Xxx~~~ Mum's that will have 2 under 2 (or there abouts) come join us ~~~xxX

auntye- you have some time to save up for it! i figure if i use the other things that i used on my other babies its worth at least one big expense for the new one. like i can still use the bouncy seats, walker, toys, some clothes, high chair, changing table, etc etc etc so i can get the new one at least one thing we need to save for! and a good double stroller is so worth it. we are being picky this time on a stroller cuz the last one we got is good, but the wheels get stuck in one position and make it hard to turn
:hi: Hello everyone! I am due Oct 16th with my 2nd. There will be about 15 months in between my two bundles of joy. At first, I got some negative reactions from my MIL saying why weren't we using "protection" :haha: but I think she has rightly gotten over that point and is now insisting that we wait at least two years before getting pregnant again. That part drives me bonkers, but she really doesn't have any say in it, now does she? Not unless she plans on watching our every move so we don't DTD until then :rofl: Anywho, I am super excited for this next LO. We are staying on team yellow again and have less than 2 months until we find out whether our LO will have a brother or sister to play with.

Oh there is the theory that girl sperm lives longer than boys and if you don't climax the environment inside is better suited to girl sperm hence hightening your chances of a girl. My friend is trying it (not pregnant yet) and I discussed it ages a go with her and jokingly said we'll give it a go. As it is we did actually do the deed 3 or 4 days before O so we shall see if half the theory work.... Well we did have a good time :blush:

Personally I think this theory is a load of garbage (no offense intended) But from my experience my first should have been a girl by this theory :dohh: When I got pregnant with my first, we hadn't had sex for seven days before I ovulated. (we weren't trying to get pregnant, but got a surprise BFP and never turned back) We also didn't DTD after I ovulated. So techniqually, I should have never gotten pregnant in the first place, let alone with a boy. Nevertheless, I did get pregnant, and my LO is very much a boy :thumbup:

Hey I never said I believed it either hehehe :haha: hence the jokingly part. Anyway welcome to our little group, lovely to have you here and congrats on the pregnancy. You will be the first so give birth so lots of tips coming our way I hope! Do you know the sex? Oh and I've added you to our front page :yipee:
:hi: Hello everyone! I am due Oct 16th with my 2nd. There will be about 15 months in between my two bundles of joy.

You will be the first so give birth so lots of tips coming our way I hope! Do you know the sex? Oh and I've added you to our front page :yipee:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: When I first read silver_penny's post, I thought she must have gotten the month wrong or she is psychic because if she were due in Oct she can't be pregnant yet. :dohh: HELLO ... October of THIS year. WOW. Preggo brain & Mommy brain moment, all rolled into one. :coffee:

Welcome, silver_penny! :wave:
Thanks for the welcome! I don't know the sex, but will find out in less than 2 months!! We are doing a home birth too, am so excited. I might sound crazy, but I am sooo looking forward to giving birth again.
Thanks for the welcome! I don't know the sex, but will find out in less than 2 months!! We are doing a home birth too, am so excited. I might sound crazy, but I am sooo looking forward to giving birth again.

Me too, actually. I don't know why - I didn't particularly enjoy it at the time! LOL. I am definitely not doing a home birth, though! I am not so brave as you.
Welcome Silver_penny :hi: I had a home birth planned with my second and had everything all ready until the minute i went into labour and i changed my mind :dohh: lol

Pippin - Sorry your mum didnt react the way you expected. Mine was the same, well actually worse she told me id be 'stupid to keep it' and i 'cant even look after the ones ive got so why have another' I dont think ive done a bad job considering ive raised them alone so not sure where she got that from but shes coming round to the idea now. Think she'll be disappointed if its another boy but im not bothered what she thinks anymore!

Aunty E - That is the pram im hoping to get but i agree its just soo expensive! I dont know if i can justify spending so much on a pram but im going to try my best. Where did you get to try it out? I dont know where they sell them, ive only seen them online.

Ive been feeling sick all day today and had to go doctors after i had a small bleed but everything is fine, baby is well :thumbup::happydance: Just told to rest for a couple days and keep my eye on it.

Going to try eat some tea now, im starving but just dont want to be sick again :(
I went to John Lewis on Oxford Street (Stephen Mangan was trying out the one next to me, nearly fainted with pure lust). They were really really helpful. There's one on ebay with everything I'd need for 500 pounds buy it now. Which gives me some hope that I will find one a bit cheaper nearer the time. I think I'll get a bit for the stokke, as we have the carrycot and the extra accessories pack, and I have a few other bits and pieces to sell that we didn't use with Mog, like the leapfrog centre and the electric swing, so I can raise a bit that way. It'll be manageable I think.

