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Winter Rainbows after 2015 winter loss

Great idea with the pre-made newborn formula Jaspie. :thumbup: Thomas takes the formula no problem but he definitely prefers breastfeeding (it is the only thing that calms him when he's fussy) so supplementing hasn't caused us any issues either. Once he's fully caught up weight wise we'll go back to breastmilk only.

January 28th was one year to the day that we had our doomed ultrasound and found out that our first baby was going to die. I can't imagine how much more painful that anniversary would have been without Thomas. Can't wait to see Baby J!
Bernie - I'm so glad your first day back at work went well and your mom brought baby in to visit! Glad all is going so well. I bet you're right, with a work schedule again and Jameson being older, soon you will fall into a good routine and he will sleep longer stretches. Thanks for the well wishes!

Fit- great to hear from you! Nice going on getting Thomas more through formula. I can't believe they act that way about topping off with formula. Well you sure know what's best and it worked!!
Yes, life is amazing. To think this time back last year and now you are all cuddling your babies and Jaspie will any day.
Thank you for the well wishes. Yes, the nurse helps as my dad is acting depressed again, etc. I really can't take anymore to be honest with these pg hormones!!

Jasp- congrats-- full term!! Wow you had a busy day and today too. Even made a tray of lasagne! My friend was telling me how in her last week all she did was cook like crazy and froze a ton of meals they could have the first month after baby. I was so amazed by her energy. Right now I feel like I can't even get up from bed! Hope you had a wonderful time with friends and haircut.

How's it going Blu? Sure hoping you had a better night sleep.

Dr. got moved to late today since I am feeling so bad. Yes, told the strong ms is a sign of a strong pg. I was so sick last time too though. But not nearly like this. I still went to work every day and functioned!
One year ago today I had the surgery. I am prepared for the worst during the scan. I'm 9 weeks today, as I was last time. Easier to expect the worst. Also OH is going to be made to wait in the waiting room since he was so upset and almost passed out last year! I'm mean but i can't have him so upset again.

Wishing everyone a good evening!
When is your scan hopie is it today? Sending you so much good luck if it is. It is was to expect the worst but I really think that this time will be good news. Thinking of you and waiting for your update! Xx
Fit, we had to supplement in the beginning too. and we used the premade formula as well. I still have some for back up in case I dont leave enough milk, or f i have a tad too much wine lol or sometimes i do it at bed time if weve had some bad sleep nights. I think its good if they will take both anyway :) jameson is still pretty small so what they suggested was to feed him and pump some right after and feed back a half oz to a full oz depending on how long he ate. this has also been helpful for my production. so between that and repairing his tongue tie, hes finally filling out :) might help you girls as well :)
Thanks Bernie, that is so helpful to know!! I had been feeling like such a failure of a mother because Thomas wasn't gaining enough from bm alone but it seems like a very common problem. It is nice when they are willing to take breastmilk or formula, boob or bottle. :)

Thinking of you Hopie, fx all went well today, can't wait for your update.
Lovely updates ladies, glad feeding is going well bernie and fit.
How did your appointment go Hopie? Yes i think they say youre more likely to have HG with a girl. I felt a little nauseous with both boys but never vomited thankfully.
Are you loving mat leave jaspie? Carpal tunnel sounds crappy 😕
All good here, J is sleeping better and is much more settled after feeds now. Hes only waking once at night at around 4am for a feed then goes back to sleep bless him, hes happily kicking around on his playmat now, cant believe how much hes changed in such a short time. Im getting frustrated that im still bleeding a little post delivery, ive heard it can go on longer after a section but it stopped 2 weeks after having Oli and im 5 and a half weeks on now! Humppphhhh.
I agree the year has flown by! Its nice that were all in a better place now though despite the ups and downs.
Blu- the bleeding is awful! I bleed heavy til 7 weeks :( but I havent had a period because of the BFing so Im not complaining. Fit I know what you mean about feeling like a failure. I have stressed and cried over his weight since he was born ( i felt guilty because I induced 2 weeks early) My Dr did say its more common for breast fed babies to stay on the lower side of the weight gain curve, because it metabolizes quickly but it is what the perfect food for your child so dont feel like a failure, and there is nothing wrong with formula so giving it to him to help gain weight is perfectly fine, just dont forget the more you pump and feed him the bigger your supply will get :) i need to take this advise too haha because I take it very personal when anybody comments on his size and asks about my milk
Fit and Bernie dont ever feel guilty! I only BF for four days and I still dont feel guilty. Jake had the colostrum but BF wouldnt have been viable for us as a family and it was agony. Im happy I tried but also happy with my decision to formula feed now and if you need to top up with formula then its better to do that than to have a hungry baby who is not getting the nutrients he needs. Motherhood is hard sometimes and I hate it when mums judge each other and make you feel under pressure - rant over just remember what amazing mummies you are!
How is it being back at work Bernie?
Im just enjoying a morning snuggle with my littlest man then were going to pop out for a while. Its my first time driving since early december so I may have forgotten what to do! 😣 xx
I have started my parenting journal... does anyone know how I add the link to my signature please?x
Thanks Bernie and Blu :hugs:. Bernie I cried so much too when I found out Thomas hadn't gained enough weight...I kept saying I was a terrible mom and didn't deserve him. DH was getting so fed up with me for saying this! I completely agree Blu, much better to give formula than deprive baby even if the healthcare professionals here seem to take the opposite stance.

