Xxx~~~ Mum's that will have 2 under 2 (or there abouts) come join us ~~~xxX

Oooh, cheap Baby Jogger City Selects on ebay for those of you looking to buy soon. My favourite is this ex-demo one with a carrycot and second seat
Hey everyone :hi: I'm feeling pretty happy today, no idea why, it's just been a nice day. I went out for lunch with my friend and I can't tell you ladies how much I enjoyed my brocolli and asparagus penne pasta . . . wow! It was sooo yummy. I then went to my BF support group, which I'm still able to attend despite not breastfeeding any longer. I feel quite cheeky but the BF support worker told me I had to stay, at least til I go back to work. I'm hungry ALL the time, I just feel better when I'm eating :blush: I feel like I have such a hangover, it's weird :shrug: but my little man has been such a little star today. He's played happily with my friends LO's and he's co-operated with being fed purees (for a change) although it makes me feel unbelievably dick :nope:

Aunty E - glad the scan all went well and you're feeling good about it :hugs: Like you, I think I already instinctively know what I'm having again like I did with Arf - another boy, which I'd really love because I've always seen myself with two boys and then maybe a girl last but I'd definately like another boy.
Elly - hope your little guy had a fab birthday :cake:

take care everyone. xx
How is everyone managing the topic of taking a second maternity leave so quick after the first? Are you works ok about it?

My difficulty is that I haven't gone back to work yet! I have a meeting soon to discuss going back only 2 days a week and now I am going to have to tell them that I i'll be leaving again really soon for another maternity leave! I think I will only be back for about 4 months!
I know it is our right to take as much maternity leave and as often/ as many babies as we want but I'm still very nervous about telling my work. The idea of me dong 2 days a week is that they would employ someone else to do the other 3 days and it would be a job share - but I am a theatre technician which is a really physical job, I had problems at the end of my pregnancy last time in that i couldn't do my job safely so became more office based (after collapsing! -long sordid story!) I'm nervous about trying to re-arrange my job to 2 days and then to say but I can't do my job properly anyway!
Ah it's a shame we've been moved so soon, would have been nice to see this thread make it's way across the trimesters before a shift to groups, won't get as much activity here probably - I can see why it was done though!!

Glad your scan went welly Aunty E! I wouldn't have a clue what sex my baby was at my 12 week scan last week as, just like sam, it was facing away being shy! Would be cute to have 2 girls though! I think I'm having another boy :thumbup:

Mrs B - Glad you had such a good day today, your pasta sounded yummy!! Glad Arf seems brighter too, hopefully that continues for a while for you and gives you a break!!!

Well, it's Sam's birthday on Thursday, and this is when we travel up to the lakes for a music festival... I think we must be mad to camp with a one year old! But hopefully it will be ok and the weather will be kind to us!! haha! We're taking some balloons and a cake up with us to have our own little celebration - I'm not sure family are too chuffed that we aren't doing more for Sam's birthday, but we're going away as a family so that's whats important I think!!

Hope everyone is feeling ok!!!! :hugs:

Eldar - I totally understand your concerns about work - I'm not in the situation personally; decided to hand my notice in and stay at home with Sam - I was due back to work the week after he had his amputation and it made me realise I couldn't leave him really, he needs me at home right now - Shame as I had a good stable job that would have been really flexible, but LO comes first.

I think all you can do is be upfront with them, as far as I'm aware they can't discriminate against you at all, but I'm sure they wouldn't anyway, it's probably more about how you feel yourself than anything else. I would feel awkward myself regardless of the why's and wherefore's of it! HOpefully some one else who willl be going/has gone back to work can help a little more :hug:
How is everyone managing the topic of taking a second maternity leave so quick after the first? Are you works ok about it?

My difficulty is that I haven't gone back to work yet! I have a meeting soon to discuss going back only 2 days a week and now I am going to have to tell them that I i'll be leaving again really soon for another maternity leave! I think I will only be back for about 4 months!
I know it is our right to take as much maternity leave and as often/ as many babies as we want but I'm still very nervous about telling my work. The idea of me dong 2 days a week is that they would employ someone else to do the other 3 days and it would be a job share - but I am a theatre technician which is a really physical job, I had problems at the end of my pregnancy last time in that i couldn't do my job safely so became more office based (after collapsing! -long sordid story!) I'm nervous about trying to re-arrange my job to 2 days and then to say but I can't do my job properly anyway!

