WTT number 2, only just had number 1!!

Lol I dont think I 100% believed the scan that told us her gender, even though the sonographer showed me the "potty" shot that clearly looked like lady bits lol. I kept saying "you never know she could turn out to be a he" lol.
If you look at the pic i put on here of her when she was first born you can just see that her head goes slightly kind of pointed like a cone at the back. She also had a little ridge like bump across her forehead, I'm guessing thats where she was getting stuck at my cervix and why her heartrate started dropping!!

Wow I would have been panicking if I had been at a birthing centre, I had that option but my blood pressure didnt allow for it anyway.
Our local birthing centre has double beds so your partner can stay overnight too. Which annoyed me coz I was at the other hospital for 3 nights in a shared ward where I got no sleep and I couldnt walk to get to my daughter in the night lol, I really could have done with having a double bed and df being there with me lol!!
I found out the gender at the 20 week scan and I think I'll do the same again this time. I'm far too impatient to wait!! I have to admit I loved finding out early, for me it felt like I bonded with him as soon as I could give him a name and pick out some little boys clothes.

Is anyone wanting a particular gender for number 2? I keep going back and forwards... part of me would like a girl so that I have one of each (we only plan on 2 children) and the other half says it would be so much easier to have a little boy as we already have everything. Either way I would just be happy with a healthy baby, but we will be finding out the sex as soon as we can!
For me I'd love a little boy next time, however I never had a sister and would love for Emilia to have a little sister to bond/fight with lol!!! But we also plan on having at least 3 kids so it doesn't matter really. And like you say as long as baby is happy and health.
Hey girls. We just got back from a trip to the capital city. I got a haircut and my OH minded the baby. Then we had a nice lunch. Jakob was amazing, didn't give us any trouble.

So much to comment... Going through the posts one at a time.

Regarding my job. Yes, I do have a good job, with a big, successful firm. I have a great boss (not my immediate boss - she's a dragon) and she's been giving me stimulation (extra money for successful employees) for the last 6 months, thus raising my maternity pay to higher than my normal pay check.

Baby weight. I'm lucky enough not to have gained any extra weight. I went straight back to my pre pregnancy weight (I'm petite). But my OH said jut today that I'm going to need at least 6 months to get back to normal downstairs - I guess it's not as tight as it used to be.

besty, I'm sorry you had to go through so much trying to breastfeed.
My pregnancy was amazing, had one scare though. I bled a bit in my 14th week. It was caused by DTD though. I had a fast easy birth but had an episiotomy.
Continuing. I'm on my cell phone and am having problems writing a longer post.

Welcome, bumblebee. Congrats on your little one.
I found out about my baby's gender at nuchal translucency scan. But boy were they wrong... They said it was a girl but the morphology scan at 20 weeks revealed a boy. We kind of wanted a girl but didn't mind at all. We were just happy to have a healthy baby. And of course we wouldn't trade him for the world!
We would like a girl next time but it would also be nice if the sibling could wear Jacob's clothes after him and they could share a room.
And here's my birth story and one of my baby's first pics.

I started feeling contractions on Sunday morning and nothing much progressed. Wasn't more than a mild menstruation pain every 20 - 40 min, not getting stronger. But at around midnight, they finally got stronger and closer together. Still I waited. They were getting close together very fast. That started after midnight. In an hour, contractions went from every 9 min to every 4 or even 3 and stronger.
So we went to the hospital.
I was put on CTG which showed the contractions. It went extremely fast from there. They checked my cervix (3 cm dilated) gave me an enema, broke my waters and the active phase started. That took like only a half an hour. No time for drugs at all! I dilated to 8 cm in no time at all. It was painful but so fast that I wouldn't mind going through it again any day if it was like that!
He had to be put under UV light for a night but it was ok in the end.

Aw such a lovely pic!! I didn't think they still gave enemas to women in labour. Although apparently I didn't need one cause I did what all women fear and pooped on the table lol!!! But I really didn't care lol.

So why do all you ladies want a small age gap between babies? For me I want 3-4 children, and I am 30 already so for me a lot if it is timing. But also I think it will be great having little ones similar ages, coz there's a bigger gap between me and my brother and consequently we aren't very close.
They give enemas here (Slovenia). You can refuse though.

I want to TTC again so soon because I'll be 35 next month and I'm expecting problems conceiving again. So we really shouldn't waste any time.
I would like my children close in age because my mum had me and my 2 sisters very close in age (3 under 3 and a half!) and we have such a close relationship. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact we were into the same things at the same time. DH and his brother are 7 years apart and have such a different relationship. Plus I kind of want to get all the nappies and sleepless nights over with in one go, rather than go through it all again a few years after they stopped!
Continuing. I'm on my cell phone and am having problems writing a longer post.

