Winter Rainbows after 2015 winter loss

Jaspie he is gorgeous, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :happydance: Sorry to hear about the rough labor - 44 hours, my God - I thought I had it rough with 32! You are one strong lady.

Hope you and Joshua (love the name!) get released soon and enjoy all the baby snuggles in the meantime.

Bernie that's great that Jameson is sleeping so well and giving his mama some rest. :) I've been putting Thomas in his crib for short stretches to get him used to it...he seems to like it so far. He has a nice mobile which helps I think.

Blu and Hopie, how are you?
CONGRATULATIONS Jaspie!!!!! SO happy for you! I popped on your journal last week, I was so anxious to hear. You sure had one rough time and hope you are feeling much stronger today. So much extra blood is produced during pregnancy, and I'm sure they will give you iron supplements and you will start to feel much stronger. Hopefully the antibiotics prevented the infection? Hope you are home sweet home with baby now or very soon.

Baby Joshua is just precious! We are all so happy for you. ENJOY!!!! :flower:
Awww congrats again Jaspie, baby Joshua is the cutest little man. Just one more rainbow to go then we will be starting a baby board 😆😆 hope youre home by now and forgetting the birth experience, forceps are a b*tch!!
How is everyone else?
Ive been really poorly all weekemd with fever, muscle aches, struggling to breathe, went to docs today and got antibiotics 4 a nasty chest infection, if it doesnt improve within 3 days I need to go back for steroids. Hopefully it will do one on its own!!
In other news jake started to sleep through but has since developed a cold so his feeds are all.over the place and hes taking half the volume of milk, he also has conjunctivitis in both eyes, oh and Oliver also has germs. Basically the house needs quarantine right now. Im hoping Oliver bounces back this week as hes been off colour for 3 weeks and his birthday is on Friday.
Whats new with you ladies? Much Love xxx
How is everyone?

Jaspie- I popped back on your journal for an update. :) Baby Joshua is so beautiful and I am soo happy you both are at home! How are you feeling today? So glad the feeding is going well also.

Blu- sure hope you and Oliver are much, much better soon. I'm sorry about all the sickness. Let us know how you are doing.
Fit and Bernie - Hope everyone is well. Still sick here.. Nothing new. :)
Hello ladies!!! Jaspie he is just beautiful! glad you are home now! glad to see everyone is doing well! we are doing pretty good! jameson was 4 mos on friday, and we finally had an all positive dr appt. he is 11 lbs 14oz and is gaining well now :) Im just enjoying this kid like crazy!
hope you ladies and Babies are doing well!! Hopie hows the little nugget doing?
Hey Bernie, lovely update, can't believe Jameson is 11lbs, my little fatty would look like a giant next to him 😂
Jake is doing well, sleeping through most of the time now and he's such a happy baby. Time really is flying! How is everyone else? Our thread is very quiet these days x
Hi guys! Hope you're all well! All good here, Josh is a joy and breastfeeding going well he's putting on lots of weight, he's on 75th percentile :D He's started smiling in the last week too! Our only problem is trapped wind! Trying gripe water atm.
Hope everyone is well! How many weeks are you now Hopie?
Hi, glad to hear everyone is well. :) I echo what Blu said, can't wait until Baby Hopie is hear and we can make our own baby group!!

We are well around here - Thomas is about 13 lbs. now - right at the 50th percentile for his age. He is getting really interested in toys and loves to pick them up and try to stuff them in his mouth. He is also "talking" a ton - so much that his new doctor was surprised that he doesn't have an older sibling at home teaching him.

I will try to get on this thread more.

Jaspie glad bfing is going so well!
Hey ladies lovely updates! Glad things are going well, we're in such different places to a year ago hey. Jake is coming on so well, I had him weighed yesterday and he's 17lb 10!! What a porker!! He's a little chatterbox and just smiles all the time unless he's hungry or has tummy ache. Love him soooo much 😍 xx
So happy to see everyone checked back in here and your great updates!
Such great news on all 4 babies. Jaspie- so glad Josh is feeding so well and all is going great! I checked on your journal..he is just absolutely adorable-- that photo where he is sleeping with his head resting on his elbow!!!!

I am so glad this week is mom had a surgery and is back home now. So grateful. Yes Blu- when I look at all of us over a year ago and all of us now..whoa! So wonderful. And I'm so happy for all of you!
I am 19 weeks now! The hypermesis is gone. Just nausea on and off and food aversions. Still haven't felt movement and am not showing. :( Keeping it quiet until 20 wk anatomy scan next week. Am sooo nervous for it!! Here's hoping I have good news to report next weekend!

