Worried about gender disappointment?

I really don't know what I want, so I would be happy with either. DH really wants a girl, just like when I was pregnant with DS. He's absolutely dying to dress up a baby like a Disney princess ;) I was a tomboy as a kid, so I'm not sure I would connect well with a girl, but I would love to watch DH go bonkers over one, and we already decided to name a girl after my great grandmother. For the past 5 months I've been dreaming about having a baby named after her, and here I am pregnant. So...I think it's a girl, but will be happy no matter what.
This is part of why I want to stay team yellow until Pickle is born. I have a boy already, and had the gut feeling he was a boy, but this baby I have no clue one way or the other. My mom is adamant that I'm having a girl, though she has not physically seen me since finding out, just knows the symptoms I've had. OH wants a girl, mostly because he wants daddy's little girl, just like my son is a momma's boy. I also want a girl because after this we aren't going to have any other kids. So I want one of each.

I am leaving the decision up to my OH to find out or not, we got about 4 weeks to decide.

We have both said as long as Pickle is healthy, that's all that matters but I know that both of us may be a bit disappointed if Pickle were a boy.
How gad am i that im not the only one

I have two little boys ( I knew from word go that i was carrying boys both times).. and we only decided to try again because we both really really want a little girl. I will be disappointed if this is another boy.. so ill no doubt have a sulk for a day or two and then get all excited again. No matter what sex baby will be loved and cherished but a little girl would be all the more special... I really want to go out and buy little dresses etc... I have a feeling that this is a girl BUT i have an awful feeling that its just wishful thinking :dohh:
I always wanted a boy since we have a girl already, but last year I lost a girl and that made me feel so guilty for wanting a boy so badly. Now I just want a healthy baby regardless the gender.
I have 2 girls and I love having them, I would love a boy though just for some colour blue in the house I think & some different experiences.
I wouldn't be too disappointed if it was a girl, I'm more excited for that feeling you get when you see your baby for the very first time :flower:
though my 3yr old will be very disappointed if its a boy!! shes decided its a girl and thats it!!!:haha:
She even has the name sorted lol
I have a boy and that is all I ever wanted. Enough that once he was born, I didn't want anymore children because DH and I got what we wanted, a healthy little boy.

Now that we decided on having one more, mother's intuition tells me its a boy again, what I want that to be true more than anything! BUT........If I hear 'girl' when I get my genetic blood results in a few weeks, I won't be too devastated as long as they also say the baby has no genetic problems first and foremost!

I am the same as previous posters......I am a tom boy, so if I have to raise a girl, it will be challenging, but I will love and cherish every minute because it's MY girl!

It is WAY normal to have a little disappointment on not getting the gender you perfer, but if he gets real, real depressing or you can not cope, PLEASE PLEASE seek some help in a mental health professional ASAP. Gender disappointment (GD) can be as bad as post partum with some aspects! (Sorry, my BS degree is in Psych!)

I got 4 boys, was absolutely sure that ds1 was a girl i cried for 2 wks when they said boy, ds2 they said probably boy but we told our friends we werent finding out with all the rest of them we told people we were staying yellow but we found out anyway after 3 boys then i convinced myself that ds4 was a boy but still had a wee cry in the car after the ultrasound, this time I'm trying not to allow myself to daydream of girly things so I can cope better if this one is a boy too, instead I'm planning how im going to arrange the kids rooms and which kids to put together and what theme's for their rooms
I'm very scared for gender disappointment, as long as the baby is healthy I'm sure it doesn't really make any difference, but ever since I can remember I've wanted a girl, I'm a total girly girl. But since I've found out I'm pregnant it's really hit me that it could be a boy and we always talk about baby as a he... I think I'm trying to psychologically prepare for him being a boy and trying to not be too bothered.... Xxx
It's back and forth with us. We are foster parents and have had all girls. If we have a girl we have all the clothes from birth to 1 year. And since we already do cloth diapers we have all the diapers from birth to potty training. We have 5 kids among both sides of the family and only one is a boy. My husband is convinced we will end up with a girl for that reason.