I went back to work 3-4 weeks ago now and within 2 days my boss had 'worked' out that I was pregnant. I had a chat with him and he was lovely about it, he turned round and said he had expected it if he was being honest as i come across as the 'mothering' type. Im taking that as a compliment.

Dont know how he will react when I take my sick note in that signs me off until my due date :(
Im still not on the front page :cry: LOL

Can you please add me :blush: Due 19th March there will be a 16 month gap between this one and my youngest.

Thankyou :flower:

Sorry love must have missed you or didn't have your exact due date, no offence meant :hugs: I shall add you now :thumbup:

Oooh, cheap Baby Jogger City Selects on ebay for those of you looking to buy soon. My favourite is this ex-demo one with a carrycot and second seat

I saw that but I'm not going to tempt fate buying anything until the 12 week scan but looked fantastic.

MrsBandEgglet so glad you had a good day. Wish I could say the same but spent most of the day looking for something but couldn't and it ended up with hormonal tears :dohh: but happy again now even though I didn't find it.

How is everyone managing the topic of taking a second maternity leave so quick after the first? Are you works ok about it?

I went back on the 12th July for two weeks then we had summer and I'm going to try and hide it until 14 weeks after half term then tell her then. I'm not so worried about my head teacher it's more my department I'm scared of as we have a new member who is a little too keen and asks me a billion questions and the other member of my department is excellent but terribly under confident. I want her to take over my role but she'll panic so I'll need to find the right time and approach. Could you write them a letter now? Maybe before your meeting so that it's not a complete shock.

jojo2605 us hard core posters will still be in here, can see that changing but we have a good following already so I think we will be ok. They have moved ever group over all the month groups ect so lots of people will come here new and old and see us.
If I had gone back, I would be starting in about 10 days - and then would have to be off in late(ish) November. I don't think that even gives me enough hours for another paid maternity leave, so definitely not worthwhile for us. (I am quite happy with that arrangement, though, as much as I miss it some days!)
Ohh Sam's is one tomorrow :yipee: Balloons are up and cake ordered lets hope it's there when we go to pick it up.
I can't believe they're all turning one!!!!! This year has just flown by.

:cake: I know mad isn't it, where has this time flown :plane:
Awww another birthday boy :cloud9: I can't wait for my little fella's first birthday. Hope you have a fab time in the Lakes Jojo, sounds brilliant and I reckon camping with LO will be great fun :happydance: We got back from the lakes a week before I got my BFP so I reckon it was lucky for us :thumbup: Sorry you've had an emotional day Pippin, mine actually started off like that because it started raining and all our bed sheets and Arfs cot sheets (all of em) were on the line :growlmad: Weather looked glorious at the time I hung em out :shrug: I've been making purees tonight ladies in an attempt to combat my vomit-inducing aversion to Arf's food. I even tried the avocado and tomato puree I made because the toms smelt sooo tempting. It wasn't nice but I reckon it's just me :wacko: Or at least I hope it is :huh: xx
Ohh you must be so happy and proud, Pippin! :)

I have a quickie question for you all! Are any of you struggling to eat or to drink water? Finding water tasting really bland and boring. Although I know we should drink so many glasses/day, it's been a bit of a challenge. That and making sure I eat is the same way too..just not feeling the urge to eat things or they taste boring.
How is everyone managing the topic of taking a second maternity leave so quick after the first? Are you works ok about it?

My difficulty is that I haven't gone back to work yet! I have a meeting soon to discuss going back only 2 days a week and now I am going to have to tell them that I i'll be leaving again really soon for another maternity leave! I think I will only be back for about 4 months!
I know it is our right to take as much maternity leave and as often/ as many babies as we want but I'm still very nervous about telling my work. The idea of me dong 2 days a week is that they would employ someone else to do the other 3 days and it would be a job share - but I am a theatre technician which is a really physical job, I had problems at the end of my pregnancy last time in that i couldn't do my job safely so became more office based (after collapsing! -long sordid story!) I'm nervous about trying to re-arrange my job to 2 days and then to say but I can't do my job properly anyway!

