Would 4 days really hurt?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2008
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I am CD 18, 11 days til next AF and in my Luteal Phase. My O ticker says I can test in 9 days. Would it really hurt to test in 5 with a EPT? come on mama needs a :bfp: :happydance: :bfp:
I'd go for it. If it comes up negative, it might be because it's too early but then you can test again at a later date.
Chances are if your :witch: is due in 11 days you would get a :bfn: as it takes a while for the pregnancy to establish itself after ovulation.
it is also possible to have a false negative becuase the hgc homone isn't strong enough to be detected.
So you would probaby test again anyway.
I think I will try and test and with a clear blue 5 day early test and see what happens. I'll just get one with 3 test in it and test sat, sun, and mon!!! LOL I want that BFP
When did you ovulate? You need to be guideed by when you ovulated as opposed to when your AF is due.....there's utterly no point testing until 8dpo at the very earliest, more likely 9 or 10. There simply isn't enough HCG in the body at this point to register on any tests - no matter how sensitive.

If you did indeed get pregnant, the fertilised egg needs to implant, and only then will your HCG levels start rising,, so if you ovulate early....at CD8 or 9, then yes, you theoretically could start testing now. But if you ovulate in a normal window of say CD13 to 17, there's pretty little chance that even if you were pregnant that you would get any line at all.....you've probably not even gone through implantation at this point.

It can't hurt your chances to test early, but it can seriously hurt your purse, and believe me, it can be soul destroying to see the negative result!

I'd try and hang on....I know its not easy, but unless you know you ovulated at lest 8 or 9 days ago, it would be impossible for you to get a positive result, even if you were pregnant.

Good luck x
When did you ovulate? You need to be guideed by when you ovulated as opposed to when your AF is due.....there's utterly no point testing until 8dpo at the very earliest, more likely 9 or 10. There simply isn't enough HCG in the body at this point to register on any tests - no matter how sensitive.

If you did indeed get pregnant, the fertilised egg needs to implant, and only then will your HCG levels start rising,, so if you ovulate early....at CD8 or 9, then yes, you theoretically could start testing now. But if you ovulate in a normal window of say CD13 to 17, there's pretty little chance that even if you were pregnant that you would get any line at all.....you've probably not even gone through implantation at this point.

It can't hurt your chances to test early, but it can seriously hurt your purse, and believe me, it can be soul destroying to see the negative result!

I'd try and hang on....I know its not easy, but unless you know you ovulated at lest 8 or 9 days ago, it would be impossible for you to get a positive result, even if you were pregnant.

Good luck x

Lyns - you are a very wise woman :hugs: & you always give great advice.

I havent really got anything to add coz Lyns has said it all really... I know you are dying to find out but realistically you will only get a BFN by testing too early so as difficult as it may be... your best bet is to wait until at least the day before :witch: is due.

Good luck... your egg could even be implanting as we speak! xx
Well last night I woke up to some slight cramping in my lower left side. I ran to the bathroom to see if AF showed up early. NOTHING!!!! Thank God. This morning I have some slight cramping still and BBs are sore. Could it be implanting already?
Yes you could be! Finger crossed! Good luck!

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