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Working out mommas-to-be!

Good for you Rebecca re continuing your workouts. It is easy to lose motivation as you get further along and you are doing awesome to keep at it.

I went for a long walk yesterday and did my pregnancy work out DVD. I have had a couple of not great days re food though, still need to work on that. I weigh in next week and am hoping that I've kept my weight gain low for the first tri this time....
Can't wait for my doctors appointment on Tuesday to get the all clear to exercise again! Haven't spotted since Monday and I'm feeling pretty good! So if all goes well at my appointment then I'll be getting my swimming membership on Thursday!

I'm a busy bee between babysitting and going to college, so my plan is to swim laps Thursday thru Sunday. Can't do it Monday thru Wednesday because I have night class those days.

Thinking of going shopping to buy myself a new swim suit and goggles. My toddler destroyed all my goggles lol
Back at home after traveling. Ate poorly two times while home and really paid for it both times. was just sick (nauceous, upset stomach, off balance) the rest of both days. I think I've learned my lesson! I just can't get away with poor eating this go around.
Really happy to be back and able to get back to my gym and routine. Now if I can just get to yoga this week.....;)
Mrs. Eddie- Thank you so much for the encouragement!! I did weights last night and I felt pretty good about it. I'm about to go to the gym and do the elliptical for 30 minutes soon. I know I will at least feel good afterwards. :)

Greats- I hope all goes well at your doctor appointment and you do get the all clear to exercise!

Lately, I've realized that I have been eating so healthy (mainly because I feel I have to or I will eat everything) that I had a small piece of cheesecake for a friend's birthday party yesterday and it was almost too sweet. I'm hoping this is a good sign that I won't be tempted to big out on all of that stuff at the end of pregnancy. I'm really starting to crave the good stuff.
Mrs. Eddie- Thank you so much for the encouragement!! I did weights last night and I felt pretty good about it. I'm about to go to the gym and do the elliptical for 30 minutes soon. I know I will at least feel good afterwards. :)

Greats- I hope all goes well at your doctor appointment and you do get the all clear to exercise!

Lately, I've realized that I have been eating so healthy (mainly because I feel I have to or I will eat everything) that I had a small piece of cheesecake for a friend's birthday party yesterday and it was almost too sweet. I'm hoping this is a good sign that I won't be tempted to big out on all of that stuff at the end of pregnancy. I'm really starting to crave the good stuff.

That's good, though! That's what I'm trying to work on, eating healthy consistently that the bad food tastes off. I've been craving veggies so bad the past couple weeks.
Hello all, I've just found this group and had to share my experience. I'm currently 29+5 with my second.
I became pregnant after losing roughly 80 lbs by eating better and exercising regularly. I've kept it up during pregnancy and I have noticed i have much more energy. This last week I didn't work out because I've had some chest congestion and felt it would be a bit too much for my body but I am so ready to get back to my treadmill omg.

Before pregnancy I was doing HIIT treadmill workouts three times a week, strength training on the treadmill with a 10% incline and lifting weights. Before I found out I was pregnant I was so tired and exhausted and eventually took a test and realized why :).
I've had to do a bit less intensive exercising but I still get my heart rate up to 60-80% maximum.

I'll be honest, I don't even check my weight anymore because it is really discouraging to see the numbers go up after losing over 80 lbs. I have to remind myself that it's for my lil bebe!

I'm glad I found some other ladies who are keeping it up as well.
Hello all, I've just found this group and had to share my experience. I'm currently 29+5 with my second.
I became pregnant after losing roughly 80 lbs by eating better and exercising regularly. I've kept it up during pregnancy and I have noticed i have much more energy. This last week I didn't work out because I've had some chest congestion and felt it would be a bit too much for my body but I am so ready to get back to my treadmill omg.