On the flip side, we both want a boy. lol

If we have a girl it will be really cheap, if we have a boy it will be a little more expensive but we get what we want. We win either way.
Honestly have no preference whatsoever.

Frankly when you've been through what some of us have to get pregnant in the first place and when you know of all that can and does go wrong during pregnancy, gender is kind of waaaaay at the bottom of the list of concerns. Just glad it's not another worry I need to have!
I totally agree 3chords!!!!!!!

I am just hoping that this bean makes it all the way, that's my priority. It's amazing how your priorities change after endless months of TTC.
I have 3 beautiful daughters who I love greatly and wouldn't change for the world, however I wanted my first born to be a boy and she was a girl this continued through each pregnancy and I prayed for a boy each time and never got one. This has to be my forth and final pregnancy and so ive never prayed more in my life for a boy I would just love a son and would feel as though I have a complete family if I had a son. I know I should be grateful for my 3 daughters and I really am just that overwhelming feeling for a specific gender is hard to shrug off. I decided I didn't want to find out the gender because I would be upset theres no denying it id obviously soon get over it but oh wants to find out he says he cant wait, he too really wants a son. My worry is that he wouldn't get over it and that's why I want to wait as he will instantly fall in love as soon as he/she was born and then gender wouldn't matter anyway. ohh the joys lol x
I have a beautiful little girl. When I was pregnant with her I really wanted a boy. I think it was because my family is pretty much all girls and it would have been nice to have a boy. I wasn't disappointed when I found out DD was a girl but I was a bit like ... Oh. After a while of buying girls bits and getting ready for her to come I loved the idea I would have my own little girl! And now I loooooooooove being a mummy to a girl! This pregnancy, I wouldn't be disappointed with either, just a healthy baby is all I pray for, but another girl would be nice. I'm scared I won't get being a mum to a boy ( silly I know :haha: ) and let's be honest pink pram, pink room, loads of girly hand me downs from DD1... Life would be easier haha ... Either way, I'm excited for the new arrival and for DD1 to have a sibling close in age! :)
I hear ya about shopping for girls RoxieHart.

My foster kids have been little girls and the clothes are so adorable. I know have a boy and it's all about transformers and trucks....yuck!

If I have a son, the poor child will be dressed so preppy because I am really not interested in trucks. lol
I hear ya about shopping for girls RoxieHart.

My foster kids have been little girls and the clothes are so adorable. I know have a boy and it's all about transformers and trucks....yuck!

If I have a son, the poor child will be dressed so preppy because I am really not interested in trucks. lol

Lol, I'm a girly girl, not as much as I've gotten older but I enjoy dressing up and doing my hair and makeup. But I like wearing and jeans and t-shirt just to be comfortable also.

Well just the other night I was talking to OH as he saw this post, and I told him even if we had a girl, I wouldn't be above putting her in blue or anything like that. Now when I had my son, I refused to put him in pink and purple unless it was a polo shirt. Well my grandmother on my dad's side sent me a winter snowsuit type of thing that was purple, and I'm not talking a dark purple, I'm talking a very light purple. I was very surprised to get something like this from her because she knew I was having a boy and very, very excited he was the first grandboy she was had (I have two older brothers, but they have different dads, and on my dad's side I have 3 cousins, all female, and even though my dad adopted my brother I grew up with, even he had a little girl 3 years before I had my son).

I do kind of want a girl because I did realize quickly when shopping for my son, how much easier it is to find baby girl clothes than it is to find baby boy clothes.
This is going to sound weird, I'll be equally happy with either but I think both ways would have it's disappointment too.
Like if we only ever have 2 children and it's a boy then I'll have never experienced having a girl. But then if it's a girl I have so much in terms of "boys clothes and things" and we would need a much bigger house...:wacko:
I guess all I really want is a healthy baby.

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