Hello all, I've just found this group and had to share my experience. I'm currently 29+5 with my second.
I became pregnant after losing roughly 80 lbs by eating better and exercising regularly. I've kept it up during pregnancy and I have noticed i have much more energy. This last week I didn't work out because I've had some chest congestion and felt it would be a bit too much for my body but I am so ready to get back to my treadmill omg.
Before pregnancy I was doing HIIT treadmill workouts three times a week, strength training on the treadmill with a 10% incline and lifting weights. Before I found out I was pregnant I was so tired and exhausted and eventually took a test and realized why
I've had to do a bit less intensive exercising but I still get my heart rate up to 60-80% maximum.
I'll be honest, I don't even check my weight anymore because it is really discouraging to see the numbers go up after losing over 80 lbs. I have to remind myself that it's for my lil bebe!
I'm glad I found some other ladies who are keeping it up as well.