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Working out mommas-to-be!

Thanks girls. Just picked up a big superfood salad for tomorrow and got dh to agree to gym with me tomorrow too. I just can't get hungry. I think I forgot to mention that at my scan Tuesday, the yolk sac was pretty big and very visible so I'm still really prone to ms.
I have had to fight off cravings for unhealthy food so much. For several weeks, I've had to train myself not to eat some things and instead to eat others. It seems to get easier the further along I get, which I am glad about. I was worried it would get worse because all I seemed to want with my son was chocolate, peanut butter, and ice cream.

I'm trying to avoid sugar because I find it leaves me a lot hungrier than other foods. I can devour some cookies like nobody's business. So, I've been forcing myself to snack on other things instead. Lately, I am eating one large apple before I go to bed. The fiber is good for me. And since the apple is large, I'm usually full. But sometimes I eat 2. But if I don't eat before going to bed, I wake up starving and want to just eat everything in sight. I also keep carrot sticks out to grab and snack on. If they are sitting out, I'm more likely to eat them. I have to make myself eat them, but they satisfy my hunger pretty good once I start eating them. I also was on a carrot kick in 1st trimester because they help reduce nausea.
I have also noticed that I often mistake thirst for hunger and I will feel hungrier if I haven't had as much water for the day. So, I have to make sure I drink plenty of water.
I wish I could find it again, but I read a great article on making sure to eat nutrient-rich foods that have a lot of protein and calcium during pregnancy. I am logging what I eat into an app on my phone and it tells me if I have had enough of each thing. I always seem to be low in calcium regardless of how much yogurt and cheese I eat. I might start taking a supplement in addition to my prenatal vitamin. I drink milk some, so maybe I could just add one extra glass of that a day.

Mrs. Eddie- I do agree that more frequent snacking on healthy items does help a lot. I've sort of been forced into it lately with less room in my stomach. But, it helps to keep me from just pigging out all at once from being hungry.
Oh and I have also been finding popcorn with nothing but maybe a small amount of salt on it to be a healthy and very satisfying snack.

Greats- That egg scramble does sound delicious! Now I'm thinking about breakfast tomorrow. :)

Sass- I think what you ate sounds good! Sometimes I get so surprised at the calories in some things and wonder where they come from...like the Jamaican meat pocket. But that also could have been a good source of protein. Those teas sound great as well!
For this week I'm only going on Saturday, maybe next week too. Then I'm going to add one more day for a couple of weeks. When that goes fine then I'm going to add a day of prenatal yoga at home.
My favorite calcium treat is the chocolate carnation instant breakfast sugar free pack. I put it in a glass of skim milk so I think the total is 150 calories but it's chock full of vitamin and nutrients but it tastes like such a treat.
We're eating eggs, strawberries and English muffins today. Packing up for the gym. Feeling better already. I think I'm going to try to up my intensity on the tread mill and then for us on arms.
I agree Rebecca, every time I eat sugary stuff I end up either hungry again really soon after or feel sick if I over indulge. I think that apples and fruit instead of "treats" is a really good idea. I have been eating more fruit, maybe that's why I haven't had as many unhealthy snacks as last time?

Sass, good for you for getting back into a gym routine. I have honestly found that I feel better on the days where I am active, even if I am really tired. DSemcho, that's awesome that you are being active too!

Greats, totally get taking a break for the night, I don't know how you run after more than one toddler; I'm exhausted just spending a few hours with Isla after work.

I did my pregnancy workout last night and managed a 30 minute walk at work yesterday. I did eat some junk yesterday so trying to be better today. :thumbup:
I find grapes are great for snacking too. I'll graze on them at my desk at work all morning - better than shovelling chips or candy in my mouth!
Oh yes grapes! Love to snack on those! And it helps they are so tasty! My son likes them as well, so we often share a bowl.
Heading to the grocery store in an hour. Didn't go anywhere last night. Going to do my yoga tonight instead. Already in my workout clothes!

I love grapes! Honestly, fruit in general I could eat all day long. And I never knew about the carrots and nausea thing! I've been going through a bag of baby carrots every 3 days haha

Yeah, Thursdays are my busy day as I have 3 two year olds to run after otherwise it's only 2. Luckily I have them on the same nap schedule so I do get a break in the afternoon. But once they leave for the day, I'm spent!

