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Xxx~~~ Mum's that will have 2 under 2 (or there abouts) come join us ~~~xxX

:hugs: hun hope you get to put feet up and watch TV in peace :hugs:

Try not to worry :( I know its hard not to but scan will soon come round. Hope all is ok xxxx
Welcome Goddess 25! :wave:

JMS, congrats on the blue bump! :dance:

Hun, try to relax and not to worry. I know it's hard but need to try. :hugs: :hugs:
Hi everyone, i'm new on here!!!! How do I get a ticker onto my posts and is there an eary way to see when someone has replied t a post rather than keep refreshing or coming back!!!!

:hi: and welcome, I have added you to our list.

Hey ladies, hope your all ok?

Had my scan today and I am team :blue: xxx :D

:yipee: COngratulations on your blue bump, is it what you were expecting?

If my baby arrives on there due date which is 22nd February it will be 4 days after my sons 2nd birthday so they will be 24 months apart.

Hi :hi: and congratulations, I have added you to our list.

Congrats on your blue bump jms :thumbup: Sorry to hear you've got to go to your scan alone Aunty E, me too I reckon unless my hubby can organise the night off work. It's right in the middle of the day (13:40) and so he'd hardly get any sleep if he did come. Ahh well, we'll see :shrug: Feel a bit sad today, don't know why. Had a little bleed y'day and went to the dr today who said my cervix is closed and it looks, or rather feels, like it's definately a womb pregnancy. I just can't shake the feeling something's not right :nope: Scan is next thursday and i'll only be 5+6 so I doubt that will even be all that reassuring. No symptoms at all today. Longing for my hubby to bugger off to work now though so I can watch Mistresses in peace. xx

:hug: hon,hope you feel a bit brighter tomorrow. :hugs:

As for me, I have a girls day out tomorrow with no babies in the largest shopping centre in Europe and a restaurant waiting for us with the best table. I'm sooo excited haven't been shopping for ages on my own and with my best friends (we all had babies within 5 months of each other). I love him dearly but the break is welcome :wohoo: lock up my credit cards I'm going in............ :rofl:
Pippin hope you have a fab day!

Yes I knew it was a boy and am very pleased :D
Ooooh, sounds good Pippin, have fun! :dance: I'm off shopping tommorrow, to Meadowhell, should be great fun :dohh: xx
Pippin hope you have a fab day!

Yes I knew it was a boy and am very pleased :D

Aww fab, I'm now thinking this is a boy which is silly as yesterday I would have said it's a girl :dohh: basically I have to admit I have no idea :rofl: Still calling it a she tough which I didn't with Sam I called him a he from the start. Guess we'll know by Christmas, ssooooo long to wait though.

Ooooh, sounds good Pippin, have fun! :dance: I'm off shopping tommorrow, to Meadowhell, should be great fun :dohh: xx

Eeeeek I hope you buy something fabulous. I'm heading for M&P's to see if I fit any of their maternity clothes. :haha:
Hello all - wow so many posts in a few days! I'm just checking in from a really slow wi-fi connection in my hotel, I'll be home next week so expect lots of posts from me!

Can I please be added to the front page? I'm estimating my estimated due date as March 7th, based on how I feel and when I got MS (as we have no real idea how pregnant I am eeks!) - Once I have my scan I will update the EDD and I'm curious to see if I am anywhere near right lol! There will be 14 months between my LO's if that date is right, oh boy!

We are also guessing it's a boy, but I'm very happy if we get another little girl (make it easier on the clothes hand me downs)

I hope you are all feeling ok, I'm getting rather bloated (but I am on my hols and eating crap!) I have a massive bump, but it's all so high up it must be water retention! It's nice to at least look pregnant rather than just fat, even if it is bloat (either that or my date guess is way off and I am five months pregnant, hope not as that means they will only be 12 months apart!)
Can I join please? Due 5th april - 17 month age gap

anyone else really struggling with morning sickness? Euuuurgh I feel so sick all day, can barely eat or drink!!! Swear I was never as bad as this with Reg!!!!!

Hope you are all well
:hi: Hi everyone

I hope you all are doing well, I just want to be with you girls but my son doesn't let me open my lappy :wacko:

just a bit more info from my side.........my son will be 19th month old when this new baby will arrive.....I want to have a girl this time , we are calling it she since beginning and I feel completely opposite this time from my son's time.

I looked so ugly with my son I got so many acne's on my face.........and I read that if you have boy then you look bad........and this time I haven't got any and i look beautiful :blush:

Its so amazing that we are very close to find out sex of our baby and many has already found :happydance:

I wish you all a beautiful and shiny weekend :thumbup:
Hey eldar, moomoo and zoya, congrats. My day started at 5.30 this morning :dohh: Arf seems to think this sleeping malarky is just not worth the effort so starting around 2am he decided it'd be great fun to see how many times he could get mummy up. Finally gave in at 5.30 and got up, had a cold shower, washed up last nights dishes :blush: and gazed longingly at the chocolate fudge cake in the fridge :cloud9: Pippin, the only thing I'm on the look out for today is a bath seat for Arf and I reckon I need to treat myself to some of this Mac makeup my friend has been raving about to get rid of the bags under my eyes. One thing's for certain, I will have a Venti double shot wet (hate all that froth) cappuccino glued to my hand ALL day! Have a great day everyone. xx
:hi: Hi everyone

I hope you all are doing well, I just want to be with you girls but my son doesn't let me open my lappy :wacko:

just a bit more info from my side.........my son will be 19th month old when this new baby will arrive.....I want to have a girl this time , we are calling it she since beginning and I feel completely opposite this time from my son's time.

