WTT number 2, only just had number 1!!

We are just using the condom at the moment as we didnt see any point in me going back on the pill for such a short period of time. Yes my afs are back I've had two already as I'm not breastfeeding (I had terrible trouble) it's another story all together.
Evie sleeps 7:30pm till 7/8 am with a dream feed at 11pm I'm expecting a nightmare baby next haha
Oooh I forgot to add that I have ordered 50 opks from ebay so I can start tracking my cycles for when I do start ttc. We have decided to stick to just condoms so my body can be normally regulated and not influenced by hormonal contraceptions.
Good thing about supplementing is that babies sleep more during the night :).

I love motherhood. My OH is out of work and therefore always there for us. He does a lot so I can have time to myself if I want it. Mostly we just do things together.

I bought around 60 OPKs myself before finding out about my condition and I gave them away after finding out I was pregnant after all. I only got to use three tests and one more after the positive pregnancy test. So I'll just get some more.
Aw that's great Katy that your oh is getting to spend time with you both.
My df works 50 hours a week as a chef so he's out of the house pretty much all day 5 days a week, so I love his days off.
Does he cook at home too? My OH cooks most times, with myself in charge of the chopping (when Jakob allows it of course).
He does cook at home when he wants to show off to me lol, but I do a lot too. I used to be a chef too, but I like cooking all mg traditional homely kinda foods but he does fancy stuff lol.
My DH does most of the cooking in our house. He enjoys it. What do you ladies do for work?
Hi ladies, can I join you? I'm WTT number 2 in April next year :) According to my ticker, only 4 days before Baileybubs! Nice to 'meet' you all :)
Hey purplespecs, welcome.

besty, I work for a pharmaceutical company. It's a stressful job but my biggest problem is an annoying boss. So I'm quite enjoying my year off. Though I took Jakob to the office today and treated my co-workers to coffee and cake. What do you do for a living?
Good evening ladies.

Welcome purplespecs! Your little boy is beautiful! How are you finding losing your baby weight (just looking at your ticker). I lost the initial "bulk" and went down 2 stone (mainly weight of baby, placenta etc) and I'm stuck now!! Ideally I want to lose another stone but every time I try to exercise my LG has other ideas!! I even bought myself a wii fit but never get on it lol!
How did you find your pregnancy and birth? Are you breastfeeding or formula?

Katy sounds like you have a good job. Have you managed to get good mat pay? My company are poop and only pay statutory mat pay but we are managing somehow.

Besty I am support worker for adults with learning disabilities and I am starting to volunteer as a Befriender for Age Uk whilst I'm on mat leave because I'd love to work for either Age UK or Alzheimer's Society once I've had my children.
What do you do?
What was your struggle with breastfeeding if you don't mind me asking? I tried for 3 days, and in a way now wish I had continued expressing but Emilia just didn't seem to be able to latch! Even the midwives said that there are some babies that just can't manage it. Plus I strangely seem to have a problem getting milk from my right breast, but my left was fine lol!!

Dizzy how did you find having a newborn and a toddler? Are you using any contraception or just condoms until you start ttc?
Hi purplespecs

I am a registered childminder I'm taking 8months maternity leave before going back to work. I only get stat maternity pay as well. It's hard to live on such little money but we are managing it somehow.