We find out what variety newbaby is in a month - can't wait :) Pretty sure it's a girl, but you know I'd be surprised and pleased if it was a boy. Honestly of two minds this time!

So the MS seems to be tailing off, even if my terrible temper is getting worse. I must be a horror to be around right now, always crying or shouting! My mum might come over this weekend, so that would be lovely, haven't seen her for ages.

My ergo carrier is arriving soon - I'll be interested to see how that works and if it's a good back carrier. We just can't use the baby bjorn much anymore and I can't strap her onto my front with the moby any more. I'm hoping the straps will fit around my uterus! Now it's moved out of my pelvis, it should be easier.
Thanks for the welcome! I don't know the sex, but will find out in less than 2 months!! We are doing a home birth too, am so excited. I might sound crazy, but I am sooo looking forward to giving birth again.

Me too, actually. I don't know why - I didn't particularly enjoy it at the time! LOL. I am definitely not doing a home birth, though! I am not so brave as you.

Me too!! :dohh: I was looking through my hospital pictures when Sam was born one year and 2 days ago :rofl: and I had such lovely feelings, despite the three day labour and tiredness like I have never dreamt of as I didn't sleep the whole time until I had the epidural.
Thanks for the welcome! I don't know the sex, but will find out in less than 2 months!! We are doing a home birth too, am so excited. I might sound crazy, but I am sooo looking forward to giving birth again.

Me too, actually. I don't know why - I didn't particularly enjoy it at the time! LOL. I am definitely not doing a home birth, though! I am not so brave as you.

Me too!! :dohh: I was looking through my hospital pictures when Sam was born one year and 2 days ago :rofl: and I had such lovely feelings, despite the three day labour and tiredness like I have never dreamt of as I didn't sleep the whole time until I had the epidural.

awwww pippin- isnt it lovely remembering about when they first get here. i can still look at my girls pictures and remember it like it was yesterday and they are 10 and 11! the warm fuzzies never go away!!
Hello silver_penny and welcome! :wave:

Auntie E, considering that a lot of stuff that I'm sure we all have can be re-used with this new little one, I think the extra expense for a good stroller is ok. I'm not too sure about the conversion rate between pounds and our dollar so it's hard to say if that's a good price or no. However, you're right, seems like a lot of the double strollers are expensive. I saw some up this way for about $400 and up. Heck, one was even about $700 but with the way it looked, I swear they wanted you to do off-roading all the time on it. :rofl:

As for home births, you're a braver woman than I, silver_penny. Will likely do it at the hospital again (the birthing centre was lovely - the post birth area sucked though). Hoping labour and delivery is easy and quick and pain free as possible for all of you ladies. :hugs:

Today is Christian's birthday party which I hope he has fun. At the end of the party, we'll be announcing that another one is on the way. Here's hoping that people will be warm and accepting!
Wow, ladies, there's sooo much for me to catch up on :headspin:

TheNewWife - I'm sorry to hear about the GD, it must be such an anxious time for you but I hope you're feeling ok :hugs:

Pippin - I kinda love that theory of being able to determine the gender based on when you DTD, it's kinda romantic lol. I can just imagine people holding off for as long as poss in order to get the sex they want :dohh: I didn't pay close enough attention to when we did it, despite the fact we were actually ttc, I just didn't suspect it would happen quite this quickly :? Also sorry your mum has reacted as you would have hoped, sorry to you other ladies too :hugs: I was quite worried about my parents reaction but I think they're quite excited now.

silver_penny - helloooo and welcome :flower: Hope you're ok, bet you're getting super excited with the imminent birth. Do you have an 'idea' of what you're having? I thought I was having another boy until the sickness really kicked in and now I think it's a girl because I just didn't feel like this with Arf :nope:

AuntyE - it is scarily expensive isn't it. My hubby is taken with the Phil and Teds but when you put all the bits together you need it doesn't work out that much cheaper than the jogger really :shrug: I'm gonna try to sell my Oyster but that's about all we have that I wanna get rid of. Hubby's parents have offered to help us out though which is cool, just gotta actually convince OH that it really is a sound investment lol :thumbup:

I feel yucky still; really awful, and it's starting to get on my nerves now. I just can't feed Arf any purees and have had to throw some I made away because every time I open the freezer I can smell them :sick:
Just can't wait for first tri to be done and dusted. Hope everyone's having a good weekend. Take care :flower: xx
Well I think the good news is my Mum is coming round, she's not exactly excited but she was talking about it and asking how I was feeling etc, although did add, "ohh how are you going to cope at work with all this ms" :dohh: bless her. MS is quite bad now since 6 weeks, I still think it's worse than I had with Sam but it's so hard to remember. Sea bands on all the time pretty much but they do take the edge off. I haven't been sick but I never am really I think I've been sick once in the last 10 years!