I looked so ugly with my son I got so many acne's on my face.........and I read that if you have boy then you look bad........and this time I haven't got any and i look beautiful :blush:

Its so amazing that we are very close to find out sex of our baby and many has already found :happydance:

I wish you all a beautiful and shiny weekend :thumbup:

Zoya HON I need your exact due date for the front page. Xx thanks

Welcome moomoo and Eldar details are now on the first page. Hope they are correct as I'm doing this on my phone and did it from memory :hi:
I have my scan today so I'll have better dates so i can join the front page (I'm on the border of March/April :rofl:)
I was only pushing for four and a half hours or so, I'm sure there are plenty of people who pushed longer, and I had a lovely short labour in total (only 20 hours from start of contractions to baby), but it felt like FOREVER to me :haha: So to have someone say they thought an hour and a half was long was quite funny, that's pretty much what I hoped for.

Already had a private scan, so I know this beanie is in the right place and on its own, so I shouldn't grumble really. I've got a friend coming to the scan next week now, so that's nice, she came to my last 12 week scan too! OH works away A LOT! I took a friend to all my antenatal classes last time as OH wasn't free for a single one. I'm going to insist he comes along to one this time. And I'm making him read the book.

MS is still rubbish - feel sick all the time practically, and finding it hard to eat anything. I lost my appetite with Mog, but I never felt nauseous like this. Tea with lots of sugar on it is keeping me going at work, but the tube in the morning is an unpleasant experience! Roll on second tri!
Ugh. Feeling totally shattered. Little guy had a HORRIBLE night. He woke up screaming at 10 pm, 11 pm, midnight, 3 am and a bit at 6 am. He's starting to make noises again and I have no clue what's going on really. His teeth seem to be ok but when I pick him up from out of his bed, he settles down immediately with his head on my shoulder. When I put him back down, he cries. :cry: I feel like a horrible mother and totally frustrated beyond belief.
I was only pushing for four and a half hours or so, I'm sure there are plenty of people who pushed longer, and I had a lovely short labour in total (only 20 hours from start of contractions to baby), but it felt like FOREVER to me :haha: So to have someone say they thought an hour and a half was long was quite funny, that's pretty much what I hoped for.

OMG! You poor thing! Do you struggle thinking about your labour or have you handled the trauma (coz lets face it, that is a traumatic birth!) well? God thats awful! :hugs: I was pushing 3 and a half and i thought that was bad! From my first true contraction to baby was 54 hrs but from waters going (when the REAL pain began) to baby was 32hrs. I was induced though so probably why it took longer and Poppy had cord twice round her neck which is why she wasn't going anywhere when i pushed! :dohh: I placed a complaint about my experience, it was horrific and i hate to think anyone else would go through that. They sent me a letter saying changes have been made and the findings showed i should never have been left to labour so long especially after waters went. They had to cut Poppys cord before she was out as it was so tight - i get so mad thinking about what could have happened! I can't properly think about the whole experience without crying xxx
I was a bit cross the first week, but decided to just put it behind me. I'm annoyed that my inexperienced midwife didn't realise she was completely stuck, and that the other midwives kept making me push when it was obvious she was stuck (and it was distressing her), but I felt so well after the birth, and was so grateful to avoid a c section that I was pleased with how it went. And my first stage was super quick and really quite comfortable, so at least I didn't have a couple of days of misery first as well! I had my waters broken after an hour of pushing, didn't really help as most of the water was behind Imogen so wasn't in the way or anything.

Although I will be glad to talk through what went wrong last time with a consultant with a view to not pushing for that long again :)
I'll bet! You'll have to let us know how you get on with consultant. My mw had been working 'for 32 years' as she kept telling me, she still let it go on for that long, even though Poppys heartrate dropped dramatically every time i pushed. I was poorly after but think that was a lot to do with lack of sleep too, i had her friday but hadn't slept since previous saturday night as i'd been poorly with pre eclampsia. Also i had an episiotomy and a 3rd degree tear, i had the same rules as i would have with a section so to me there was no adavntage to it turning out natral =o(.

You did really well putting it behind you like that. Well done you xx
Oh my god pushing for so long! I was pushing 20 mins with my first and it was about half hour with my second although they werent regular pushes until his heart rate drop and i got him out in 7 mins! Boy did i push then!! LOL So 4 and half hour seems like forever to me :shock: my whole labour with my second from first contraction to the end was only 9 hours 43 mins (waters didnt break til i was pushing) and my first it was about 2 hours from waters breaking to giving birth, 7 hours in total.

Seems i had pretty good labours compared to you guys but they seemed like hell for me :rofl:

ooh im not on the front page. Im due 19th march (Upto now) its my third baby and there will be a 16 month gap between youngest and baby :) :flower:

Can I be added as 4th April

Its my second, and erm.....dates....well....it'll be 18 months corrected/21 months actual. To be even more awkward :rofl:
hi ladies! OUCH with the rough birth stories! i never pushed for longer than an hour with any of them. 43 minutes first one, 38 minutes second one, 13 minutes third but they used a suction for no reason and got him out quick, about an hour last one but he was stuck. his head was turned sideways and they had me keep pushing even though he wasnt going anywhere. finally his head turned and he came out on next push.

4 hours aunty e!!!!!:nope: i cant even imagine!!!

yay to the blue baby and all the shopping going on.

and yay to new mommies with LO so young!!

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