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Xxx~~~ Mum's that will have 2 under 2 (or there abouts) come join us ~~~xxX

Yep I like it too so that's two possibilities on my list, three if you count the iCandy Pear which is similar.
Ugh, I am having a rough evening! Long story short - we are having Emma's birthday party tomorrow and I am a perfectionist, so I've been going nuts all day trying to make cupcakes, cheesecake, rice krispie treats, pick up the pre-ordered meat & sandwich trays, blah blah blah. DH has been a great help all day, even when I had a MASSIVE meltdown when I dropped the freshly iced cupcakes all over the floor. I haven't cried that hard (especially over something so ridiculous) in a long time. I blame it on the pregnancy ;)


I absolutely cannot believe how long some of you have pushed! :shock: I had a difficult time progressing beyond 2 cm until I finally had an epidural 6 hours later, but only had to push for 1 hour. I hope it's the same this time around (well, minus the difficulty progressing.) Still, I was induced so that was probably part of the problem. I am hoping to avoid the epidural this time around, although DH thinks I'm insane for this after seeing what I went through last time.
Wow the list of us moms is getting bigger....

I pushed for about 2.5 hours first time around before the midwife started to get worried and she called in the pediatrician.... they let me push for about another hour so 3.5 horus in total before taking me into theatre.... they never knew why he was stuck as they could not examine me properly as I had no analgesia but i was really tired at that stage the obstetrician was getting my consent for forceps delivery /c- section and telling me all the facts at that point i was like just give me it and i will sign it you can do what you like i want this baby out now.

Does anyone have any good recommendations on North American double prams.... all the ones you guys mention I cannot get here... I have had a quick look in the shops but they all look pretty cumbersome... and i also want one that I can use the toddler space and still transfer a car seat into the stroller for the baby. I want lots of storage space underneath too... guess i need to start doing the research.
Does anyone have any good recommendations on North American double prams.... all the ones you guys mention I cannot get here... I have had a quick look in the shops but they all look pretty cumbersome... and i also want one that I can use the toddler space and still transfer a car seat into the stroller for the baby. I want lots of storage space underneath too... guess i need to start doing the research.

We have the Phil & Ted's (got it at TJ's Kids and you can also get them at Toys 'R' Us, plus I'm sure some smaller stores.) We love it - it's not a side-by-side so it's quite narrow and we really love ours. Check out the TJ's Kids website - they have quite a few there. https://www.tjskids.com/strollers-double-triple-quad-strollers-c-39_7_30.html
TJs kids and the babies world in coquitlam were 2 stores i would check out soon. I want a narrow stroller as I don't drive and do transit so it needs to be able to get on sky train and buses.... what a pain i really should get my drivers license.
Somewhere earlier in this thread I posted a photo of the Phil & Ted's with doubles kit and also with the infant car seat attachment. I think it would be one of the easiest ones to take on transit as it is as narrow as any single stroller and not double deep. Let me see if I can find the page I posted those photos on. BRB.

(Oh, and Baby's World is usually ridiculously expensive - Babies 'R' Us is generally much cheaper. We got our Phil & Ted's on sale at TJ's for $499 including the doubles kit.)
I do like Babies world but your right it is terribly expensive... i bought a diaper bag from there and never looked at the price cos it was just a diaper bag but it ended up being 145$ it was some jujubee thing and dont know why but i paid for it.
Can I join please!

Baby is due in March when my little one will be around 14mths old although I have a high chance of having it earlier! I have had two under two in the past though as there is 19mths between my two older boys who are now 10 and almost 9 and the small gap is a lot easier than the big gap ;)

good luck everyone

I had a traumatic birth last time. I was in full blown labour for three days and I held out until the last 12 hours for an epi. Once I had that I felt like I was dying and I gave up. I slept but woke up surrounded by people all talking about how to save Tom as he was stuck and his bp kept stopping. In the end they rented him out with forecepts. I will never forgive them for not giving me a section. Tom had a massive fluid filled sac on his back full of spinal tissue (spina bifida) and they knew this. It resulted in substantial nerve damage.

I never ever want to feel like that again. Not to mention there was about 20 people in my room. I am avoiding hospital this time.
Can I join please!

Baby is due in March when my little one will be around 14mths old although I have a high chance of having it earlier! I have had two under two in the past though as there is 19mths between my two older boys who are now 10 and almost 9 and the small gap is a lot easier than the big gap ;)

good luck everyone


What exact date are you hon? I've added you and welcome.
I had a traumatic birth last time. I was in full blown labour for three days and I held out until the last 12 hours for an epi. Once I had that I felt like I was dying and I gave up. I slept but woke up surrounded by people all talking about how to save Tom as he was stuck and his bp kept stopping. In the end they rented him out with forecepts. I will never forgive them for not giving me a section. Tom had a massive fluid filled sac on his back full of spinal tissue (spina bifida) and they knew this. It resulted in substantial nerve damage.

I never ever want to feel like that again. Not to mention there was about 20 people in my room. I am avoiding hospital this time.

Oh love that is terrible did you ever take it up with the hospital, surely there is a case there for compensation?

Mine was 54 hours start to finish with the edpidural and drugs coming 7 hours before delivery. We only get to push for an hour before they intervene. If they can do it with a Kiwi (Ventuose) they will, forceps are right at the bottom of the list as they cause too much trouble apparently. My hospital had a really bad reputation for a long time but they spent 19million on it and a brand new set of MW, I can't speak highly enough of them. Just before the third stage his heart dropped, before I knew it I was on my side and 20 people came in. I'll never forget that feeling of panic but then total reassurance that they were there instantly for us. Will close monitoring we were fine and he was born with no problem.
That is not fair! His heart was Dropping for over 24 hours before they bothered to do anything!! They are a reputable maternity hospital too.
What exact date are you hon? I've added you and welcome.[/QUOTE]

Thank you! according to my lmp my edd is 11th March but I have my 1st scan on 1st September so will get a definate date then!.
Well the new baby will be arriving around the same time Jack turns 2! Daunting prospect but looking forward to it all the same :) x
Well the new baby will be arriving around the same time Jack turns 2! Daunting prospect but looking forward to it all the same :) x

Hi :hi: Welcome. What's your due date?

All done Just3boys thanks.

That is not fair! His heart was Dropping for over 24 hours before they bothered to do anything!! They are a reputable maternity hospital too.
RE: buggys/prams, I think I will see how far I get baby wearing the newbie! I have seen second hand iCandy pears for £350 though, I like it but I doubt its going to fit in my fiesta or sit nice on our buses! Looks like Phil and Teds for me....
My husband likes the Phil and Teds but I just can't quite make my mind up. I must confess being able to attach the carseat to my pram has been a godsend and so it would be so handy to have that facility again with either the peach or the baby jogger. I really like the jogger and the fact it converts back to a single is just a real deal-breaker for me :thumbup:
I feel gross today, I have no energy at all, I feel sick and dizzy and Arf's food turned my stomach something terrible and my OH won't turn freakin Top Gear off :grr:
Emmmea that's absolutely disgusting how you were treated :growlmad:
My husband likes the Phil and Teds but I just can't quite make my mind up. I must confess being able to attach the carseat to my pram has been a godsend and so it would be so handy to have that facility again with either the peach or the baby jogger. I really like the jogger and the fact it converts back to a single is just a real deal-breaker for me :thumbup:

You know that the P&T does both of those things, right? I think it is compatible with 3 different kinds of carseats - Peg Perego, Graco and something else. We use ours mostly as a single right now, but will obviously need to start using the doubles kit soon!

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