My struggle with breast feeding (going to be long I'm sure)
I started out bf and thinking I was doing really well it was only when I started getting really sore nipples that I realised I needed help! I went to breast feeding clinic and they said we were doing everything right and couldn't work out why I was so sore. I was crying all the time and dreaded feeling and when your sore 3 hours come round quickly! I had 5 different people check Evie's tongue and said she wasn't tongue tied. I saw so many people who were trying to help me get the latch right and I listened to everything they told me but I was still so sore! I then got mastitis and felt so ill and yes I was still crying telling my husband I just wanted to feel normal again (I was determined not to give up) on my 4th visit to bf clinic and the 6th person to check Evie's tongue we discovered she was infact tongue tied. (She was 4 weeks by now) To have it clipped on the Nhs was over a week and a half wait so we paid privately. I was hoping this would solve our problems (little did I know I had now developed trush in my nipples) the doctors told me to start expressing to let my nipples heal I couldn't express enough for every feed so I had to combi feed. I expressed for a week went back to docs and she told me to express for a few more days as my nipples were still bruised. Went I tried to feed again Evie got frustrated as she had got use to the bottle and not having to work for her milk so I decided I wouldn't stress us both out and I just carried on expressing I stopped when Evie was 12 weeks. I still wish I was able to bf but it just wasn't meant to be!

How was everyone's pregnancies and labours?
Aw thats a shame besty after all that hard work, but they do say that any amount of breastmilk is great for baby anyway. I think for my next baby if we struggle breastfeeding again I will express and feed expressed breast milk rather than formula. I hate the smell of it lol!!

My pregnancy was ok, not one of these brilliant ones, but not as bad as I have heard some can be! I didnt have any ms which was great! But I had lots of aching and pain instead. From 16 weeks I had really bad hip pain and had to sleep on an air mattress lol, was hilarious watching me try to get up off it according to my df!! I had to finish work at 32 weeks coz my job is a physical one and I just couldnt hack any more! I also had a big bleed at 20 weeks which terrified me as I had a miscarriage 2 months before this pregnancy. And I also ended up with high blood pressure and possible pre-eclampsia which is why eventually I was induced the day before she was due.
Her birth was horrible though, I'd love to be one of those people who could say labour isnt that bad but mine wasnt nice. They broke my waters when I was only 1cm (that was very painful!!) and then put me on a drip so I couldnt move which upset me as I had wanted an active birth. They told me as soon as I was put on the drip that I should have the epidural but I said no as I had wanted to try to cope but after an hour on the drip I couldnt cope!! It was like one long neverending contraction and whenever I got into a slighlty less painful position the midwives kept making me move because I was on monitors for babys heartbeat.
Once I had the epidural I was great lol!! 14 hours later and they told me I was fully dilated, so I started pushing. An hour later nothing was happening, they told me I wasnt pushing hard enough, then a doctor examined me because babys heartrate was dropping so were going to use forceps. They then said that I wasnt fully dilated and baby was back to back so couldnt use forceps and they then whisked me away for an emergency c section.
The c section itself was fine, I wasnt bothered by it, it was a little hectic coz it was rushed but I just wanted her out safely so I didnt care.
They managed to numb me too much though and my left arm was numb and I couldnt hold her until 10 hours after she was born, and I was very sick for a while afterwards too and was throwing up, so df had to feed her and I couldnt try breastfeeding or expressing til the next day.

But despite all that I would do it all over again in a heartbeat and cant wait to have my next baby, its totally worth it.

Sorry for the long rambling story lol!!!
Oh sounds like a really sap army birth but main thing is your lo arrived safely.

My pregnancy was ok I didn't have ms. Only time I was sick was if I drank a fizzy drink so I stayed away from them. I had the most horrendous heartburn and a ate Rennes like they were going out of fashion. I was very uncomfortable too as Evie had long legs and she decided the best place for them was under my ribs ouch!!