Any advice for getting Thomas to sleep at night? It's nearly 3 AM and I haven't gone to bed - still waiting for him to fall asleep. I know it's normal for a 3 week old but it gets depressing barely ever seeing the light of day. I told DH I feel like a mole person. :haha:

Had my first 2 hour nap solo today while DH watched Thomas - nice but weird! I kept waking up and thinking I should get up and check on them and had to force myself to go back to sleep.
Hi and thanks for the well wishes. They sure worked for my scan! I went in there with terrible cramps, thinking the worst. But then they showed me the tiny baby and said heartbeat was perfect at 175. Was shocked. Regret sending poor OH back to waiting room after meeting with dr. Just terrible but after last year we both thought too much if it happens again..didnt want him passing out again!

Still very cautious. This scan was actually a couple days earlier than last year's and I know the 9th week is critical. Dr. also went over my high risk for Down's and genetic blood tests can start next week.

Sorry about the bleeding still Blu. It is frustrating and hopefully ends soon. I heard there are sometimes pills they can give you to help but probably only if really necessary.
Fit- I saw this doctor on tv showing how to get a baby to stop crying and to go to sleep..I'm going to try to find it and will post link.
Want to write more but the hg kicked the life out of my yesterday. Vomited all day long and overnight..just unreal.

Jaspie- how are you feeling? Soooooooooooo excited for you!!!!!!!!
Yay Hopie!!! I'm so glad you saw your perfect little baby and all is well! I know you're still being cautious but it's looking brilliant and I can't wait for your next scan. Do you have one at 12 weeks?
Blu hope the drive went well!
Fit hope you had a lovely nap, it must be weird having your days and nights backwards. Fit and Bernie I agree with Blu, don't feel guilty you're doing amazingly and I'll be coming to all 3 of you for advice in a couple of weeks!
I am loving mat leave! Finished the nursery, met up with some old colleagues and also the nct girls for coffee and done some batch cooking. So today I've spent in my pjs watching crap tv on sofa. Lush!
Here's the nursery!

Jaspie your nursery is stunning, well done! I love it. Glad you had a chilled day yesterday, enjoy before little man arrives. Hopie im delighted that your scan went well, amazing news, sorry you still feel rubbish though. Take it easy.
Fit I find introducing a bedtime routine really helps from early on - with both boys ive given them a bath and cuddle then started to put them up to bed after the 7-8pm feed. I think Jakes getting used to it now as he settles himself off when i put him in the crib and we wake him about 11.30 for a feed. For night feeds i dont put any lights on and dont talk to him at all, literally feed and put down so that theres a big difference between day and night time feeds for him. I try not to pick Jake up at night unless really necessary, if he cries i try his tummy and just gentle reassurance and stroking his head or tummy and seeing if he will settle first. The first few weeks are trial and error and it is tough, just try and nap when you can (says me who always finds some household stuff to do rather than sleep lol). Above all else remember it wont last forever and youre doing an amazing job xx
Such a lovely nursery, Jaspie. Nice job! Did you guys use stencils, or is the art work more of something that sticks on the walls? It looks so great! Also, I love the crib. Is that from Ikea? How are you today?

Thanks Blu. It is so great having a second time mom here for all this advice to the new moms. I will have to look back on this thread when it is my turn and I am sure having troubles with sleep. Fit- you are doing a most fabulous job!

Only got sick 5 times in past 10 hours so that is good! I must say I am concerned the photo of baby doesn't look anything like a baby. (you can laugh!) I left the photo with OH and I said - I'm sorry-- it looks weird. I could tell he was holding back laughing. He said, 'come on..its still early'. Then I got it out of him that he also doesnt think it looks anything like a baby! Shouldn't little arm buds and legs be seen..a head vs. body? I don't know. Pregnancy is just strange and overwhelming to me! I wish I had waited for 10 weeks to get another scan. :(

Woke up to most beautiful snow here this morning and need to force myself out finally!
Hi hopie! How are you? Hope the sickness has calmed down :hugs: OH said our baby looked like an upside down pig on early scans! :rofl: How many weeks are you now and how long til the next scan?
We got the wall decal from notonthehighstreet.com and the crib is from Tesco!
I'm ok ta, no signs at all! I really don't think anything will happen before 40 weeks! Enjoying mat leave though :D
Hi girls!