Dd is going to spend the night at grandma's tomorrow night so going to go to the gym with the hubby!

I don't know what to make for dinner tonight. Was thinking maybe brown rice, steamed green beans, and ? Not in the mood for chicken or fish or anything. Maybe shrimp? Help! Lol
Well went grocery shopping and started to feel really nauseous so didn't finish. Ended up just having a handful of nuts and made a banana/peanut butter milkshake (just 1 banana, 2 tbsp. peanut butter, and 1.5 cups milk) super yummy and filling! Really can't stomach much else.
Greats- Sorry to hear you started feeling sick! I just learned the thing about carrots this time as well. Would have loved to have known that the first time. Did you make it to yoga?
I am living in the same few pairs of workout clothes. I'm getting increasingly frustrated with the lack of maternity workout clothes. I went to Motherhood today and could only find a few tank tops. I'm looking for shorts or short pants, but they only make long pants right now. I have one pair of short pants and no shorts. I could wear nonmaternity clothes, but the further along I get, the more awkward I feel in it. I don't like my belly sticking out. I prefer something that will cover it. If I was at all talented, I'd make my own maternity exercise clothes!

I haven't been able to go to yoga all week due to things I have had to do this week. I did go and lift weights tonight. I plan to get up and do my dance class tomorrow and I will be ready to just rest on Sunday!
No I missed out, was hugging the toilet instead. Bleh! I'm ready for my nausea to go away. With my daughter I felt great in 2nd tri so I'm really hoping it happens this time, too!
Now I want grapes too! Waiting for DH to get home and I'm going to go on a fruit run. Generally happy about yesterday and today's food choices. Was feeling inspired by your pace greats, so I tried 3.0 at 2 on the tread. It was a little fast for me but I did it! Unfortunately it hot my heart rate up to 137 but while I was holding on the the heart rate sensors, it would drop back to 127. What do you all make of that? My docs office told me not to go over 140. I'm thinking of getting a heart rate monitor watch.
Sass- I got a heart rate monitor to wear just to ensure that my HR didn't go too high. It has helped tremendously. And I've watched my HR be able to handle more exercise without getting as high the more I exercise. I think just take it like you have been and keep it around the 130s. You'll still get a good workout.

My friend shared this on Facebook today, I wanted to share it on here in case anyone is interested! I have been eating plain yogurt with blueberries--good to know it's a superfood! Haha! Also, I've now found yet another source for calcium, so that's great! The more the better.

Oh, and she also shared this thing about doing squats helping labor...but I don't see myself being able to do 300 squats a day! It's a goal, though...maybe I will try to increase my squats little by little.
Totally forgot to mention, zulily had a maternity fitness clothing shop open two days ago. And I went to motherhood maternity today (my old pregnancy jeans are just too big) and they had a fitness section too.
Here's a link.... https://www.destinationmaternity.com/maternity/activewear.asp
Went to the gym on the 24th and did very little weight lifting because I wasn't feeling it. I did 15 minutes on the treadmill.
So I've been kind of freaking out about how big I've gotten the last three days. I've been scared to get on the scale. I've been feeling bloated and gross. I ate 5 prunes last night and it really worked! I've gotten out two big #2's in the last 12 hours. I weighed myself, and I haven't gained anything. I know it's sort of cheating, but I feel so much better. I seriously thought I would see a 10 lb gain.
Off to the gym this morning!
Grapes and fruit in general are all delicious! I love blueberries too, thanks for that article Rebecca! This weekend I had watermelon and it was the best thing I've eaten in FOREVER :haha:

I managed to do both of my yoga workouts this weekend so was happy with that. I did have a little bit of candy but not too much, my DH occasionally brings home little treats for us which is nice but I need to tell him to stop.

Greats, sorry that your nausea is back, hopefully it goes away soon. I still get it from time to time as well as dizziness, it went away at 12 weeks with Isla, hoping for the same result this time.

I have found some cute maternity work out stuff at Old Navy before too...
Oh and there was a new workout shop on zulily yesterday but 90% of the stuff was really expensive.

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