happen before, since everyone is different. It's also a different cramping, it's kinda of like a pressure and pulling sensation and I've been very dizzy all day ... who knows! :wacko:

SS drives me crazy.

How are you doing ?
Hey girls!
Well my chilled mth is going a bit too chilled :sex: wise... Think its been once since AF showed. Lol. We r both super stressed about moving tho, and OH is working 13hr days, and I'm finishing work and havin to juggle myself between mother, wifey, decorator, removal man... Even had a nice juicy coldsore and a 3day migrain to compliment my stress! We have to be out of our rented house completely by 22nd and our house has looooads to do, and our new boiler is playin funny buggars! I'm about to melt down!! Least I don't have to anxiously wait for AF this mth coz the way its going, there's no chance there will be any SME going on.
Night out with the girls on Saturday tho! Appauling timing, and OH is shootin me daggers everytime I mention it. But its to wet my mates babies heads, so I gotta go! And I neeeeeeed a night out too!

AFM - we have 2 new additions that will be part of the family as of the 18.12.11! 2 (not so little) Dogue de Bordeaux X Bullmastiff puppies!!! :happydance: Names are currently in dicussion... OH likes Denzel and Amber. I like Fred and Ginger or Samson and Delilah. Anyone got any suggestions? The Girl in the gingery 1 on the left, the boy is the right. Only a week old there - eyes not even open and look at the size!!! 2 pups in a dog that normally births litters of 8-9. Biiiig dogs...


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awww how cute r they carly am likin samson and ginger, ive got a girls night out on sat too my OH aint to happy tho he dosnt like me goin out lol but sod um he went out last week.
I've been doing OPKs and still nt rly had a positive i had a slight tiny line on the 8th but tht was it all the other have now been negative ive only got a few left im going to do them n then give up on um. Feel like im wasting my money tbh and maybe get into the mode tht the rest of u are and not take it so seriously, i know its only been my first month in trying but im becoming obsessed with it i think. Tbh we BD mostly every night so i dnt rly need to be doing OPKs but ya just like to know thy you have done it at the right time dont u. I dont rly know if its right its been 15day since the witch last left, just have to wait n c i suppose *sighs* i hate waiting around xxx
They are so cute. I like all those names so I'm not help. I think my favourites are Fred or Denzel and Ginger. They are going to be massive.

You'll get there with the house. It's going to be so amazing once you move in.
Enjoy your girls night out. We all deserve them.

Sara - Sorry you're still waiting. What day did you start using OPKs? If you are regular bders I wouldn't bother with OPKs they are not meant to increase your chances any more than bding every other day. And can be expensive and stressful.

Ash - Fingers crossed.

Hoping - Hope your OH has come around.

Messy - How are you?

AFM - Just waiting........ otherwise good. Feeling positive not that this is my month but just trying to be proactive with sorting my cycles out.
Bean- nope OH hasnt come around and I think hes more ignoring that fact that i actually am pregnant. We havent talked much about it in the last week. I dont wanna start talking about it because it makes me upset.

Carly-they are so cute and i like samson and ginger, so cute they are gunna be completely massive.... so is the poop lol

Sara- I know what you mean about OH not liking you going out mine is the same but hes allowed to do whatever he wants lol... Oh well you win some you lose some but have fun!!!!!

AFM- movie night tomorrow night with OH and maybe we'll finally sit down and have a chat. He has said that hes not going anywhere no matter what and he is here for support. Which he is I can tell but he says the decision is mine, but when I tell him my decision he freaks out. So its one of those your not happy with the situation till its the one he chooses. So im stuck in a hard situation. blllaaahhhhhhh. Its hard to focus at work because im thinking about it all the time, thank god its a holiday tomorrow.
6 weeks today ladies!!! and had another digital to use to for fun..... put literally 3 drops of urine on the stick..... vowla pregnant 3+..... i was in shock still lol
god hoping are u bloody rich there not cheap lol. Yeh think i will jus give up using the OPKs ive got one more left so ill do tht one tomoz but still got a neg, i started um about a week after the last day of my period, i fort i wud of ovulated by now tbh ive had little pains n stuff so god knws OH has said maybe ther broke lol but i dnt think every pack ive bought cud be broke im jus gunna give uo on um and jus carry on BDing like we do :) xxxx
hey girls still not had a positive OPK and im its been 16days since my last period so god knows but me n OH wer bding before and it hurt slightly like he was hitting something can anyone explain? xxx
Sometimes it can hurt if he's hitting you cervix. But that usually means it's low which it isn't usually need ovulation. How long is your cycle usually?
In which case you may have a long wait. Sorry. My first cycle was 58days! Probably best not wasting the OPKs. Do you check CM/CP? IF so when you start to get fertile mucus and your cervix is getting higher you can start using them then. Most ladies usually get EWCM or watery mucus at least a day (I have about 4 days) before +OPK. Not everyone though.

Good luck.
k thanks think im gunna give up on them anyway, me and OH BD most nights so just going to carry on as we r and hope for the best xxx
So I caved this morning and took a test. It was negative, it was a first response digital. I'm a little bummed about it but I'm trying not to get upset as I am only 9 DPO and most people don't even get their bfp's until about 12 + DPO....

And I'm not out until the witch gets here, and my temps are still up so ... we'll see.
Exactly as you said, you ain't out until the witch arrives! Only 20% get their BFP on 9dpo.

Fingers crossed for you hun!
I'm a wreck honestly a complete wreck.... I've had the worst week possible.
Hey all, I'm fine. I had a busy weekend last week with the Women's conference and all. Then it was a busy week. I had my bestie from North Dakota in town for a visit and to tie up loose ends from her move up that way and I took her around in my car. We had Kayla and Kinsley over Friday night to sleepover and we had family portraits done today. Gage is having his baptism at church tomorrow morning. It's been so busy around here I have missed a couple temps on my chart already and I am not even able to tell you what CD I am on unless I go check my FF chart, LOL. I'm going to do my best to just take it easy this cycle with all the TTC. I think I might try some egg whites starting Tuesday through the next weekend. I should O sometimes next weekend. I'm not going to mess with any wierd insemination stuff, just going to put in some EWs and get down to :sex:
Hey all, I'm fine. I had a busy weekend last week with the Women's conference and all. Then it was a busy week. I had my bestie from North Dakota in town for a visit and to tie up loose ends from her move up that way and I took her around in my car. We had Kayla and Kinsley over Friday night to sleepover and we had family portraits done today. Gage is having his baptism at church tomorrow morning. It's been so busy around here I have missed a couple temps on my chart already and I am not even able to tell you what CD I am on unless I go check my FF chart, LOL. I'm going to do my best to just take it easy this cycle with all the TTC. I think I might try some egg whites starting Tuesday through the next weekend. I should O sometimes next weekend. I'm not going to mess with any wierd insemination stuff, just going to put in some EWs and get down to :sex:

Wow you have been busy!! Hope the women's conference was good. We're trying to keep it chilled this month too. I'm just hoping for a 'normal' cycle. Let me know how the egg white go.

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