Wishing everyone a wonderful Spring weekend. Enjoy with your babies!! :))
19 weeks!! Ooh I'm excited for your scan Hopie I can't wait for you to report back here. Everything crossed for an awesome scan I'm sure your little rainbow will be just fine! Are you going to find out the sex? I wonder if you'll have our first girl!! So glad your mum's surgery went well. Good luck!
Josh was weighed on Wednesday and was 11lb 7oz 💙 He's been smiling on and off for a week or so but they've become more regular in the last couple of days, such an amazing feeling getting a big smile from him!
hey girls! nice updates! glad the babies are doing well and hopie cant wait to hear how the scan goes! We are doing well. Jameson still is not sleeping well. its been a tough month in that dept. but co sleeping some night has gotten me some relief and is probably why i dont go insane from lack of sleep. Some nights I work hard to keep him in his own bed but other nights im just flat out too tired to care hahaha. But he is a happy fun kid all day and I just have so much fun with him! He was 5 months on Monday and he weighs 14 lbs and 26.5 in. long


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Great updates ladies!
Hope your scan went well Hopie? I think you will be our first pink mamma 😝
Jaspie and Bernie your boys are just so scrummy. Time is flying isn't it.
Jake is great, he's 4months next week and I went shopping for 6-9month clothes yesterday as the 3-6 are getting snug, he's long and also a fatty!! On a positive note he's sleeping from 7.45pm ish until 7-7.30am which is bliss. The days are so much happier on a full nights sleep and seeing my boys laugh and smile at each other now is just the cutest thing ever. Jakes latest pastime is squealing LOUDLY!! Haha 😁 xx
Oh my goodness.. Bernie and Jaspie- your boys are just adorable!! Bernie- he has gotten soo big! So glad you are enjoying your time with him so much. I always love the age around 6 months. I bet after 9 months he will get better with sleeping!

Jaspie- I was on your journal-- such a cutie!! So glad all is going great and he is smiling already?!

Fit- great about the 50th percentile and amazing Thomas is talking so much already!! Sounds like you will have an early talker.

Blu- sounds like Jake is getting ready to talk early also! So adorable.

Unfortunately my anatomy scan wasn't perfect as hoped. They were only able to see one kidney. Dr. referred me to a high risk specialist at hospital for more tests. I've put off the appt. because really with all going on with ill parents and then this shock I needed a medical break the past few days.
I was v. upset a couple days but they told me heart, brain, spine looked perfectly fine and there is only a rare chance this is sign of something else. My genetic blood screens came back fine and baby is measuring a few days ahead! I also felt my first flutters! So I am trying to remain positive.
Dr. says sometimes they can't see kidney but this tech is so good with 25 years experience, he thinks either it did not develop or it is hidden in pelvis. Other kidney so far looks okay.

Hoping and praying for the best for this little baby..It looked so cute on the scan with a big belly! I got upset though and stopped watching and tech said I missed him/her wave
Ah hopie I know how nerve-wracking the anatomy scan is and sorry about the kidney. It's fab news everything else is looking perfect though. If it helps my colleague had the same thing at her anatomy scan and was upset as of course you want everything to be perfect, but the Drs said it won't affect her as you only need 1 kidney anyway and just as they said, she's a happy healthy 6 year old who has never had any issues. I'm sure you'll get the same outcome. Big big hugs and how exciting you're feeling movement! You're in my favourite part of pregnancy now, I loved late 2nd tri/early 3rd...everything is so exciting without being uncomfortable!
Bernie what a beautiful pic of Jameson!
Blu amazing news about Jake's sleeping!
I had a bout of mastitis which was treated with antibiotics but I'm worried I'm getting it again as my boob is starting to hurt like it did before... so I'm in a hot bath atm and am feeding from it as much as possible to try and prevent it. Joshua is just lovely, he's smiling and cooing loads and he's sleeping between 2-4 hrs at night before waking for a feed, and it has been as long as 5.5 hours! Clever boy!
Hope you're all well ladies xxx
Hi everyone! How is the boob Jaspie? Any news on your appointment Hopie?
All good here, my little man is asleep and I've just finished homework with my big man. We're thinking about putting Jake into his own room soon eeeeeeeekkkkkk
Hi girls!!

Jaspie and Bernie your little men are sooooo sweet, thanks for sharing! <3

Hopie sorry the ultrasound didn't go completely smoothly but as Jaspie said people don't really need two kidneys. Of course we want everything to be perfect with our babies but it sounds like everything else is great with Baby Hopie. And congrats on being halfway through your pregnancy!

Jaspie hope you don't have mastitis.

Blu that is a big step putting Jake in his own room, what a big boy!!

Thomas is doing great - he really is an easy baby so we feel very lucky. So much so that we've decided we do want one more baby (we were undecided before). DH wants a 4 year age gap and I want a 2 year one so we've compromised on 3 but I hope to talk him down to 2 years once I'm back at work next January. Anyone else have baby fever already?

Here is a photo of Thomas. :)


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Omg how cute is Thomas! Love his dinosaur slippers!!
We want 2 children but I definitely don't have baby fever yet. Can't even think about sex atm, breastfeeding has made my sex drive non existent and I've no idea what my new vag is like really! Need to get on my pelvic floor exercises! :shock: I think we want an age gap of 2-3 years. I do miss being pregnant but I can't bear the thought of Joshua sharing us atm, I want him to have our undivided attention for a bit so definitely no less than 2 year age gap here. So fit you could potentially be ttc this time next year!! I bet I have baby fever by then!
ahhaha baby fever already! right now Jamo is at risk of being an only child! He is a wonderful baby all day we have so much fun but that boy doesn't like to sleep at night :) Hes doing well though, getting big and looking more like his daddy everyday

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