Winter Rainbows after 2015 winter loss

hey girls, hope you all had nice weekends. blu Im so glad your bleeding is finally stopping. what a relief! hopie- Ill be praying for your scan to go well. and so happy the zofran is working for you! that will all pass soon. the second trimester is usually the most enjoyable :)jaspie i hope you are getting to rest before little man gets here!!! and fit i hope thomas is doing well, i got some more info from the Dr that may help you too. So last week was aweful pumping every meal... my boobs are literally bruised and in complete pain! but It worked... Jameson gained almost 9 oz in one week! The Dr. said he'd be obese if we let him gain at that rate, but now we know he can gain so we can meet in the middle. He said that babies need approximately 100 cal per Kg that they weigh (so jameson req'd about 400 cal a day) so sometimes them gaining weight can just be that they are missing a feed or that they need a little extra at each feeding. So we are sticking to 4 oz for each bottle he eats away from me, and I will breast feed at home, but supplement some extra Breast milk or formula before bed and then finish off with the breastfeeding. so I dont know if that could help you too, but now I can see he just wasnt getting enough breast feeding... its upsetting but I can work with just pumping at work.
Sorry for the long absence girls - I've been busy with Thomas and I've become sick as a dog with the same cold I got before I went into labor - bah. I don't get sick for 2 years and then I get the same cold twice in 6 weeks. :growlmad:

Bernie I love your profile picture as well - really like your hair. Thanks so much for the update and the tips in regards to Jameson's weight. I have no intention of giving up breastfeeding either, I love the bonding aspect of it, and that Thomas gets the antibodies etc. from it, but don't know that breastfeeding exclusively will ever work for us. Even taking a million supplements a day I still get jack all when pumping *unless* I replace a feed (or more) with a formula feed, but that doesn't exactly support the idea of exclusively breastfeeding. Sigh. All the experts made it sound so easy, like I could breastfeed and then pump all I wanted so that I could go to yoga or to work out etc. while DH gave Thomas a bottle of bm or more, but in reality that just isn't happening.

Hopie, can't wait to hear about your scan - I feel like this will be your rainbow too, but I understand how frightening it all is. I remember how I felt (anxious & terrified!) before my 12 week scan with Thomas and the genetic test results, but all went amazingly well. Praying it's the same for you.

Blu, so glad you have stopped bleeding. And I'm sure that Jake's weight is just fine, babies are all different!! So funny, my friend and her husband are both very slim people and they have the chubbiest baby ever - he even has arm cankles! :haha: He's completely healthy though.

Jaspie, can't wait to see Baby J, should be any day now!! Any signs? If not don't feel discouraged - I bought a Groupon for newborn pictures and on Monday, January 11 I woke up in the morning to pee and realized it was probably going to expire before Thomas arrived. Well I crawled back into bed and was woken up by contractions 20 minutes later and he was born the next day. Either way you won't be waiting long!!
Ooh fit thank you that gives me hope! Had a bit of period pain and backache on and off the last couple of days but only mild so I'm not getting excited. Can't believe it's my due date today!
Fit and Bernie you're doing great with breastfeeding, it sounds hard going but so worth it so I am hoping it works for us.
Blu glad the bleeding has stopped!
Hopie what day is your scan? Scans are always nerve wracking after a loss but i really think you'll come out of there with a smile on your face knowing this is your rainbow xx
Jaspie- wow-- happy due date!!! Good sign you had some pains..and remember like your friend who had labor just start out of no where. I think it will be very, very soon. We are all sooo excited for you!!

Bernie-- wonderful news..9 oz..who-hoo!! So glad you guys have it all figured out. It sure can take a while but should be smooth sailing from here on.

Fit- supplementing with the formula is a great plan. Thomas is still getting the benefits/antibodies, etc. I'm sure they all make it sound so easy but in reality it is some challenge. I can't even imagine. Sounds like you guys have a great plan going now though.

Blu- how are you feeling?