Before pregnancy I was doing HIIT treadmill workouts three times a week, strength training on the treadmill with a 10% incline and lifting weights. Before I found out I was pregnant I was so tired and exhausted and eventually took a test and realized why :).
I've had to do a bit less intensive exercising but I still get my heart rate up to 60-80% maximum.

I'll be honest, I don't even check my weight anymore because it is really discouraging to see the numbers go up after losing over 80 lbs. I have to remind myself that it's for my lil bebe!

I'm glad I found some other ladies who are keeping it up as well.

80lbs, wow! That's a phenomenal accomplishment! Awesome job keeping up with working out throughout your pregnancy!
So I've been slowly but surely sticking with the increased intensity and I'm seeing that my heart rate isn't increasing as much anymore. I'm now able to do 3.0 at 2 incline and stay at 120 as opposed to the 140 I was hitting a hit ago. I'm so happy. And for the first time in forever, I'm going to yoga today. We're skipping DD's playgroup to go so I feel a little bad about that, but I need this!
Welcome jessiecaftl, 80 lbs is an incredible achievement :thumbup: I can understand not weighing yourself, as long as you eat well and exercise I'm sure you'll be fine.

Sass, sometimes you have to something for yourself, hope you liked yoga.

Greats, hope you get the OK to exercise again.

I've not had a great week, mostly because I've felt awful. Looking forward to starting to exercise again tomorrow!
Are you sick sick or just pregnancy sick mrs. Eddie? Hope you feel better today!
So I am so pooped after yoga. I feel like a wet noodle. The room was 75 degrees. Is that too hot? It seemed hotter than my yoga places in the past, but was not advertised as hot yoga.
Yeah I went for a long walk with DH Sunday and am looking forward to getting on the treadmill today. I really missed not working out last week but my body seems to be better quickly from some chest congestion I had.
I think I might be sick Sass, tough to say. No fever but I honestly feel like I have the flu :cry: Glad you liked yoga, and yeah that room does sound a bit hot...
My ob said to call if I suspect the flu because they will treat it. I'm guessing tamiflu? Not sure though. Make sure to stay on top of your fever. I hope it's not the flu though. Flu these days is so bad. I had to go in the hospital for it years ago.
Thanks Sass, if I still feel bad I think I'll go see my doctor tomorrow.
Sass- 75 degrees does seem hot. One thing I find I cannot handle while working out during pregnancy is any kind of heat. There have been times when the room I've been doing yoga in is slightly warmer than usual (don't know the exact temperature). And I feel like I seriously cannot do it without the fans being turned on. This stuff never used to bother me. But pregnancy does different things to you.

I've been out of town for the past few days. I was up at my parents' house for the baby shower and then we took 2 days to drive back. I did see another pregnant woman at the gym walking on the treadmill for the first time in this entire pregnancy. I was on the elliptical at the time and I actually would have gone up and talked to her if she hadn't gotten off of the treadmill before I was done. But just seeing one other pregnant person there exercising was extremely encouraging.
The further along I get, the more weird stares I get from people. I laugh inside because I think they are wondering if my water is going to break right there or if I will suddenly just go into labor.
Right now, I'm losing weight slowly. I've lost about 5-6 lbs since I turned 27 weeks. My weight will occasionally go up a little (as I think the baby gains) but then it will go down (as I lose a little extra weight). I have my 32 week appointment on Monday, and I hope they don't give me any issues about it. I have been eating right and my belly is MUCH larger right now than it was even 2 weeks ago.
Rebecca, if your exercising and eating well I'm sure that the baby is going through a growth spurt. They shouldn't give you a hard time, sounds like you're still doing everything right re diet and exercise :thumbup:

Still feeling crappy :cry: Have to go to work tomorrow no matter what so hopefully will feel better tomorrow...
That sounds fantastic to me Rebecca! How wonderful.
I think I'm going to try a different yoga class to see if there's a difference in temp and also try to get an aside with the instructor. I'm just thinking I might be in trouble because I think they're all in the same room. It's pretty small with a low ceiling.

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