WTT number 2, only just had number 1!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2012
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Hey everyone,

Me and df have just had a beautiful baby girl but want to have a short age gap with babies and hopefully have a total of 3 or 4, and as I am already 30 and it took almost 2 years for us to have baby number 1, we are ttc again as soon as we can.
As I had an EMCS I've been advised to wait until baby is 1 year old before ttc again so that's what we are doing!

Anyone else WTT for baby number 2 in 2014? Or just WTT til 2014 whatever baby number?!

Would be nice to chat and to keep each other sane, reminding ourselves why we are waiting!
You have a beautiful daughter.
I gave birth to my miracle baby boy two and a half months ago and I can't wait to start TTC no.2. It also took us two years to get pregnant and we might not be successful again. But we're hoping for the best.
I had an easy birth so we'll start NTNP sometime around October, when our boy will be 6 months old.
Our baby is perfect and we're so lucky to have him!
I would also like to chat till TTC again.
:waves: Congratulations on your wee one - enjoy every moment! xxx
Hi ladies!

Katie your little boy is gorgeous too!! Such a little cutie!!

Me and my df were NTNP for a few months before getting pregnant, sadly we lost that baby and then 3 months later got our 2nd bfp with Emilia!

A little part of me isn't convinced that I wouldn't miscarry again and so that's another reason why I don't want to wait too long......not getting any younger here lol!!!

Do you miss being pregnant? I don't think I miss all the aches and pains etc etc but I miss the kicks and movements. And I do actually miss my bump!! Never thought I would!
So I'm currently reminding myself of the things I can do for now whilst I am not pregnant lol, my favourite being eating pâté yum lol!!
Thanks :cloud9:.
I miss being pregnant terribly. It was an amazing experience for me. I was nauseous and threw up till 16 weeks, had a huge scare in my 14th week due to a bleeding (turned out to be caused by DTD :blush:), always afraid something might go wrong... But still... The nausea reassured me that pregnancy was progressing and in spite of all my worries I believed it would turn out fine.
I absolutely loved my bump (it was tiny even at the end) and I still miss the movements. He was a serious kicker. I didn't gain any extra weight, got no stretch marks, felt normal till the end and had a really short and easy delivery. And got my darling boy at the end.

I'm sorry you lost your first baby. But you have your little Emilia instead. And she's such a cutie! Why did you have an EMCS? Was she premature?
ill be waiting tell 2015 to TTC number 3 :)
No she was actually spot on time, it was me that was the problem lol! I was showing signs of pre-eclampsia and it was the day before my due date so at midnight they broke my waters and put me on the pitocin drip (horrendous!!). After 15 hours of labour and an hour of pushing she still wasn't coming, my blood pressure was sky high and her heartrate started to drop dramatically so they took me for the c section and she was born at 4.13pm on her due date lol.
It wasn't a pleasant birth experience but mainly due to the induction drip, not because of the c section. I actually didn't mind that. I just wish I could have held her first but they over-numbed me and my left arm was completely numb too lol!!
It was nice for df to get to hold her first though.

Sorry you had such bad morning sickness. I didn't have any! But that caused me to worry more coz I thought it was a sign I would miscarry again.
I had a scare too and had a bleed at 20 weeks, but never found out the cause.
Hi dizzy :hi:.

Ouch, that must have been painful. I know I was extremely lucky. I was thinking of using epidural but there was no time. Jakob was born 2 hrs after we arrived to the hospital.

As much as I'm looking forward to TTC again, I'm also very afraid. I have high FSH and that means my chances to conceive are extremely low and chances for miscarriage are very high if I do. But maybe we'll get lucky twice?
It's very possible you will be lucky twice Hun, is there anything that you can do to help your fertility? Sorry I don't know much about FSH levels.

I love that new avatar!! What a cutie!!

And I did have the epidural after a couple of hours on the drip, I thought I was dying lol!! I always thought I had a high threshold for pain but I couldn't bear it. There seemed to be no build up if the contractions, they just came on so suddenly and intensely.
It's a shame to think I may not ever have a natural birth now, but you never know.
Can I ask what contraception you are all using?

I was on cerazette but it made me bleed continuously for 17 days so I stopped taking it, plus I found I was irrationally angry and emotional too. Since I stopped taking it a week ago I feel so much better. Since then we've used condoms (apart from one slip which I'm hoping doesn't catch us out!!). But I don't want to rely on condoms for another 10 months however I also don't think it's best using a hormone contraceptive if we will be ttc again so soon!
High FSH means that your ovaries are failing (early menopause or bad quality eggs). But everything seemed normal with me. So my FS couldn't explain it.

You can have a natural birth after a CS. You can't do anything but hope for the best. And after all, it's the final result that matters.

We're also on condoms. We started with the pullout method at 6 weeks but not anymore. I've never been on BC. Though if I had been, maybe I wouldn't have had problems with endometriosis. Who knows...

