Widgets Kitties - cycle buddies

hi everyone, how are you all doing? any sign of those little bumps yet?

i promised myself that i would wait until fri to test but i never do, 9dpo today and BFN suprise suprise, lol :dohh: i "thought" i saw a very faint something and with it being frer i was getting my hopes up but after inspection i am saying definate BFN, it has no colour at all, it just threw me because it came up as dye was passing over.

i will try and hold out until fri now as BFNs are worse than af i think.

thinking of you raz, i hope you and dh are coping ok, sending loads of hugs your way :hugs:
think i might actually give up =/// dr thinks my lining of my womb is way to thin for me to fall pregnant they reckon i am conceiving but bean cant stick because of the wall been too thin... so guess i must face that i'll never see that BFP because theres nothing they can ggive me for wall been too thin... how great ey and all along clomids biggest side effect is thinniing the lining of your womb so if my chances wernt f**kd they probs are now sry girls for rant :cry:
oh no babydust, if its not one thing its another :cry:

have you thought about trying without the clomid for a cycle? im saying this because if clomid does thin your lining and you have been tested when taking clomid perhaps a cycle without it could make all the difference, i would definatly think about it before you give up hun, you did manage to ov on your own didnt you?

really sorry you keep getting shit news, please dont give up all hope yet though :hugs:
Bumski I had a very clear BFN at 9DPO and a super super faint BFP at 10DPO so don't fret yet.

Helen that's such crappy news :cry:
Have you talked to your doctors about any other options you have? I hope there is something you can do!
i dont know anymore just sick of having bad news all the time its just pure crap!

theres nothing that i can take for it to help thicken the wall even though ive heard of something calle vitex, which is something to do with womens hormones and helps people stop having misscarriages by thickening the lining of the womb so might give that ago but i cant use it with clomid because its a drug just like clomid.. its for TTC aswell as to help people with misscarriges by thickening the lining of the womb

but its just hurting too much now i think when i ovulate im like yeahhhh im in with a chance and a couple of days later theres always something there to bring me down.. just getting really tired now & dont think i can do this anymore its breaking my heart

i got checked 4 years ago and got told i had a thin lining of the womb but didnt think much of it i though oh im sure it will thicken,, but one of clomids side effects is thining of the lining of the womb so now i just think great why the hell am i on these if i alread have a thiin lining of the womb n now dr's saying im probs conceiving but the bean cant stick so im not actually conceiving iykwim.. & also if i do fall pregnant it will probly result in misscarrige

its just so hard i think ive been through enough now 4 years of ongoing tests and an operation thats probs gonna make no difference what so ever now

its just getting to me i feel like im putting in to get nothing back at all.. its alll crazy who thought wanting and trying for a baby would be so hard.. =/

i dont know what im going to do because even IVF probs wouldnt work because like they've said if i do manage to fall pregnant it would end in a misscarrige.. =/ sry girls for this rant ive just truly had enough

this journey has been such an emotional ride for me and nothing seems positive anymore and after today i dont think i can take it anymore ive cried all day and feel like i dont have the willpower to go on now.. really think this is the last straw for me girls cant do much more now im not strong enough its tearing me apart
I am so heartbroken for you! You've been so strong in the last four years you have every right to feel this way. I wish I could do more to help :cry:

You and OH take some time this Christmas and enjoy a few drinks and each other... Get your surgery taken care of and spend some time pampering yourself! I know you can't let yourself give up yet, but take some time to recuperate hun :hugs:

You are an amazingly strong lady! Don't forget that!
thank you Bailey. your words mean alot.. :)

im sry for my rant its just ive tried been strong and tried so hard to get to where i want to be and now i just think everything ive done has turned out wrong or not been good enough.. 4 years is just taken its toll on me.. =/ x
Bailey is absolutely right Helen, you probably need to take some time out for you and for hubby(easier said than done I know). 4 years is a long time and you wouldn't be normal if you didn't feel so close to breakdown after all of that time.

I don't think I have any words which will help, you will be a wonderful mum one day, please don't give up.

You need a break from this crap. The hurt is not doing you any good.

Please try not to give up for good though. At some time I am sure it will happen for you. Probably when you are least expecting it. Your lining may be thin but one day you may just get that little bean who is determined to hang on in there.

If we could all join together and give a bit of us to help you, I am sure I speak for every single person in here to say we would do it. Unfortunately it isn't that simple so in the meantime we will just be here for you whenever you need us.

Stay strong lovely

Sar xx
i agree with the others hun, i think a break would do you good. after 4 years you are bound to be down, its just not fair you have to go through this.

as for thickening the womb lining, they use progesterone in ivf so perhaps this is something you could use.
i dont know anymore just sick of having bad news all the time its just pure crap!

theres nothing that i can take for it to help thicken the wall even though ive heard of something calle vitex, which is something to do with womens hormones and helps people stop having misscarriages by thickening the lining of the womb so might give that ago but i cant use it with clomid because its a drug just like clomid.. its for TTC aswell as to help people with misscarriges by thickening the lining of the womb

but its just hurting too much now i think when i ovulate im like yeahhhh im in with a chance and a couple of days later theres always something there to bring me down.. just getting really tired now & dont think i can do this anymore its breaking my heart

i got checked 4 years ago and got told i had a thin lining of the womb but didnt think much of it i though oh im sure it will thicken,, but one of clomids side effects is thining of the lining of the womb so now i just think great why the hell am i on these if i alread have a thiin lining of the womb n now dr's saying im probs conceiving but the bean cant stick so im not actually conceiving iykwim.. & also if i do fall pregnant it will probly result in misscarrige

its just so hard i think ive been through enough now 4 years of ongoing tests and an operation thats probs gonna make no difference what so ever now

its just getting to me i feel like im putting in to get nothing back at all.. its alll crazy who thought wanting and trying for a baby would be so hard.. =/

i dont know what im going to do because even IVF probs wouldnt work because like they've said if i do manage to fall pregnant it would end in a misscarrige.. =/ sry girls for this rant ive just truly had enough

this journey has been such an emotional ride for me and nothing seems positive anymore and after today i dont think i can take it anymore ive cried all day and feel like i dont have the willpower to go on now.. really think this is the last straw for me girls cant do much more now im not strong enough its tearing me apart

