

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Who has started? I cant belive how fast this year is going, its only 3/4 months till xmas! :shock:

I have just brought my first two pressies off good old ebay lol

think i will prob buy alot from there as i hate going out in the xmas rush, i get trolly rage so badly in supermarkets, so im even worse in big crowds in argos, toyrus etc. think i will play it safe and buy online lol

I havent even thought about it yet! I guess i should do or im gonna end up stuck.
we normaly go out last min and get everything, but we cant afford to do it all in one go this year, we are so skint :(

so im starting to buy things now.

We noramly buy the kids one big thing each, like a tv, dvd player, bike etc, then a couple of little things. but we cant afford that either and to be honest, they have everything! so we are going to get them loads of little things this year. think they will like that more as they will have more to open

Awww i haven't even thought about it!!
Although Graham wanted his classic 1960's blackburn rovers top for xmas and he managed to swindle me into ordering it a couple of weeks ago in the hope it would be here before the season started - its not here yet! lol!

So he's screwed me for his xmas pressie!!

I get bad bad bad trolly rage too!!!

The internet will be my xmas saviour this year!!!! lol!!!

im sure i posted a reply to this lol *scratches head*

Anyways, i think Ebay will definatley be my best friend for presents this year!
I have already got prezzies I started buying start of year lol Although I'll probably not give any of them on the day! Always do that! :roll:
I LOVE all the hype & shopping..............I refuse t o do much shopping until the decs are up in the shops and the Christmas music is playing (although annoyingly it is getting earlier each year :x ).

So I have a major shopping weekend in mid December!

I also love Ebay, I get lots of DD's stocking fillers off of there and the same for my OH including the likes of the gadet shop and friebox etc.

We get DD a big pressie, and then lots of smaller ones including silly little things which are cheap but cheerful. She doesn't get much throughout the year, as we like to push the boat out at Christmas and get her lots then.

I haven't started anything this year.......what with trying to buy a flat, needing to buy everything for the baby, most of my extended families birthdays this month, another nephew on the way and then finally Xmas round the corner, we need to wait to see what money we have nearer the time :? Plus as some of you will know this Christmas will be a lot different, so it isn't like a normal one for us. :cry:

But as soon as poss, I will do my best to get out there, raid the shops and have a good Christmas with my lovely family!
Christmas will find me under a pile of nappies and relatives. Everyone kepps saying "You,ll have to get organised!" I keep laughing at them. I think I'll write a list for OH and leave him to it!

i have just started thinking about it this weekend. my brother and his wife are going tolet me know what kids would like this year and i will start at payday.
going to try and spoil oh this year, he has been so great he deserves it...
i love all the music, have looked my cd out already and i think ebay will be my main weapon of choice too...lol i just love christmas. i always like to buy a nice glass bauble for the tree each year, oh went made cause it cost £10 last year, he doesnt understand my christmas addiction...
sssh bad sweary word!!! ive no started yet n i sed i would ages ago!!! :oops:
WOOOHHOOOO its nearly christmas
i cant wait
i better not be working :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

i will start buying for xmas after Braydons bday wen i got a bit more money lol

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