Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

What's block feeding allforthegirl?

Block feeding is a term used when a woman allows one breast at a time to fill up while nursing on one side for a certain amount of time. This is only to be used after 6-8 weeks after birth, as a woman supply is full established, and is currently dealing with over supply. The reason it helps slow the milk process down is because milk is not made while one breast is full.

Now there are other ways to deal with oversupply to try first if baby is not past the 6 week mark.

P.S. A forceful letdown is also considered oversupply.

For me it has helped D. I tried all the other technics and the only one that I still do is a modified layback position, as sometimes he still breaks suction if the milk is too fast. Laying back with him on top of the breast helps him take the milk slower as gravity slows it down more. Other wise he is actually FINALLY able to fall asleep at the breast when before was not able to because my milk almost drowned him. It has also improved his reflux dramatically. There are still times he gets it but at least he is not crying out in pain anymore.
I've also found a large lump in my right breast. Will have to get an appointment to get that checked out. I keep telling myself that it's probably pregnancy related or gland inflamed after trauma of surgery related but my mum and aunt have both had breast cancer so I can't help but worry.

The lump very well could be a blocked duct. Try nursing Erik by pointing his chin in that direction and if it is blocked duct he will suck it right out. Also try massaging it before too, as if there is some thicker milk in the way it will help him draw it out.

FX'd this is it and not cancer.
I've also found a large lump in my right breast. Will have to get an appointment to get that checked out. I keep telling myself that it's probably pregnancy related or gland inflamed after trauma of surgery related but my mum and aunt have both had breast cancer so I can't help but worry.

The lump very well could be a blocked duct. Try nursing Erik by pointing his chin in that direction and if it is blocked duct he will suck it right out. Also try massaging it before too, as if there is some thicker milk in the way it will help him draw it out.

FX'd this is it and not cancer.

We're not breastfeeding so thinking this could be linked to me trying to get my milk to come in using a breast pump. Unfortunately it didn't work. I'm more inclined to think it's gland related but not ruling a blocked duck out.

It's come on very quickly if is cancerous, I'm thinking it won't be that but for peace of mind will get it checked.
I've also found a large lump in my right breast. Will have to get an appointment to get that checked out. I keep telling myself that it's probably pregnancy related or gland inflamed after trauma of surgery related but my mum and aunt have both had breast cancer so I can't help but worry.

The lump very well could be a blocked duct. Try nursing Erik by pointing his chin in that direction and if it is blocked duct he will suck it right out. Also try massaging it before too, as if there is some thicker milk in the way it will help him draw it out.

FX'd this is it and not cancer.

We're not breastfeeding so thinking this could be linked to me trying to get my milk to come in using a breast pump. Unfortunately it didn't work. I'm more inclined to think it's gland related but not ruling a blocked duck out.

It's come on very quickly if is cancerous, I'm thinking it won't be that but for peace of mind will get it checked.

After a lose of blood like you had it is not surprising your milk was having troubles. After my hemorrhage both this time and last I struggled too. Last time more so than this. Since it was a month after he was born and I already had established my milk, so when I lost over half my blood volume my milk completely disappeared. Zander was starving and constantly at the breast trying to increase my supply. We ended having to insert a feeding tube in his mouth as we were nursing, just so I could get some rest. So I completely understand the struggle. :hugs:

I would still get it checked out too. I pray for the best result for you.
Thank you.

Yeah I lost all my blood that night and had a blood transfusion (12pints). It's weird to think non of the blood in me is mine. Thank goodness for donors.

I will definitely get checked out. I told DH about the lump tonight. Didn't want to tell him this morning in case it upset him before he left for work. He's had so much to deal with recently.

I'm enjoying reading your updated on the other thread allforthegirl. Sorry haven't had time to comment but I hope your boys are all feeling better soon!
You last ALL your blood Bekah! Holy smokes. Yes, thank god for donors. What is the other thread?
The amniotic fluid embolism caused an allergic reaction. The fluid got into my blood stream and caused me to start hemorraghing and also prevented my blood from clotting. It was coming out of me faster than they could pump it in. The records showed they had to use more blood then I would need whilst they tried to get the hemorraghing to stop. It's why they eventually had to carry out a hysterectomy.