Hopie so thrilled your scan went well!!! :happydance: Thanks so much as well for the videos you sent showing how to get a baby to sleep / stop crying - I will certainly give those tricks a try, there is still so much to learn.

Blu thanks as well for the night time tips - they make a lot of sense. I am now trying not to talk to Thomas during night feeds / diaper changes. He still wakes up every couple of hours to feed (he has his daddy's appetite it seems) but he is not nearly as fussy and goes to sleep much quicker, oh, and he sleeps in his Moses Basket (albeit in between DH and I in our bed) without screaming now! Baby steps, LOL.

Hope you are well Bernie and going back to work is going smoothly for you and Jameson.

Jaspie love the wall decal, great job! I did a wall decal in Thomas' nursery as well, which reminds me that I still haven't posted a nursery picture to show you ladies. :dohh: Will have to get on that. So curious to find out when Baby J will make his appearance, and if he will be fashionably late like Jake and Thomas were! I was so worried about going overdue because of my family history but in hindsight it wasn't a bad thing because Thomas was so healthy in spite of our horrific labor and EMCS - I need to write out my birth story as well! Can't wait to hear yours Jaspie!!

Blu once I get a spare minute I will read/follow your parenting journal. You have one too, don't you Jaspie? If so I will follow as well. :) I'd like to start a parenting journal too when I have time, even if it is just me talking to myself it will be nice to have a record of everything going on with Thomas.

AFM we have a midwife appointment tomorrow, so I'm praying that Thomas' weight is good. Still struggling a bit with our feeding routine even though he's getting plenty to eat, as we've been incorporating bf, pumping and formula feeding, but figuring out how to incorporate all 3 into a routine is a bit daunting at times, especially with the unpredictability of newborns. I'm also quite anxious about the fact that I have no way of knowing how much milk Thomas is getting when he's at the breast and whether it's enough. :wacko:
Im glad Thomas is settling better fit, thats great! Bet theres not much room in the bed with the moses in there too though, bless you.
Hopie hows the sickness? Hope you feel better.
Jaspie glad youre enjoying mat leave, hope bubba doesnt keep you waiting too much longer.
Bernie hows the new routine with work?
TMI alert.... not sure what the hell is going on here but Ive not stopped bleeding all together aince the section but it had been dark and minimal until yesterday morning when i woke up to a gush of blood then passed two big clots. I wondered if it was AF but I had no period pain and ive not had a break between bleeding. Anyway today i stood up to take Jake from my mum and blood just poured from me, I got to the bathroom and there was a huge clot in my pad then i filled the toilet with more large clots and lots of blood. It seems that once the clots have passed the bleed slows right down again. Ive never had a period like this so im wondering if aomething is retained and thinking if it doesnt settle over the weekend then i should probably see the doctor early next week. Im so over pregnancy and im.definitely done with bleeding! 😬
Ah Blu I'd go to the doctors if it keeps happening, really hope there's nothing retained. Hopefully that is it now.
Fit I love your new avatar! How cute is Thomas!
Hopie hope you're doing OK?
And Bernie hope work is going well.
I'll definitely follow all of your parenting journals :)
Had a more relaxing week this week and it's still flown by! Had a few mild period pains over the last 24 hrs but nothing else really and doubt it means anything at this point!
Oh wow Blu..that is scary. Any way you could get in for a scan on Saturday? This way they can see if anything is retained. I also think there are some pills they could give to help ease the bleeding? Let us know how you make out calling the doctor tomorrow. So sorry you are going through this..so frustrating.

Fit- glad all is well and I hope Thomas had a great weigh in today. Love the new picture of him..he looks so big!! It must be hard not knowing if baby gets enough from feedings.. I always wondered how you know if they get enough. I am sure midwife appt. will help and he will keep on gaining.

Jaspie- thanks for that link on where you got the wall decals. I just love them and it would be easy! You sound so great. Glad you are enjoying some good r&r these weeks before baby comes. Simply can't wait for you!!

Sickness eased so much it is a bit concerning. Sore b's, the hg sickness, just gone. Trying not to think too much about it though!

Good luck Bl.. and Bernie- hope you guys are doing great!

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