Oh sounds like a really sap army birth but main thing is your lo arrived safely.
My pregnancy was ok I didn't have ms. Only time I was sick was if I drank a fizzy drink so I stayed away from them. I had the most horrendous heartburn and a ate Rennes like they were going out of fashion. I was very uncomfortable too as Evie had long legs and she decided the best place for them was under my ribs ouch!!
I started getting mild contractions on my due date 15th feb I had them all eve and then in the morning they stopped

I had nothing all day on the sat but come Sunday eve about 7:30pm the contractions started again and I had them all night and all day on the Monday by 4pm I decided I would go to the hospital and get checked. The midwife told me I hadn't even started dilating

I got home at 4:45pm and at 5pm my contractions started getting stronger. By 9pm I had to start breathing through them. At 11:30pm I decided to head to the hospital. When I got checked I was 4cm

I got into the birth pool and stayed in there for 4hours before the midwife asked me to get out to check me by now I was only 5cm

I got back into the pool and with the next contraction my waters went I stayed in the pool for another hour and I was so tired by now that the midwife wanted me to get out and give me a some pethadine so I could hopefully dose through the contractions. The midwife also checked me again it was now 5am I was 8 cm. half hour went by and I felt I needed to push I was checked again and I was 9cm but the lip of my cervix was stuck in baby's head from 5:30am till 7:10am I had to try and not push as I was still 9cm but at 7:10 I was ready to push I pushed and pushed 40mins went by and my yellow bump turned pink I was so happy to have my baby girl in my arms

I felt like the luckiest lady alive. I didn't have any tears (yes I'm one of those lady's who had a great labour and everything went to plan) I was very relived to see Evie had a full head of hair and as they say heart burn means hair in my case it was true!!
I would love to see everyone's first pics you're Los
Attached is the first ever picture of Evie