Welcome, bumblebee. Congrats on your little one.
I found out about my baby's gender at nuchal translucency scan. But boy were they wrong... They said it was a girl but the morphology scan at 20 weeks revealed a boy. We kind of wanted a girl but didn't mind at all. We were just happy to have a healthy baby. And of course we wouldn't trade him for the world!
We would like a girl next time but it would also be nice if the sibling could wear Jacob's clothes after him and they could share a room.
Bumblebee that post made me laugh about wanting to call the midwife a liar. I was team yellow and the surprise at the end was totally amazing an I would definitely be team yellow again for #2. I had a feeling I was carrying a girl and I was right everyone else had convinced themselves I was carrying a boy and I would say no no it's a girl!

Baileybubs what a gorgeous first picture. I keep looking back at the photos from hospital and just cannot believe how quickly time is going. I sorted all Evie's clothes out today her 0-3 months have gone in the loft and her wardrobe is now filled with 3-6months (she was in tiny baby when born so I'm shocked that she's getting so big so quickly)

What did everyone's babies weigh at birth? The midwife told me at my 38 week appointment baby was going to be an 8lber and Evie was born a small 6lb 14oz. How big did everyone get by 40 weeks? I had quite a small neat bump
Wow my phone wasn't showing any posts from today so just read them all! I would like a small age gap because between me and one of my sisters there is a 20month age gap and we are so close and between my husband and his brother is a 19month age gap and they are like best friends. I am happy with either sex next only want one more baby. My husband is desperate for a boy and said if we have another girl we have to try again haha I've told him no way I only want 2!

Katy what a gorgeous photo
Emilia was in tiny baby clothes at first too, but I think that was more to do with different brand clothes sizes than her size as she was 7lb 6oz. I was just bump besty! I only gaine weight for the bump, I looked a little like when an actress wears a false bump lol! By the end I had a huuuuuge bump though. I was measuring higher on fundal height so they expected her to be big but she was average. She is now fitting well in 0-3 month but it won't be long before she goes up a size.
Hi ladies,
It also took me about 1 year to get pregnant - was successful on Clomid. So I would like to start end of this year to have a 2014 baby. Although I have learned that I can plan all I want, but life may have other plans...
Hey paradise. Your baby is only two days older than mine. A boy? I was on clomid too when I got pregnant.

I had to use a converter to see how much your babies weighed. Mine was 2860g which is 6.30 lbs. My bump was tiny.
Welcome paradise!

I know what you mean about plans and life! I think that's why I want to start ttc as soon as I can, coz you just never know what will happen and how long it will take so I don't want to leave it longer only to then have problems and find I've run out of time and left it to late.

Lol, thank you for converting that for us Katy!

I have no idea what's going on with my cycle at the minute after taking that stupid cerazette! I wish I had just stuck to condoms! My plan was to take the mini pill until Christmas then condoms until April 2014 then start ttc, but after the negative effects of the mini pill I stopped it. I was bleeding for 17 days with taking it, I stopped bleeding 9 days ago and the first day of my AF was May 17th so essentially it could come anytime from tomorrow.
Daniel was 6lb 9oz born (3 weeks and a day early) and I was huge! My bump was consistently measuring 3 weeks ahead on fundal height and at the 20 week scan I was told Daniel was on the 98th centile. He's now huge and is currently wearing 6-9m clothes! I took bump photos most weeks so I've attached my 5 week (not) bump and 36 week bump (taken 2 days before I went into hospital).


  • Belly comparison.jpg
    Belly comparison.jpg
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Wow what a lovely bump. I will attach one of mine at the end of my post.

Hi and welcome paradise it took us 11months to conceive and I'm hoping when we TTC again it won't be quite so long but like you say we can plan but it will never happen how we want it too.

Thank you for converting I'm awful with weight unless its in lbs and oz


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Cute bumps!
Here's mine at 17 weeks and 39 weeks (those are same jeans).

We're off to the coast for the weekend, I'll see you all when we get back. Have a great weekend.


Hi ladies. Can I join you? My little man is nearly 4 weeks old and already I'm thinking about number 2. Dh and I are 14 months apart from our siblings and we're hoping for a similar age gap with our kids. We're hoping to start ttc again towards the end of the year. I had two mc before josh was born so I'm painfully aware that it could take longer than expected for a healthy pregnancy. I miss the pregnancy boards terribly and am so glad there is a wtt board. I'm so excited to be preggers again - even with all the heart burn and morning sickness!!

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