Welcome teilana, divinelove and angelbaby! The more the merrier I say!
So what's everyone's stories? I'll sum up me for the newbies
Name: Bailey
Age: 30
Partner: fiancé age 25 (toy boy lol)
Any children: Emilia born 5th April 2013 (5 months old now)
Starting ttc: January 2014
Reasons for WTT: c section scar to heal, getting back to work for a while before going on mat leave again!
Reasons for TTC soon: wanting a small age gap, also wanting 3 children in total and ain't getting any younger lol!
Current contraception: condoms or good old pullout method combined with cycle tracking
Mannymoo yay for your LO sleeping through the night, hope your cycles kick in again soon and don't leave you wondering! We are still using condoms around fertile time and I hate them! But I don't trust df with pullout method sometimes coz he would love us to be ttc already!
Cheryl how strange?? Maybe you haven't O'd yet then? My cycles have been a bit random too since I had Emilia.