I had a friend in the military that tried for years. Her and her husband went to specialist, took meds, tried invitro, and nothing! So they adopted a little girl!...That same year, that they had given up and adopted the little girl, she fell pregnant with another little girl, then a little boy, and now she is pregnant again. So maybe you should just stop trying and if it is meant to be, it will happen when the time is right. Good Luck! I'm sorry everything keeps going wrong!
thank you all for your kind words.. i am so sorry about the rant i just clearly had had enough of more then i can take :cry:

ive decided im giving up now theres no point me putting it all into get nothing back i spoke to my dr about other options i can take, id go on to adopt but not untill i tried everything to have my own so the dr says i could try surrogacy, which i would be happy to do if i could find someone who could do that for me i think this is the next step for me & OH weve spoken about this with the doctors today and spoke about it over dinner and if its the last option of me becoming a mum with my own child then this is what i'll do.. i have another appointment in the following weeks with my garny which hes going to speak to me about IVF so were going to have a chat about that and whats my chances of conceiving and been successful im not strong enough to fall pregnant and go through a misscarrige i would never be able to pick my self up again espeically after it taken me this long so if i get told this is whats probs going to happen because of my wall then theres no chance im going to take that route,

thank you for all your help girls youve been amazing and sure have kept me sane and strong over these months your all amazing! :hugs:

i wont be going away from this site ill still be signing on and looking how all you wonderful ladies are and the progress of your beans & ofcours to see if Bumski will get her new year BFP!! :)

im just going to be having a break from TTC this is what i need i just aint strong enough to go on anymore, maybe a break will do me good in the long run! :)

i think i could have coped if it just wasnt so hard and good news / bad news good news /bad news all the time its like a never ending story book i just wanted my fairytale ending lol.. :)

ive also stopped taken Clomid its not no good for me if im doing further damage with it..

but surrogacy maybe definetly something we are going to be looking into.. :)

Beth that progesterone can you buy it or get it from your doctors as i may have to enquire about this stuff? ps your picture is gorgeous!! :)

bjbarrachus - thank you for your kind words they are much appreciated, :)
it would be prescribed hun.

i hope the docs can give you some hope whether it be ivf or surragacy.
we are always here to support you hun.
thank you so much beth i'll ask about that aswell and hopefully i'll get some hope from somewhere because at the moment ive lost all hope and hopingh i'll get some back!!

thank you! this site has been amazing for me and this site wouldnt be worth visiting with out you girls here in widgets kitties! your truly amazing and have made me smile through out weeks i never thought i could. i thank you all for the support youve given me through these months and the oncoming support you give me! :)
helen, it makes me so sad that your having to go through this, it angers me that you have to go through so much heartache and for so long before they tell you something this important :growlmad:
i completely understand the need to take a break, sometimes we need to remember who we are and get our focus back, i so hope a break from ttc will help you and your OH, i will also be keeping everything crossed for you at your nrxt appointment, i hope you get some answers that you need, i understand how much all of this can hurt so badly, if ever you need to talk about anything helen your always more than welcome to get in touch,
we are also giving up soon, we will give it until june and then thats it. we cant do ivf :cry:
i know right now it seems it may never happen but you never know whats round the corner, is there anyway you could maybe get an appointment at a fertility clinic to find out your options from the experts, please try and take care of yourself and enjoy christmas, i will be thinking of you xxxxx
thank you hun!! im already with fertility specialists so i will be making an appointment with them and see what my options are aswell, because this is important to me so i'll be getting many options i can from who ever is going to tell me there is still hope!!

i give up for now but i know i'll be strong enough again to take on what ever ive got to!!

i currantly feel heartbroken but im sure i'll get there i have my family & friends around me and i have you amazing people here!

i'll get through this it might take a while but i know i can!

i know someday i'll be a mum weather its a child i birth or not :)

im just going to enjoy xmas have a few drinks ( pissed infact because i can )

& then concentrate on loosing a bit of weight after xmas and see where i go from there :)
Agree with beth, it sounds like a very good plan helen x

Carly - how are you feeling?
im good hun, think im def out this month as BFN 11dpo, also my temp seems to be following suit very well with last time, i dont mind too much because we have christmas to concentrate on, not going to test now unless im late, mainly because DH doesnt like testing early (which makes sense) and i have been buying sneaky ones :blush:

i felt really really positive just after ov, my boobs were bigger from 6dpo even DH comented, his words were, "wow, whats up with them they dont look saggy?" cheeky git! and they have been mega sore, not just a bit either.

not feeling positive now but will concentrate on the next one when it comes round, how are you all feeling, are those lovely symptoms kicking in yet?
cant wait to see som scan pics :cloud9: i keep checking in on the other thread, GL today topaz, looking forward to seeing yours hun xx

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