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Worried I won't know its contractions


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2012
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I get very frequent, fairly uncomfortable and even sometimes painful braxton hicks. All the time. I'm worried that once the time does come and I go into labor, that I won't be able to tell the difference and just think it's more braxton hicks. Any ladies have experience in this?
This is a big worry for me too!! Everyone keeps telling me I'll know, but what if I don't? A friend of mine didn't know she was in labor until her husband called her mom and they forced her to go into L&D and sure enough she was in labor.
Generally, it's time to go to the hospital/birth center when you can no longer talk through your contractions. In other words, the pain will be significant enough that you'll definitely know. Unless your one of those rare ladies who finds a tooth ache more painful than labour....boy do I wish that I fell into that category :haha: very unlikely though...
We're about 30 miles away from our birth center, so I'm assuming we'll have to head out a little sooner than barely able to talk:haha: especially if little miss decides to get things moving during the worst traffic of the day.

I'm alright with labor at 2am, let's just not do it between 3pm - 7 pm lol
You'll know :p

I have evil BH, with my first i questioned if id know when its time. Well was no denying it when it was time.
You will know! I know everyone says that and I even question BHs sometimes second time round but you will definitely know. When you can't carry on, can't walk and talk.
I'm one of those ladies that find the evil toothache more painful than labour, that said I sure did know about it when I was in labour :haha:
Oh u will definitely know!
Braxton hicks shudnt really be painful or frequent just v uncomfortable.
Good luck for wen the time comes! :)
As said above, you will just know :)

I worried about the exact same thing during my first pregnancy but when the time came, I certainly knew what was happening :haha:
:hugs: I have the same fear. This is mostly because with my first, I never felt any contractions at all, not until after I went in for my induction, and was told I had been having contractions for at least a month before. This time around, I've felt BH, and sometimes more painful ones/sharp jabs, but I just know at this time, they aren't timeable or regular.

But as ladies have said, and from what all I've read, you'll know when it's time.
I too worry about this! Also because my first labour was induced with pitocin after my waters broke at home and labour didnt start naturally so im worried incase because i havent gone into labour naturally. Were also about half an hour away from hospital and it would take dh an hour to get home from work to come pick me up!
I was in denial for the first part of labour in all honesty, but as others have said, eventually you will realise it's the real deal. I realised when they were about 6 minutes apart, and went to hospital for some pain relief when they were 4 minutes apart, so I still had plenty of time to get there.
A lot of first labours especially aren't all that quick, it's not like the movies where they have one contraction and then they're ready to push, at least not for the vast majority.
You'll know when it's more regular. I had period pains/back ache with irregular tightenings all day the day before I went into labour. The tightenings were between every 2 minutes to 20 minutes and some of them lasted 30 seconds and some a few minutes, so I knew it wasn't the real thing yet 'cause they weren't properly timeable and they weren't actually accompanied by pain, I was just in constant dull pain if you know what I mean. The next morning I woke up at 4am and the pains were a lot more regular and strong - every 4 minutes almost on the dot (I was only timing it using a clock by this point rather than a timer), so that's how I knew it was the real deal! The pain still wasn't that bad by this point though, and I had to wait hours and hours until it was actually intense. I rang the hospital and actually went in a few times before I was admitted, just 'cause my contractions were so regular, but was sent back home because they weren't intense enough. By the time I got admitted, I definitely couldn't talk through them and was needing someone to help me through them, and was dreading having to temporarily take my TENS machine off to get into the bath!

I was worried about knowing when I was in proper labour too, 'cause I was getting period pains/back ache for weeks leading up to delivery, but I did just know, and chances are you will too, so try not to worry :flower: Everyone's different though so don't worry about having to ring up and ask for advice.
I know that I will 'know', but it doesn't stop me questioning every pain and BH episode. I've had several days of near constant bhs - but I'm still pregnant! I definitely 'knew' with my first as the pain was different to my false labours, in intensity and where they hurt.
I'm sorry this isn't super helpful. So if say if in doubt call the labour ward and explain the pains. They really don't mind.

I thought I had BH from 10-4. And it wasn't until I was dragged to L&D And was told I was 9cm that I really believed it.

Had her in less than half an hour of showing up! X
This is a big worry for me too!! Everyone keeps telling me I'll know, but what if I don't? A friend of mine didn't know she was in labor until her husband called her mom and they forced her to go into L&D and sure enough she was in labor.

You'll know :p

I have evil BH, with my first i questioned if id know when its time. Well was no denying it when it was time.

These were totally me! I had three false alarms :)dohh: - so embarrassing! Consistent, painless BH had me fooled) and thought I had food poisoning the morning I went into labor. I called my mom, asking if she thought food poisoning would hurt the baby and if I should be calling my OB when she started timing my "stomach pain waves" (as I was describing them - still clueless!). I was contracting every 60-90 seconds... and I was home by myself!! Needless to say, DH rushed me to L&D; I was at 7.5 cm. DS was out three hours later. You might not know right away, but by the time we got to the hospital (15 min drive) I KNEW this was active labor!
I felt this way too with my daughter. You will know trust me, lol. People used to say that to me and I'd still be worried I wouldnt. The pain is quite a bit stronger.

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