Anyone else feel guilty about getting their bfp? So many of my friends on here and people I know are having trouble conceiving I feel a bit guilty that I've had it so easy :shrug: for example my cousin had been trying for 10 years before she gave up and my friend is going for IVF and I've had two in the time she has been waiting for the fertility appointment to come through.
Hiya ladies

Yeh i do Pippin,a good friend is desperate for a child and because of circumstances cant right now,and another friend had her 2 mmc 4 weeks after my bfp,i felt awful telli ng her i was preg a couple of weeks later,she was cool about it though..
Is anyone kinda struggling with being pregnant?? What i mean is,although i have the ms and tiredness etc i just dont FEEL pregnant,its really weird,with Saffy i felt pregnant and was always aware i was pregnant,but this time i'll do something ie pull on my tummy muscles and think oh sh*t shouldnt have done that,its like i'm not conscious of being prgenant iykwim?? Sorry its kinda hard to explain..
xx xx
Honestly, at this point I have no idea what I am having. This pregnancy has definitely been different from my first, but not putting any bets on the gender :) We have names picked out for both genders, with our first we could only agree on boys names. Who knows... maybe it could be boy/girl twins :rofl: Scary part is in the beginning of the pregnancy, I kept having dreams of twins. :shrug: At this point, though, twins are doubtful, as I'm sure I would be bigger by now (we don't do sonograms for personal reasons)

As for feeling guilty, yes yes YES! My SIL has been trying for over a year now, and hasn't had any luck. Then, my aunt was supposed to have a little girl in July, but sadly she had a stillbirth because of chromosomal abnormalities.:cry: Here I am not even trying, and having two blessings so close together. I felt guilty for a good time, even crying that it wasn't fair for me to be pregnant again so soon and feeling downright awful. However, I have no regrets and this LO will be very much loved and wanted. :hugs:
oh yeah ladies it was very hard to tell certain people. my SIL had i think 3 mc and got pregnant at same time as me with my last one. i was due dec 24 and i think she was due dec 28. we were talking every day and she had a mc with that one. she just quit texting and talking after that. it was hard even to tell her after i had him.

now she is pregnant again and due this oct, so when i told her we were due in march she said AGAIN!!! i guess i shouldnt get my feelings hurt by it since she has had so much trouble getting one to stick, it was just kinda harsh.
Ohh glad I'm not the only one thanks girls. It seems that only a handful of my friends are fetile and the rest are having real problems. My oldest friend has been trying for 8 months (not long I hear you say but she has pcos so could be a while) and she just suffered a mc and guessed I was pregnant in the same conversation. It just took the wind out of my sails.

danni1979 I so understand your feelings. I get the tiredness and MS more so with this one than Sam but I don't have the time to think about as I did with Sam. This one certainly wasn't as planned so I almost feel a bit cheated about missing the whole build up to trying and the excitement that ttc brings (yes I know I'm mad but I like that bit too) so I don't feel like my head is in the right place to start with. April seems like tomorrow away and that scares me where as with Sam my due date always seemed soooo far away it was impossible to comprehend. Now I'll have 7 months at work then I'm off again. Jezzz that sound nothing writing it down in black and white. ANyway in a word YES this feels very different.

blessedmomma I feel I'm going to get quite a few 'Again!"'s when I start telling people, it's already started on here from people I've met since joining.

silver_penny I was so sure I was having a boy with Sam and I did, this time I immediately thought girl but now I have no idea. It keeps changing day to day!
are you for sure planning on finding out the sex? i absolutely am, and cant wait!
My ergo carrier is arriving soon - I'll be interested to see how that works and if it's a good back carrier. We just can't use the baby bjorn much anymore and I can't strap her onto my front with the moby any more. I'm hoping the straps will fit around my uterus! Now it's moved out of my pelvis, it should be easier.

I have one of these and love it. We also have a Snuggli but I think everyone is more comfortable with this. I need a waist extender now that I have such a belly, but DH can wear her on the front or the back so he usually takes her anyway. I intend to use it with Heidi when she is born so I'll still have 2 hands free for Emma.
TheNewWife - I'm sorry to hear about the GD, it must be such an anxious time for you but I hope you're feeling ok :hugs:

Thanks! I have decided to feel sorry for myself for the next 3 days, and then once I go to the class on Tuesday and find out a bit more about how I will be treated then I will seize the opportunity to make positive changes in my life. I figure I may as well look at the positive side of things since I have no choice in dealing with it.

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