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Xxx~~~ Mum's that will have 2 under 2 (or there abouts) come join us ~~~xxX

hi pippin..........my date is 8th march and I have my scan on wednesday
please add me
Can I be added as 4th April

Its my second, and erm.....dates....well....it'll be 18 months corrected/21 months actual. To be even more awkward :rofl:

Done :thumbup: and welcome.

hi pippin..........my date is 8th march and I have my scan on wednesday
please add me

Done hon.
I was a bit cross the first week, but decided to just put it behind me. I'm annoyed that my inexperienced midwife didn't realise she was completely stuck, and that the other midwives kept making me push when it was obvious she was stuck (and it was distressing her), but I felt so well after the birth, and was so grateful to avoid a c section that I was pleased with how it went. And my first stage was super quick and really quite comfortable, so at least I didn't have a couple of days of misery first as well! I had my waters broken after an hour of pushing, didn't really help as most of the water was behind Imogen so wasn't in the way or anything.

Although I will be glad to talk through what went wrong last time with a consultant with a view to not pushing for that long again :)

Aww blimey, glad you managed to recover mentally. My hospital only let you push for an hour then they intervene. I had ventuose (sp?) at 1 hour, I was very grateful. Won't be the same his time though take comfort in that.
Blimey Aunty E, four and a half hours of pushing :shock: I didn't experience pushing at all :nope: I was having a pretty wonderful, relaxed labour in the birthing pool, awaiting my waters to finally break and when they did LO had poo'd inside me, bummer! and his heartrate had dropped considerably. I was literally dragged out of the birthing pool lol because I was a bit woozy with the g&a and apparently I wasn't listening when they were shouting at me to get out the water :blush: It's a bit of a long story from there but because i was having such problems fully dilating I had to have a forceps delivery. Unfortunately the drama didn't end there :blush: I was readmitted 4 days after being discharged, when Arf was just a week old, with retained product left in me. I hadn't pushed my placenta out myself and some of it was left behind, causing me to clot badly, bleed and pass out at home. I then had an evacuation and a blood transfusion. It was pretty horrendous so I'm keeping everything crossed for a much smoother, less eventful labour, birth and after birth this time :thumbup: Apologies for the epic post, hope everyone's ok? Did you have fun shopping Pippin? I didn't, it was a nightmare, I swear people just aimed to walk in front of my pram today. I was so wound up I became very sweary by the end of the day :blush: xx
yikes mrsb!!!!! i was cringing thru your story. i had to tell my hubby, who didnt want to hear it, to make him cringe too. sorry to hear what you went thru.:nope:
Holy mittens. The stories you ladies have posted make me cringe but want to offer you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:. I'm hoping this time around will be much easier, wonderful and quicker for you.

How did that shopping trip go, Pippin?

Zoya, let us know how the scan goes. :)
Ohhh I had fun thanks Elly. Bought a super stretchy air of trousers from Marks and Spencers for a growing bump, new bra and some little books and piece for Sam's birthday party bags. We had lunch out which was looovverly! And I even had half a glass of wine, naughty me, but it was fabulous. Exhausted by 3 so I came home but it was so lovely to be out with just the girls.

How is everyone today? This tiredness really is worse than with Sam. Not so much nausea last few days just want to :sleep:
Ohhh I had fun thanks Elly. Bought a super stretchy air of trousers from Marks and Spencers for a growing bump, new bra and some little books and piece for Sam's birthday party bags. We had lunch out which was looovverly! And I even had half a glass of wine, naughty me, but it was fabulous. Exhausted by 3 so I came home but it was so lovely to be out with just the girls.

How is everyone today? This tiredness really is worse than with Sam. Not so much nausea last few days just want to :sleep:

Glad you had such a lovely time!