I started getting mild contractions on my due date 15th feb I had them all eve and then in the morning they stopped :wacko: I had nothing all day on the sat but come Sunday eve about 7:30pm the contractions started again and I had them all night and all day on the Monday by 4pm I decided I would go to the hospital and get checked. The midwife told me I hadn't even started dilating :dohh: I got home at 4:45pm and at 5pm my contractions started getting stronger. By 9pm I had to start breathing through them. At 11:30pm I decided to head to the hospital. When I got checked I was 4cm :happydance: I got into the birth pool and stayed in there for 4hours before the midwife asked me to get out to check me by now I was only 5cm :wacko: I got back into the pool and with the next contraction my waters went I stayed in the pool for another hour and I was so tired by now that the midwife wanted me to get out and give me a some pethadine so I could hopefully dose through the contractions. The midwife also checked me again it was now 5am I was 8 cm. half hour went by and I felt I needed to push I was checked again and I was 9cm but the lip of my cervix was stuck in baby's head from 5:30am till 7:10am I had to try and not push as I was still 9cm but at 7:10 I was ready to push I pushed and pushed 40mins went by and my yellow bump turned pink I was so happy to have my baby girl in my arms :) I felt like the luckiest lady alive. I didn't have any tears (yes I'm one of those lady's who had a great labour and everything went to plan) I was very relived to see Evie had a full head of hair and as they say heart burn means hair in my case it was true!!

I would love to see everyone's first pics you're Los
Attached is the first ever picture of Evie


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Aw thats a lovely birth story hun! And I agree with the old wives tale too coz I was drinking bottles of gaviscon by the end and my Emilia has loads of hair!

Here's my first pic of her, she looks exactly like her dad lol

Hey everyone :)

My weight loss is going really well so far, i've joined Slimming World and have lost 1 stone 1.5lbs in 4 weeks :D

I didn't have the easiest pregnancy or labour... I developed obstetric cholestasis at 28 weeks and then pre-eclampsia at 35 weeks. I was induced at 36+6 due to my blood pressure being dangerously high. Daniel's birth was slightly traumatic as my contractions were coming back to back straight away with no break in between them. He got distressed very quickly and had to have the clip on his head to monitor him which meant I couldn't have the active birth I wanted. I asked for an epidural but was told it was too early to have one so they gave me diamorphine instead... then 44 mins later he was born - with assistance from ventouse and a 2nd degree tear! That was the only good thing about his labour was that it was quick - 3 hours and 35 mins from having the pessary inserted. But the diamorphine put me and Daniel out of it for the next 24 hours, I was sky high and so was Daniel. He wouldn't feed properly for the first few days and became very jaundiced, so I chose to formula feed him. That coupled with medication I was taking made it the best choice for both of us.

Then the saga continues... I was kept in hospital for 5 days due to my blood pressure still being sky high and during that time I wasn't given any compression stockings or anything so surprise surprise - at 2 weeks postnatal I was admitted to A&E with a pulmonary embolism (blood clots in my lungs). Fast forward to now... I'm still taking warfarin and will be until at least this August. And i've been told if I ever pregnant again that I will have to have Clexane injections throughout my next pregnancy. All of these contributing factors is making me a little scared of TTC number 2, but Daniel is worth every second of it and I would hate for him to be an only child.

So... essay over! You now know a bit more about me and I look forward to waiting it out with you ladies :)
Your story sounds a bit similar to mine birth-wise purplespecs. I had to have the clexane for a while after giving birth and was on labetelol for 6 weeks after as my blood pressure never really came back down again. They have let me stop taking it now but I have another appointment to check my bp on Friday and if its even slightly higher than last time I will have to go back on the tablets I think. So fingers crossed its gone back down not up!
Sorry you had such a traumatic birth. Emilia had to have the head clip monitor too. I was gutted I couldn't have an active birth but she arrived safely so that's all that matters.