I haven't told my boss yet as I am not due back to next week. It'll be an interesting discussion though. Will be back for about 4/5 months then have to go away again.

:hugs: Sorry you had collapsed last time around and that does sound like a very physically demanding job.
Had my scan today, all is well baby was very active. Due date changed to 24th march now though so ive lost 5 days hehe glad ive got an official date now though :happydance:
I had my beta done on Monday and the results were almost 4 times higher than we were expecting. Had it done at 15 dpo and it was 132, then again at 28 dpo. If it were doubling it should have been around 8000....and it was 28981!!!
I am very happy! 15 more days til scan!
Hello ladies - see look it IS quieter in here now it's been moved!! Hehe

Pippin - I hope you are feeling better today and those nasty pregnancy hormones are being kinder to you :thumbup:

MrsB - Hope you're ok, just seen your thread in Girly Sanctuary, I have felt the same as you and it does get you down, it's not even like we've had the enjoyment of the alcohol to warrant the constant 'hungover' feeling!!! I know it feels like you've a long way to go before it subsides, but you'll be surprised at how quickly it comes round. I am feeling a little more like my old self now, sickness comes in waves rather than a constant feeling which is definitely an improvement. Roll on 2nd Trimester huh!! :hug:

Well.... pfft, I've had a bit of a stressful day myself, tried my hardest to avoid posting in 1st trimester, but I had a bit of a bleed last night :cry: It frightened the life out of me to be honest. It was only a bit when I wiped and thankfully it hasn't happened since. I have however had a dull achyness in my lower abdomen all day. I called the midwife who said that basically there was not a lot that could be done and I would have to wait it out and see what happened. I was expecting it to be honest. The weird thing about it all is that I experienced almost exactly the same thing and almost exactly the same time when I was pregnant with Sam. Very Odd!! I'm trying to stay calm and think there's a suitable explanation, and with regards to the achyness, my stomach had without doubt POPPED the last couple of days, so I'm hoping it's from that. We considered not going on our camping trip but we are now, we all need the break and if anything bad happened I could go to an A&E up there.

Sorry to lumber you guys with all that, I didn't want to freak out all the 1st trimester mommies who haven't had a baby before by posting about bleeding after the 12 week period :(

I'm going to be offline now until we're back on Monday so I hope all 1st birthdays went/are going/go really really well and I want to read all about them when I get back!!

WOW this thread has really gone fast!! LOL
Struggling a bit at the mo,trying to get everything done and Saf is teething and doesnt want me out of the room,wants to play,then doesnt want to play,and it goes oooonnnn..
Still havent got any energy,i look around at what needs to be done and just cant be bothered tut tut!!
On a different note i got my double buggy today :D
Decided to go for the mothercare phoenix,it fits with the car seat we already have and so far i'm quite impressed with it,tandems seem so llloooooooonnnnggggg lol,it feels like a beast lol..
Not sure what due date i should put down as the first scan was feb 19th,my lmp and the next 2 scans says feb 14th,but the mw's are taking it from the first scan feb 19th?? I think more feb 14th is accuarate,what do u think i should go by??
Hope everyones well
xx xx
:hugs: jojo2605, hope your ok now after your bleed. Its not nice. I see from your ticker its your little ones birthday tomorrow. Happy 1st Birthday. Have a lovely weekend :)

2 more sleeps till our scan and we find out the sex, so excited :)
WOW this thread has really gone fast!! LOL
Struggling a bit at the mo,trying to get everything done and Saf is teething and doesnt want me out of the room,wants to play,then doesnt want to play,and it goes oooonnnn..
Still havent got any energy,i look around at what needs to be done and just cant be bothered tut tut!!
On a different note i got my double buggy today :D
Decided to go for the mothercare phoenix,it fits with the car seat we already have and so far i'm quite impressed with it,tandems seem so llloooooooonnnnggggg lol,it feels like a beast lol..
Not sure what due date i should put down as the first scan was feb 19th,my lmp and the next 2 scans says feb 14th,but the mw's are taking it from the first scan feb 19th?? I think more feb 14th is accuarate,what do u think i should go by??
Hope everyones well
xx xx

I think the 14th is more accurate but most OB's and MW's go by the first dating scan.

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