Thanks all so much for the well wishes. I thought scan was Thurs. but now they say Friday. I feel v. numb to the whole thing. It is strange. I never should have read that at my age only 10% of eggs are actually healthy. So feel like I have a 10% of chance of baby being okay.
Trying to be more positive though. It has been one rough week with my parents, so thank God the hg is fading a bit. I hope to start to improve my mood finally. I wish I could tell my mom. Then she will understand my mood swings. And not think I'm going crazy. :)
I'm sure that 10% stat refers to eggs before they are fertilised, implanted, growing. With each week that passes your odds get better and better. Definitely much higher than 10% chance baby is healthy! You've got this far, most unhealthy eggs are lost by now and you've had some good scans. I have a great feeling for you!
Thanks so much, Jaspie! That is so encouraging. OH was saying something like that the other week but I chose to not believe him.
Probably would feel more secure if I have had a scan since the critical 9-10th week.. but Friday will tell all and I just need to be patient. Thank you again!
How are you feeling today??! Can't wait for you!!!!!!

Fit- hope your cold is better. I always swear by lemon/honey and tea or hot water, homemade chicken soup, oranges and mangoes. Rest up!
Hmm...quiet from Jaspie! I'm thinking...hoping !!

How is everyone?

Up all night again. Can't wait til this scan day is over.

BEST OF LUCK TO JASPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flower:
Hey! I wish. ...Nothing happening over here! I'm hoping something happens this weekend but if not I have a sweep on Monday afternoon so hopefully that will do something.
Hopie it's scan day!!! I'm so excited for you I can't wait to hear! What time do you have to wait until?? Good luck i'm thinking of you xxx
Oh my gosh! Jaspie- any signs today at all? If not, I am sure Monday's sweep will work. Wishing you all the best of luck in the world!!

Amazingly we saw a jumpy little baby with healthy heart beat of 160 on Friday! We left there in such shock, everyone was staring at us in the waiting room. Couldn't believe it really. Dr. said placenta is too low but she is hopeful it will move up in the coming weeks and not cause a problem.

Hope everyone else is well. Wishing Jaspie the best of luck.. This is THE week!!!!!!! :) :) :happydance:
Oh hopie yay!!!! :wohoo: I really could not be happier for you!! I knew this was your healthy rainbow. You must be over the moon right now! All the people I know who had a low placenta had it move up by the time it needed to so am sure it will be fine! Yay!!!
I've been having some period pain that went into a pattern this morning but now fizzled out so nothing going on again 😬 sweep tomorrow if nothing happens tonight I guess!
Woo hoo so thrilled for you Hopie!!!! :happydance: What awesome news about our group's fifth rainbow! Are you finding out if Baby Hopie is a boy or a girl with the genetic testing?

So soon for you Jaspie...Hee hee I was supposed to have my first sweep on a Monday when I was the exact same gestation as you and then it didn't happen because labor started that hoping the same thing happens for you - can't wait to see Baby J!!!

Hope you had nice weekends Blu and Bernie, what is new with you two?

All is well here, except I found out at my 6 week appointment that I have abdominal wall separation and will have to go for physio - bah. But Thomas is doing great which is the most important thing - saw the public health nurse who confirmed supplementing with formula was absolutely the right thing to do and diagnosed me officially with having a low supply - poor Thomas was getting less than 30% of what he needs from breastfeeding. However I got an Rx for Domperidone and I can definitely see the difference with my milk supply, so yay! His 6 week measurements put him in the 85th percentile for length and head circumference and the 49th for weight, so he still has some catching up to do, but he is gaining really well now so no one is worried about it.
Jaspie!! Is our 4th rainbow baby going to be a leap year/leap day baby?!
Sooo excited to hear from you soon! Wishing you all the best!

Fit- great to hear from you and that is such wonderful news!! Glad that is helping with the milk supply too and just perfect Thomas is gaining so well now. What is physio -- is that physical therapy you to start to do? I'll look up abdominal wall separation...not sure what it is. Wishing you a quick healing from it!

Thanks so much. Truly in shock after that good ultrasound. In one picture baby looks soo another it looks kind of weird/freaky. lol But so cool to see it's 5 tiny fingers sticking up and like he/she is waving.
Not going to find out gender. Want to be surprised! But since the tech asked us if we wanted to know at the scan, OH said ' oh, it must be a boy then'. I was sort of ticked he said that. Need to be suprised!! Not sure though that at 12 wks they can definitely see/tell?

