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Xxx~~~ Mum's that will have 2 under 2 (or there abouts) come join us ~~~xxX

So it takes a Graco then? Thats quite good huh?

Carseats in a buggy though are a no-no for me though - we were advised by the hospital not to use it unless we're in the car as they increase the risk of breathing difficulties. Whether thats just because she was a preemie or not, I wont be doing it this time either, unless really needed.
No, it's just Maxi Cosi, ours attaches to the actual chasis and It's been so handy for just nipping into the supermarket cos here you can NEVER find one of those blasted carseat trollies and i don't like the ones that have a babyseat attatched to them. Plus, I go out with my friend all over the place and in her Ford Car she can get both our chasis's plus the carseats but not the prams. xx
I'm all bloat tonight, I swear I look four months pregnant at 5 1/2 weeks :dohh: totally different from last time, I was desperate for bloat/bump last time and this time I don't want it :dohh:, can't win.
:rofl: pippin

good luck with double stroller searches ladies. we have ours picked out just waiting on $129 to buy it. very cheap, but dont have the extra cash atm. probably in the next month or two. since im in usa, might not be available in your areas though.

hope everyone is doing ok!
Evening ladies hope you are all well? Nice weekend?

I got a v busy week ahead :( really cant be bothered! xx
Pippin my bump is MASSIVE now compared to last time but think most of it is flab left over from Caine and bloating :rofl:

At 6 weeks preg I looked 6 months :dohh:
MrsBandEgglet yknow I had never ever seen any of those trollies until the other day - they must be boomin rare up here lol!!!
I am massive!!! I gained 11cm around my abdo yesturday!!
Aww I'm so glad I'm not the only one growing a girth already. It's even worse this morning :dohh:

Wish me luck ladies off for a colcoscopy (sp?) this morning as my smear/pap results came back borderline month before last. They are just looking to see the situation today and if I need treatment then I have to wait till baby is born. Just hoping it's minor changes in the cells and nothing serious. Bit nervous as I find smear tests bad enough let alone having doctors routing around :dohh:
Good luck for today Pippin :hugs:

I have major bloat too, last night I looked 6 months pregnant, this morning, only 4! hehe
Hi Ladies, im not 1st trimester but please can I join. We will have 2 babies under 2 when baby arrives.

We have a daughter already and when baby is due 13.01.11, there will be 15 months between them.
Hi Ladies, im not 1st trimester but please can I join. We will have 2 babies under 2 when baby arrives.

We have a daughter already and when baby is due 13.01.11, there will be 15 months between them.

Welcome mum2be2011! :wave:

How is 2nd trimester going? Do you have scan at 20 weeks? will you find out the sex or are you team yellow?
Hi jojo2605 :wave:

2nd trimester isnt going too bad, im still having a bit of morning sickness and im still extremely tired but the consultant has put this down to non-pregnancy related as I had a heart condition when I was younger, Im seeing a cardiologist this afternoon :(

Yeah we have our 20 week scan this Friday, cant wait :) Im desperate to find out the sex as im not the most patient person when it comes to waiting and if I dont find out it will bug me up until baby is born. Im secretly hoping for another girl :D

Hows 1st trimester going? Not long now till your in 2nd trimester as well.
Hi everyone:hi:

I've been lurking for a while and I wondered if I could join? I'll have an 18 month age gap when LO arrives:baby:
Hi jojo2605 :wave:

2nd trimester isnt going too bad, im still having a bit of morning sickness and im still extremely tired but the consultant has put this down to non-pregnancy related as I had a heart condition when I was younger, Im seeing a cardiologist this afternoon :(

Yeah we have our 20 week scan this Friday, cant wait :) Im desperate to find out the sex as im not the most patient person when it comes to waiting and if I dont find out it will bug me up until baby is born. Im secretly hoping for another girl :D

Hows 1st trimester going? Not long now till your in 2nd trimester as well.

Well as long as they keep a close eye on you I'm sure things will be ok for you in regards to your heart condition? Let us know how that goes (if you want to of course, nosey old me!! hehe)

oooooo this friday!! How exciting, I bet you're bursting at the seams! Aw a girl would be ace, but hey so would a boy, one of each then!!

It's going not too bad, all day nausea is easing now and it's normally the odd moment of sickness :sick: so that's good, tiredness isn't good, but with a nearly 1 year old that still wakes in the night, who knows whether it's pregnancy related or Sam related!! haha!!
Hi everyone:hi:

I've been lurking for a while and I wondered if I could join? I'll have an 18 month age gap when LO arrives:baby:

Hi peakydon! :wave: 2 new additions this morning already!! :happydance:

You'll have the same age gap as me when LO arrives :thumbup:

How's everything going with you so far?
Hi Ladies, im not 1st trimester but please can I join. We will have 2 babies under 2 when baby arrives.

We have a daughter already and when baby is due 13.01.11, there will be 15 months between them.

Same with us ... I'm due Dec 12th and we'll have between 15-16 months depending on when I pop.

Morning all! Back from Edinburgh, and I am also oversized for my gestation - getting very hard to hide bump at work, but only one more week of baggy tops! Quite a lot of it is flabbiness from Imogen, and bloat I think :)

Thought I would post a link to an ebay listing for the obaby zoom. I'm toying with the idea of buying one but I want to go back to mothercare with Imogen and have a play first. https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-OBaby-Zo...483017072?pt=UK_Baby_BabyTravel_Pushchairs_GL

It's pretty cheap compared to the baby jogger city select, although that one did look more compact. I also picked up an ergo carrier on ebay, as a few friends have recommended it for back carrying, and Mog is just too heavy for us to carry on our fronts now. OH can still just about use the Bjorn, but I haven't been able to carry her in a sling since I got pregnant. I've been using a pouch sling in a hip carry when I've had to, but it's not desperately comfortable. Poor Mog is spending so much time in her push chair!
Aww I'm so glad I'm not the only one growing a girth already. It's even worse this morning :dohh:

Wish me luck ladies off for a colcoscopy (sp?) this morning as my smear/pap results came back borderline month before last. They are just looking to see the situation today and if I need treatment then I have to wait till baby is born. Just hoping it's minor changes in the cells and nothing serious. Bit nervous as I find smear tests bad enough let alone having doctors routing around :dohh:

Good luck!!!
Aww I'm so glad I'm not the only one growing a girth already. It's even worse this morning :dohh:

Wish me luck ladies off for a colcoscopy (sp?) this morning as my smear/pap results came back borderline month before last. They are just looking to see the situation today and if I need treatment then I have to wait till baby is born. Just hoping it's minor changes in the cells and nothing serious. Bit nervous as I find smear tests bad enough let alone having doctors routing around :dohh:

Good luck!!!

Oh yes, hope it's not too painful :( I'm resisting having a smear until after the new baby is born, as apparently you can get abnormal results just because you're pregnant so it's not a good time to do it. Your smear was before your BFP right?

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