Morning ladies
I have had sore and tender boobs for the last couple of weeks and been feeling sick as a dog for the last few days and my friend at work said yesterday - well maybe you are pg, I said nah I won't be then just decided this morning to do a test (AF was due today) I did it in the loo at work and the two lines came up in about 3 seconds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did have a sort of period last time but no heavy bleeding just spotting!
I am absolutely shitting in my pants (pardon my language!), I am also worried now cos I had my smear and pelvic exam last week - how could she not have been able to tell that I was pg - wouldn't my cervix have been different? also what if having the smear has damaged the baby - is this possible?
AAAARGH HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!