Hi guys!
I’m new to these forums, just looking for someone in the same boat really.
Me and my other half have decided to start trying later next year. We are both ridiculously broody and impatient, but we’ve got a lot of change happening soon and throwing a baby into the mix won’t help. We’re getting married in June, and are buying a new house/starting new jobs closer to family. This week we are moving back in with my parents (with our many pets) until the house sale goes through, which could be months, so realistically we think we should wait until we have our own place again before we get pregnant, and ideally until after the wedding (since I’ve already put a deposit on a dress I would like to fit into!)
But the wait is excruciating at times! I’m 30, he’s 32. I’ve wanted kids for years, but never been in the right circumstances with education, work, relationships etc. And now finally it’s just around the corner my broodiness has gone into overdrive!
I had my Mirena coil removed in February, and we’ve been using the Natural Cycles contraceptive app since then. It was partly because I wanted my body to have a chance to self regulate again, and see what was normal for me, as I’ve been on some form of hormonal contraception since I was 19. Partly because the possibility of an “accident” is something we are both (not so) secretly excited about. The app has been working very well for us so far, though. We’ve had a couple of periods that were a few days later than expected that led us to doing a pregnancy test, and then both been bummed out when it’s negative. Which seems stupid when that is actually the plan.
My other half is a bad influence too! Because of the app we know when I’m ovulating each month, and he’s like the devil on my shoulder saying “go on, let’s just see what happens, life is short!” But I can just picture the house sale falling through and being stuck at my parents with 5 animals and then also a baby!
I’ve not bought anything yet. Every time I’m at the shops I pause longer than I should in the baby aisle, but I worry that to buy something now would be jinxing it. If for any reason it didn’t happen I wouldn’t know what to do with the stuff and it would make me too sad.
Anyway, I hope I haven’t rambled on too long. It’s difficult to talk to friends about this without coming across as crazy. I mention occasionally that after we’re married we’ll probably start thinking about it, but I don’t let on how many hours I’ve spent binge watching one born every minute, researching local birthing units or reading ttc stories on mums net. It’s nice to know there are other people out there feeling the same!