Xxx~~~ Mum's that will have 2 under 2 (or there abouts) come join us ~~~xxX

Ooh, I've looked at the phoenix - going to take a trip to John Lewis at the weekend to eye up some more doubles as my local Mothercare is POOP.

Here is my scan pic from Tuesday, it's much clearer than the ones I have of Imogen.

Struggling a bit with antenatal depression again. At least my poor OH is around to deal with it this time, but looking forward to second tri and getting back my energy and enthusiasm for life. Just feel like I'm marking time at the moment. Mog's birthday was a bit of a let down, and I spent most of last night snivelling into her hair, so fingers crossed I have a cheerier bank holiday weekend.
Aunty E - that's a great photo! I don't have any good ones like that of either of my girls.
Had my scan today, all is well baby was very active. Due date changed to 24th march now though so ive lost 5 days hehe glad ive got an official date now though :happydance:

Yay :happydance: I lost 5 days too last pregnancy so happens to a few of us, I reckon it'll be the same again this time too.

Aunty E wow that is a great picture. Much better than any of mine! Sorry you are suffering a bit with the depression. Wish there was something I could do to help but it's just time isn't it really. Not long till second tri now so hold on. Mog will have many many more birthdays to come so you can make more of those, plus she'll remember them!

I had my beta done on Monday and the results were almost 4 times higher than we were expecting. Had it done at 15 dpo and it was 132, then again at 28 dpo. If it were doubling it should have been around 8000....and it was 28981!!!
I am very happy! 15 more days til scan!

That is excellent may it long continue :yipee:

jojo2605 Eeeek hon, I know it's hard but try not to panic I had a bleed at 12 weeks and it was all fine, can they not scan you??? My doctor sent me straight away (had one next morning as they were busy) and I got to see Sam jumping away. Needless to say I was in hysterics and thinking the worst but it was fine. Try to keep as positive as you can :hugs: not lumbering us, that's what we are for!!!!! :hug:

danni1979 I go by the ultrasound date as it was pretty accurate for me, Sam can on his due date (well started too finished three days later :dohh:) Yay for buying the buggy, I'll do the same at 12 weeks.

mum2be2011 EEEKKKKKK so exciting, I can't wait to find out this one, I'm thinking girl again as I feel so much more sick this time.

As for me Sam's birthday was lovely, just close friends and family and he was very very spoilt, I've attached a fe pictures for you to see. Last one is of him getting obsessed about his balloons, he seriously hasn't let them go since. You spend all this money and he wants the cheapest thing.


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Hey ladies, hope everyone's well :thumbup:

AuntyE - what a fab photo, I didn't get any as clear as that at all, that's fab. Hope your lil lady has had a lovely birthday but I'm sorry to read you're suffering with antenatal depression :hugs: It can't be easy being back at work and having another LO to take care of aswell. I think I suffered a bit afterwards because of having such a difficult birth and the complications post partum I had. Hope you're feeling ok :hugs:

Jojo - thank you ever so much, it's kinda comforting to know somebody's on my wavelength with the sickness, it's dreadful this time and I hate feeling like this. It's zapping ALL the energy out of me. Really hope everything's ok after your bleed and you've had nothing since. Have a great time at the music festival and take care :hugs:

Pippin - looks like your lil man had a brill birthday :happydance: Hope you're feeling ok. Is there any news on the smear you had done the other day?

mum2be - bet you can't wait!! Sooo exciting :happydance: I will confess I'm tempted but I really want that surprise this time. What do you reckon you're having? I knew Arf was a boy straight away, this time I can't be certain but I'd love another boy :cloud9:

I had my scan today at the EPU. Had to be vaginal because it was still so early but all is fantastic so far :D Baby is in the right place and we saw the little heartbeat flickering away. I'll upload the pic later but there's not a whole lot to see. Feel pretty great about it though after that little bleed last week. Am having another early night tonight cos I'm absolutely pooped :sleep: I was in bed by 8.30pm last night and Arf didn't get up til 7am :blush: HEAVEN!!
Hey ladies, hope everyone's well :thumbup:
Pippin - looks like your lil man had a brill birthday :happydance: Hope you're feeling ok. Is there any news on the smear you had done the other day?
:blush: HEAVEN!!

Thank love, it was the colposcopy that I had the other day, I posted in here but we chat a lot :rofl: they found a spot of abnormal cells but can only keep an eye on it as I'm pregnant. They can't do a biopsy either so just have to wait and see. She wasn't worried as I was only borderline (but of course I am) and lots of girls on here have said it can actually clear up by itself. I found out as well my Mum had it before and was fine after, I think it's more common than we think.
I am PISSED OFF right now because I've just been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes (even though I had the same results as I did with Emma and they didn't diagnose me then...) and now I have to go through all the crap associated with it.

I have to find a babysitter for 3 hours on Tuesday to go to the "class" where they set up with blood sugar monitors and give you lectures on what to eat and what not to eat, then I get a million follow-up appointments which is SUPER inconvenient now that I have to worry about babysitters, etc.