Are you BF? I am, fully. So no sign of AF yet.
No we tried for the first 3 days, and I expressed for her but she just wouldn't latch. Even the midwife said that some babies just can't do it, she was too impatient and frantic to get a good latch and my nipples are too broad. I felt bad for a while that we couldn't do it but I'm ok with it now.
My AF came back exactly 6 weeks post partum which coincidentally was the first day I took the cerazette. And then the bleeding just didn't stop til this week when I stopped taking the cerazette!!
My only problem with condoms all the time is those silly times after a few too many drinks when in our infinite wisdom we decide it will be fine!! There shouldn't be too many of those times anyway with having Emilia now but I hate that panic! If I hadn't had a c section it wouldn't bother me if we had an ooops at all, but I'm paranoid about uterine rupture and placental problems.

So with the FSH is there nothing you can do to promote better ovulation?
There are some supplements that might lower FSH but chances are low. Weird thing is my FSH was high the month I got pregnant. That's what's giving me hope doctors don't know everything and high levels mean nothing really, in my case at least.

Anyway, too bad BF didn't work for you but what can you do... BF has its pluses and minuses. To be honest, I'm glad it's working for me. I was afraid it wouldn't. I'm kind of phobic when it comes to my breasts. I don't like them touched. But they are milk machines and I got used to them hurting. They hurt when the baby latches. But they are simply not mine at the moment.

I would wait if I was in your position, too. Nothing would probably go wrong but if it did, I would be asking myself if I caused it by not waiting. Like - just in case.
Hi all :hi:

Can I join you please. I had my miracle baby in February. My DH has a chronic illness and has low sperm count. We were very lucky to get pregnant with our beautiful daughter, we are thinking about TTC again towards the end of the year. My only problem is I'm going to be a bridesmaid next August for my sister. Not sure if I want to be pregnant at her wedding BUT I dont know how long it will take us to conceive.

Looking forward to getting to know you all
Katy that's a good sign then that your FSH was high anyway when you conceived. Doctors don't know everything you are right there so there's plenty of reason to think that you will be able to conceive again.
Aw I'm glad the BFing is working well for you. I think it must be a wonderful bonding experience for you both!

Besty welcome! I personally would just go for it and ttc, like you said you never know when you will conceive and you can't put your life on hold. I always think that there will always be something that we'd rather not be pregnant for, like the wedding, but I'm sure you'll be so happy to be pregnant again that you won't care. Or at least that's how I see it.
Or maybe you could ttc a little earlier so your new baby will arrive before the wedding?
Gorgeous avatar by the way, such a cute little smiler! I can imagine she was giggling when you took that photo!
Evie is such a happy baby she's always smiling :) we went to a wedding on the weekend and someone asked me whether she ever cries haha! How are you finding motherhood? Your little one is gorgeous. I think we will just go for it as you say if I always put it on hold I will never end up trying again as something will always come up. I was 10 weeks pregnant and a bridesmaid last year so what's the difference being pregnant at another wedding :)
How are you feeling about ttc again?
Thanks baileybubs. I hope so too.

Hey besty. Your baby girl is gorgeous. It's always good to hear about another miracle babies. I think they give hope to LTTTC-ers who are still struggling. At least that's how it was for me.

Don't worry about the wedding. So what if you go there pregnant. Actually, I hope you do ;) You'll be the luckiest woman there - more than the bride herself, hehe. As baileybubs said - you shouldn't waste opportunities when TTC. There will always be reasons to wait.
What are you using for birth control? Is your AF back already? I'm hoping mine returns in aroun 3 months so we can NTNP right away.

How are your babies sleeping at night? Mine just recently started sleeping for four hours a go. Awesome. We go to bed at around 10 pm, wake up at around 1 am and again at around 6 am. And he was never a heavy sleeper during the day.
Besty - exactly, if you've been pregnant at one wedding as a birdesmaid may as well make a tradition of it lol!! I am loving motherhood. I have found it a bit of a struggle getting used to the reduced independence/time to myself, I had a few arguments with df about how he managed to have a nice long relaxing shower every day and yet I didnt even get chance to have more than a 60 second rinse lol!! But now we have gotten into a routine and I am more used to the best times to shower/do housework/exercise etc when she wont wake up I feel better.
Personally I cant wait to ttc again, I am gutted I have to wait so long to be honest but I am a worrier so would panic about complications if I got pregnant sooner.

Katy - Emilia sleeps really well, I put her down at about 8pm in her basket, some nights she goes to sleep others she just lies wriggling away contently. Then she sleeps til about 5am and wakes just to wriggle about and grunt and goes back to sleep til 8am when she has her feed. There are some nights when she wakes up throughout but her dummy usually settles her, and some evenings she screams for about 2 hours after 7pm due to colic but they are becoming less often as shes getting older.

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