And well done on the weight loss! So many people I know keep telling me how good slimming world is and I'd love to try it, but there isn't a meeting I could attend as I always have Emilia in the evenings and mornings when they run in my area!!
Hello, I had my daughter in November and I am waiting to ttc #2 aswell. If my boyfriend had his way, we'd have been trying months ago but I'm waiting to feel half normal again before I carry another baby. I have separated stomach muscles and wake up every morning with back pain so I'm hoping it'll go away by Christmas, which is when I'm thinking of ntnp or not cause too much trouble during my next pregnancy. Plus my daughter is such a good baby that I'm sure #2 will be a Demon!!! Are you scared of labour this time around? First time around you go in blind so it's easy to be quite relaxed about the whole thing, but now an know what to expect, it makes me a little edgy. Especially as I had quite a difficult birth due to a posterior baby and then she decided to get stuck in the birth canal. Just curious too, any team yellow mums going to find out the sex next time around? I was team yellow on my daughter and I will definitely be team yellow on the next as it was such an amazing feeling to be surprised by my baby's gender. The midwife asked me in the throws of labour what I was having and my reply was 'you'll know before I will!!' I loved being team yellow!
Ps. I also drank Gaviscon like it was going out of fashion and my daughter was born with a mop of long dark hair!
Hi bumblebee and welcome!!

I feel the same as you, my daughter is so content and happy that I am convinced number 2 will be a devil lol, but I am willing to take that risk anyway coz it wont change how much I will love him/her. Will be a challenge with Emilia only being 1-2 years old as well I can imagine!!
Emilia was also posterior but we didnt know until they tried to get forceps on her head, and she also got stuck in the birth canal. They said I wasnt fully dilated after all my pushing that there was a rim around my cervix so her head was a little bit through but had got stuck!! So when they took me for the c section they had to yank her out the other way, was a weird feeling!!!

I keep saying I will ntnp after April next year but I can guarantee I wont, I have already got my opks through the post and used one this morning haha!! Not because I want to try yet coz I know I need to wait for my scar to heal for at least the next 7-9 months, but just so I can track my cycles. By the time it comes to April I will be so in tune with my cycle I'll be able to tell what time I ovulate let alone what day hahaha :rofl:

So I used an opk at 11.30am (always found that was a good time for me when ttc first time) but it was stark blank, so to me I have either already ovulated or its not going to happen for at least another few days. Which is odd because I am sure I am feeling O pains on both sides. Maybe its just pains related to my scar healing, but I am sure its not coz the pains are just above my legs. Hmmm we shall see.

Ok so I thought I would help myself get through every month by reminding myself of something I would not be able to do if I were pregnant (as well as being able to eat pate lol) because sometimes I feel like I cant wait to be pregnant again. So this month the thing I am doing is going out for my best friends 30th birthday. I haven't seen him for ages (almost a year I think) but we went to school together and we are those type of friends who can go ages without speaking and then just pick up where we left off. So what can all of you ladies do this month that you wouldn't be able to do if you were pregnant again already?
Oh and I wasnt team yellow myself but I can imagine how exciting it would be, I am just far too impatient.
I was convinced I was team blue to the point that I felt if I remained team yellow it would feel weird to find out at birth that I had a girl lol, so I decided to find out. Which was good coz it did take me a fair few weeks to change my thinking from team blue to team pink. Not that I minded either way, I was just convinced that I was carrying a boy lol!!
I will most likely find out what team I am again for number 2, mainly as we currently live in a 2 bed house and I think if we are team blue we will need to look at moving. If we are team pink again then I would have the girls sharing a room.
Our births sound similar, only I didn't need a C-sec, although a midwife had gone to phone an ambulance for me as I was in a birthing centre (midwife led - no docs) to send me to the nearest hospital for one. I managed to get her out using the hip trick, which is not supposed to be practised anymore, thankfully my midwife was willing to break the rules. She obviously knew what she was doing though coz 5 mons later, my daughter popped out. Did Emilia have a cone shaped head from it? My daughter had a big cone shaped bump on her head at birth, but it went down by the next morning. I was also convinced that I was having a boy, going by the old wives' tales and mother's intuition and all that - how wrong was I??! The plan was for the midwife to wrap the baby up in a towel, hand her to my partner and for him to reveal the gender to me but my partner was a quivering mess and the baby had to go straight on to me for kangaroo cuddles as she was a lovely shade of lilac. But when the midwife did tell me what I'd had I couldn't believe it! I almost called her a liar lol!

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