Sleepiness is much worse than what it was with little guy. Either that or it feels worse since we're trying to keep up with an active infant. ;)
Hey girls, hope everyone's having a good weekend :thumbup: Today has been horrendous, Arf has whinged his way through this morning and despite me having a tonne of energy earlier on I feel like it's been sucked out of me. Literally he has just moaned and whinged since he got up. I went to bed last night with a spotless house now it's a dump and I don't really see the point in cleaning up again until before I go to bed again tonight :dohh:xx
Ladies that were interested in the Baby Jogger City Select - I called my local stockist of it today to get a quote. For the chasis, extra seat unit, carrycot, carseat adaptors and 2 raincovers they quoted mr £740. Has anybody found it any cheaper? This isn't even including the footmuffs so I imagine that'll be another £100. Was considering buying it in stages lol, I've got 8 months haha! xx
Hey ladies :wave:

God I'm getting a bit traumatised hearing of your birth stories, Aunty E, 4.5 hours?! Eeek I think I would have passed out at about 2 hours! Ok I'll only whisper that I pushed one big push then half a push and he was out... :blush:

that sounds like a fun shopping trip Pippin!! yum yum glass of wine! I'm yet to indulge, might save it for a special occasion, like my and OH's 7 year anniversary of being together, that's in November.

I think you're right about the tiredness Elly75, I think with demanding little monkies to watch over, tiredness is accentuated!

Sorry Arf is being demanding for you today MrsB, they certainly have their moments (or days... or weeks!). Hope you have a better day tomorrow :hugs:
And :wacko: at the price of the Jogger City Select, that is ALOT! ouch... Babies are expensive!! :haha:

Well we've put our house on the market today officially so fingers crossed girls, we have a two up two down that will quickly out grow us if we don't move. It's just whether we can sell in this climate, we have little to no equity in the house so have to get very close to the asking price. If not we'll just have to make do :shrug:
Hey ladies :wave:

God I'm getting a bit traumatised hearing of your birth stories, Aunty E, 4.5 hours?! Eeek I think I would have passed out at about 2 hours! Ok I'll only whisper that I pushed one big push then half a push and he was out... :blush:

that sounds like a fun shopping trip Pippin!! yum yum glass of wine! I'm yet to indulge, might save it for a special occasion, like my and OH's 7 year anniversary of being together, that's in November.

I think you're right about the tiredness Elly75, I think with demanding little monkies to watch over, tiredness is accentuated!

Sorry Arf is being demanding for you today MrsB, they certainly have their moments (or days... or weeks!). Hope you have a better day tomorrow :hugs:
And :wacko: at the price of the Jogger City Select, that is ALOT! ouch... Babies are expensive!! :haha:

Well we've put our house on the market today officially so fingers crossed girls, we have a two up two down that will quickly out grow us if we don't move. It's just whether we can sell in this climate, we have little to no equity in the house so have to get very close to the asking price. If not we'll just have to make do :shrug:

Keeping the fingers crossed for you, hun! :hugs:
I've seen the chassis for £359, how does that compare? Not sure how much the bits are, but they come up on ebay now and then. I've seen the carrycot a couple of times.

I've been eyeing up the obaby zoom, which seems to be the same sort of idea, they have it in Mothercare, so going to go and have a play.
Good luck selling the house Jojo2605. You never know, it might just be exactly what a couple need to start their new family. My friend sold her no trouble last month so things are getting better.

Going to go and have a look at that one Aunty_E.
The obaby tandem is good, definitely worth a look and with loads of space between them too. Thanks for pointing it out Aunty_E x
Good luck selling the house Jojo2605. You never know, it might just be exactly what a couple need to start their new family. My friend sold her no trouble last month so things are getting better.

Going to go and have a look at that one Aunty_E.

Thanks Pippin, those words of encouragement do help. There are 5 houses in my area very similar to ours and 4 of them are sold STC so that must mean they are selling round here too - just as long as the media don't keep banding about this 'double recession' malarky too much and scare everyone away!! haha!!
Thanks Jojo, don't know what's been up with him today :shrug: Best of luck selling the house :hugs: Will have a peek at that pram too Aunty E, ta :thumbup:
Just had a look at obaby tandem, looks good!!

Hopefully none of us will be looking at triples!!! Haha!!
Ooo I've just looked at the Obaby Zoom and I love the combinations you can have, especially the one facing you and the other one facing away, that would be perfect as I could see new baby while Sam could see the world! And also, Sam could be facing the baby if he wanted to too... Hmmm this is a definite maybe! Good find Aunty E :thumbup:

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