I was reading up on it and apparently if you survive the first hour you've got a 60% chance of living after this occurs. Not great odds. Thankfully there was a fantastic medical team on that night.
Allforthegirl has a tread about raising 6 boys. Guess you'd call it a blog? Not sure which section it's under I found it when looking at the new unread posts section in mobile view.
Allforthegirl has a tread about raising 6 boys. Guess you'd call it a blog? Not sure which section it's under I found it when looking at the new unread posts section in mobile view.

it is under parenting journals, in the forum jump. Also you can click on it in my sig
Things have greatly improved here. Gaviscon on its own wasn't working. Still lots of trapped wind. Erik was passing wind from both ends throughout the day so I've added gripe water to his bottle too and things have settled down. He's less gassy and sleeping better. We had a 5.5 sleep last night -bliss. He's still a little sicky at times but he doesn't seem to be in the pain he was in before.
I've been trying to come to terms with our new normal. The emergency letter fr ER is damn right scary. One advantage... we will never have to wait in the ER & he'll be treated immediately.
We have to go back to the hospital fr another blood draw. Denver Genetics refused the first one as it wasn't enough😞. Poor Q.
I'll have to cancel our little holiday on Saltspring Island 😞. The medical access is limited & with a vlcadd baby things can go awry very fast...
The good news is that they are not yet upping the formula! 😃 Since he is right on track, healthy & showing no side effects from the breast milk fat loading, the metabolic team agreed to continue as we are until we get results from new testing that will reveal how much enzymatic activity is left fr the fats.

Bekah: I'm very happy you survived. Just last week a woman in Belgium (I'm Belgian) passed away after giving birth and she had the same happen. I cried when I read it. No doubt this trauma will have affected yr body in big and small ways. When are you seeing doc fr yr breast?
Bekah, I had no idea! I mean, I knew what you described was serious but not that serious! So glad you are well. Also, I'm glad Erik is doing well! 5.5 hours is a lifetime!

F is still just managing 4 at the most, on a good night. Last night he was back to his usual early morning grunting from about 1 until 7 a.m. Fortunately, I have finally gotten him to sleep on his own by putting him on his tummy. I know it is not recommended, but this is the first time he has slept by himself for longer than 10 minutes or so. Yesterday he took several naps, one that was 2 hours long, and then slept from about 7:45 until 11:15 or so. That was his longest stretch yet.

Frankie had his 2 month check up yesterday (and shots). He was 22.5" long and 12 lbs, 15 oz. That is 13th percentile for height but 63rd for weight! And his head size was 85th percentile. My little butterball. He is getting very round and chubby.

Q, sorry you'll have to miss the vacation (and Saltspring Island sounds beautiful). It must be rough to see your little guy poked and prodded so much.
P: Finley was & is a belly sleeper. Quite early onwards I just put him on his belly as it meant 2-3 hours vs 4-5 hours of sleep. I too knew it wasn't recommended, but it was good fr us both. I put his mattress on a slight incline too when he was congested, but not sure if that helps with grunting... Q doesn't seem to mind back or side sleeping & hates belly sleeping...
E is a belly or side sleeper. He's so strong he can roll over so I do have to watch him.

I'm at the Drs on the 7th to get the lump checked and for my 6weeks post surgery etc checkup.

Yes it was very scary what happened. That's terribly sad about the woman in Belgium. That poor baby growing up without its mother. That's what I really struggled with when it hit me what I'd been through. I kept thinking about DH raising Erik alone and wondering how he'd cope when has his own issues to manage too. Just broke my heart. Apparently, if you survive the first hour you've got a 60% chance of living. The odds really arent great. I was at a fairly new maternity hospital. It used to be based in another town and if someone required blood they'd have to wait for it to come down from the hospital next to the new maternity unit. If the setup had still been like that I wouldn't be alive today. The Drs have said it was the scariest thing they'd been through and although they train for it they hope they never to experience it. I was very lucky that on the night there happened to be some very experienced Drs on shift, unusual for a Saturday night. Someone was looking out for me!