Bernie & Blu- hope all is great with you and babies.
Can't wait to see our next new baby announcement on here soon!!! :)
I doubt it's going to be a leap year baby! Had my stretch and sweep this afternoon so am hoping something happens later but who knows. Cervix was soft and open at the bottom and starting to open at the top but not dilated enough for her whole finger to get through she could just get the tip through to touch baby's head so not quite ready to go but on the cusp. And she said it could be any time so fx.
So glad you have cute pics Hopie! As far as I know they can see a nub at 12 weeks which gives an indication whether boy or girl. Have a Google for some pics! Mine was a boy nub and turned out to be right! So happy for you!
Fit glad you've found what works for you sounds like Thomas is getting on great! Sorry about the abdominal wall separation, hope physio can get it fixed quickly and easily.
Hope you are both well Bernie and Blu and your little bundles of joy too!
Hopie, Im so glad you had another wonderful scan and got to see the baby happy and healthy!!! you have a lot of self control wanting to wait and find out! I dont think I could do it!! but that will be such a fun surprise! Im team pink for baby H! Jaspie! I cant wait for you to see baby J!!! fit- Im sorry you have the abdominal wall seperation, but Im sure that they will help you! Hope you guys all had nice weekends!. Things have finally calmed down for us. Jameson is eating well and my milk supply is back up. I am supplementing one formula bottle in a day usually before bed, i want him nice and full in hopes he will sleep all night! We are getting into our daily routine ok, but we need some tweeking on our night routine. He just doesnt want to go to sleep. he will be exhausted and then we have a bath, milk and bed, and as soon as i lay him down his eyes pop open and hes wide awake all smiles! so its hard to get him to settle him self back down, and we end up doing this little game from like 830-1130 when he will finally fall asleep. and then I get to sleep at midnight and have to be up for work at 530, and sometimes hes up at 3 wanting a snack... Im exhausted!!
Hey ladies lovely updates and amazing new for you Hopie. Finally we all have our rainbows, how cool is that!
Was hoping to see baby news from Jaspie!! Bet youre fed up now?
Sorry about the abdo wall separation fit, hope physio helps but glad Thomas is doing great! Bernie im glad your supply is back up, sounds like Jameson is enjoying playing games with mummy, little tinker.
Jake is doing well aside from his first cough and cold.... he weighed in at..... 14lb 10oz!! What a complete porker!! He is so perfect though and completely in proportion which was a relief. We had a fab weekend and did lots of walking and my diet is going well.... 15lbs left to lose.
Annoyingly the bleeding came back a few days ago, not much and very dark so just keeping an eye on it.
Look forward to news soon Jaspie xxx
Yeah I'm fed up and impatient to meet him. I just want him here so I know he's ok! I don't even really care about getting induced on Monday if that's what it takes!
Glad Jake and Jameson are doing well. Hope the bleeding buggers off again soon Blu. And Bernie Jameson sounds adorable being all smiley when he should be asleep haha! Being at work aswell sounds draining, you're superwoman! Hope your night routine settles down soon xx
So baby J is going to be a March baby!! I bet you are feeling impatient Jaspie..I sure hope out of the blue labor starts- I know so many people who were going to be induced and then it just started! Wishing you all the best!

Bernie- you are like superwoman.. holy cow. Up at 5:30am every day for work? It is no wonder you are exhausted. I hope you can get a good long nap in this wknd and catch up on sleep? Such great news about Jameson eating so well now and supply being up. Nice job!!!

Blu- probably just light bleeding and will stop v. soon. Great to hear about Jake! I hope his first cold goes away soon.

BEST OF LUCK, Jaspie!! I really think this will be the week!!
The winter rainbows board is toooo quiet? How are we all?? X
Doing well here!!! Im dying to hear from Jaspie!!! Our big news is that jameson moved to his crib and is sleeping better than ever and Im enjoying life, and my baby so much more!!! hope you are all doing well!
So sorry for the delay guys!
Joshua William was born by forceps delivery on 9th March at 14.46 weighing 8lbs!

Induction turned into a nightmare! 44 hr labour although I did go from 5cm to 10 cm in a few hours on g&a and pethidine which I was happy with but then baby head got stuck and I ended up with a spinal block and forceps. Lost 1.2L blood and they thought I might have an infection so both Joshua and I are still in hospital having antibiotics but we're both doing great! Just waiting for blood results and we can hopefully go home in the next few days. We love him so much and OH is a natural, I'm falling in love with him all over again :cloud9:

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