The number of staff, from Drs right down to cleaners and catering staff who came to see me to give me a hug and tell me they'd been praying for me that night as news spread through the unit what was happening was really heartwarming.

Sorry you've had to cancel your holiday Qmama. Hopefully you can do something else instead so you've got something to look forward to. Poor q having to have bloods taken again. Imagine that's quite upsetting for you to see. Great news about the feeding though and how his body is managing with your milk. When are you next back at the hospital?
B~ I am glad that Erik is sleeping better for you. How are are you dealing with the PTSD? Just reading about what happened to you really brings it all forward for me. I have never seen so much bleeding come out of anyone let alone myself, and knowing that my belly was vastly filling up with blood and going in and out of consciousness because of lack of blood and pain. I too had nurses constantly come in to say hi, and that they were so in shock I was still alive, as I guess I looked like I wouldn't make it. It still rattles me to no end. I hope you handling things ok, and don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it, you went through something very major. :hug:

Q~That is great that you are still able to continue to bf for a little bit longer and they are watching him closely. Though not so great that you had to cancel your vacation. Will you ever be able to go any where? I guess long driving trips are out of the question?

P~ Z and D rather sleep on their sides when very little. The biggest thing really is making sure that you can see their face at all times is the key.
It got to me for a few days when I was in hospital. I decided to speak about it rather than bottle it up, and the Drs came to chat to me regularly about what happened. They've offered lots of support and have said I'm to go back any time if want to talk about it or have any questions. I've also received a letter offering a follow up appointment but telling me to contact them when I'm ready rather than them specifying the date. They also contacted our GP and health workers to let them now as I'm at higher risk of PND.

I get more upset thinking about the what ifs and DH raising E on his own rather than the loss of my uterus etc. I'm just so grateful that the team in the theatre that night worked for over 5 hours and didn't give up on me.

DH and I have been through a big life changing event before and live with the consequences of DH's accident everyday. This was probably as traumatic at the time, but this time we came away with a beautiful son. I know for many not being able to try for another child would be devastating but it took us ten years to get him and I'm just so grateful for the one.

In some ways it's making me enjoy E more. I know there'll be no more opportunities so I'm making sure I'm enjoying him through each stage as once it's gone that's it gone. So he may be clingy and take ages to settle at times but I'm reminding myself to enjoy the cuddles and him wanting me to hold him because there'll come a day when he wont want that.

You must think about your boys and be relieved you're here to enjoy them too.

Years ago we wouldn't have stood a chance but we're so lucky to live in the countries we do which have such great medical care.
I am glad you have had such great support.

Yes I do think about it, but for I still have troubles thinking about all the blood and clots that came out of me. I still feel very anxious about it. With my last hemorrhage I couldn't see what was going on so I could focus on other things, but so many things had to be thrown away because of all the blood. I can't imagine what my DH felt like to clean it all up.

There is nothing that isn't great about holding your baby no matter when it is. Plus that is what baby wants....momma... Giving baby what they want makes a calmer quieter babies.
I feel very connected as well with little Q & with my other son. It's weird...knowing things are not perfect or 'normal' anymore is making me appreciate every second right now. I enjoy my two boys being healthy right now & hopefully fr a long time. Don't get me wrong...I still get teary talking about IT, but it's sinking in. I get a lot of support from a Facebook group with a lot of Vlcad mums. Thank Goodness I can share there as well.

I'll have to move the holiday to somewhere else. I'm thinking Kelowna wine country -area (a 4 hr drive). It's nice there & Kelowna is big enough fr reasonable sized hospital. Saltspring shall be fr in a few years when we know how the condition presents itself.

I think it's great random people (strangers) reach out & support & advice without judgement. In a weird way I've shared more with strangers than with friends. I tend to put a brave face up & hate crying in public...

A&B: I'm sorry you both had to go through serious complications after birthing. I can't imagine how scared & helpless you must have felt. Thanks fr sharing & I hope you can work through those intense 'feelings and memories . Xx

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