I'm so emotional already with all of these pregnancy hormones surging around and now this. Let's just say that it's been a teary day and poor Emma doesn't know what the heck is wrong with Mommy. So then add guilt to the pile of emotions and oh yeah, I'm having a wonderful day. :(

We are going out tonight to the fair so at least that should be fun ... except that my husband will probably make me feel guilty about the mini donuts I intend to devour as technically I haven't been told not to - yet.

Grumble grumble.
mum2be - bet you can't wait!! Sooo exciting :happydance: I will confess I'm tempted but I really want that surprise this time. What do you reckon you're having? I knew Arf was a boy straight away, this time I can't be certain but I'd love another boy :cloud9:

I had my scan today at the EPU. Had to be vaginal because it was still so early but all is fantastic so far :D Baby is in the right place and we saw the little heartbeat flickering away. I'll upload the pic later but there's not a whole lot to see. Feel pretty great about it though after that little bleed last week. Am having another early night tonight cos I'm absolutely pooped :sleep: I was in bed by 8.30pm last night and Arf didn't get up til 7am :blush: HEAVEN!!

Im glad everything was ok with your scan MrsBandEgglet, bet thats a huge sigh of relief for you :)

Im thinking girl as ive had exactly the same cravings, weight loss, carrying the same and sickness as I had with my daughter. I would love another girl, but as long as baby is healthy i dont really mind. Although I do sometimes think we have a boy on board. Cant wait to find out now. 1 more sleep :)
I am PISSED OFF right now because I've just been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes (even though I had the same results as I did with Emma and they didn't diagnose me then...) and now I have to go through all the crap associated with it.

I have to find a babysitter for 3 hours on Tuesday to go to the "class" where they set up with blood sugar monitors and give you lectures on what to eat and what not to eat, then I get a million follow-up appointments which is SUPER inconvenient now that I have to worry about babysitters, etc.

I'm so emotional already with all of these pregnancy hormones surging around and now this. Let's just say that it's been a teary day and poor Emma doesn't know what the heck is wrong with Mommy. So then add guilt to the pile of emotions and oh yeah, I'm having a wonderful day. :(

We are going out tonight to the fair so at least that should be fun ... except that my husband will probably make me feel guilty about the mini donuts I intend to devour as technically I haven't been told not to - yet.

Grumble grumble.

Oh no!!!!! How come they didn't pick it up with Emma?? That's terrible you've got to go through all this. Big massive hugs :hugs: and I hope the fair makes you feel a bit better!!

I had my scan today at the EPU. Had to be vaginal because it was still so early but all is fantastic so far :D Baby is in the right place and we saw the little heartbeat flickering away. I'll upload the pic later but there's not a whole lot to see. Feel pretty great about it though after that little bleed last week. Am having another early night tonight cos I'm absolutely pooped :sleep: I was in bed by 8.30pm last night and Arf didn't get up til 7am :blush: HEAVEN!!

Talk about dopy, didn't even read this bit about your scan, :dohh: glad all is going well and fab you saw the heartbeat. Can't wait to see our in little over a week :yipee:
Oh yer and I told my Mum and Dad and my brother yesterday. They were shocked it was so soon after Sam but Dad kept telling me how delighted he was (about 50 times bless him), my brother was amazing and reacted wonderfully but Mum's reaction was a bit disappointing, she hasn't said much just the odd comment like "I can't believe it", "hmm two under two", "I thought you were going to try properly for a girl" and that's it. Not even a "I'm happy for you", she might have just squeezed out a congratulations but not a memorable one. If this was in character I wouldn't mind but last time she cried with joy! She cried leaving Sam today so I know she cares but she's left me feeling a little sad today. I forced her to talk about my due date and milestones etc but she kept saying don't tell anyone as it can still go wrong right up until second tri (she had a mc at 12 weeks before me) :growlmad: I know she loves me and the family dearly but talk about stealing my thunder.
Pippin - they picked it up with Emma but clearly interpreted the results differently. I have all of the numbers and with Heidi they are only slightly different. I suppose that (here, anyway) a midwife attempts a more natural approach first and then medical intervention second. Doctors obviously do it the other way around.

My doctor is usually pretty relaxed about most things, so I am hoping that he will tell me next week to watch what I eat and maybe repeat the test in a few weeks. One can hope. In the meantime, I've really worked myself up into a mess. I am literally crying about spilled milk and cannot seem to get myself sorted. I look terrible for about 2 hours after even a small cry so I'm sure that when Greg gets home he'll wonder what the hell is going on with me ... but even that doesn't seem to be helping today. I'm just so emotional.

I'm also panicking about how I will handle everything with 2 babies, and what if I get pregnant a third time and have GD - what will I do then?????

:wacko: Good thing we're going out tonight and my mind will be on other things.

P.S. When are you going to start your pregnancy journal??
Oh Pippin :hugs: thats awful. My mum was exactly the same, how ive disappointed her, what about my career etc etc... Im 20 weeks now and she still wont discuss the new baby or anything to do with the pregnancy. Apparently 15 months is too little a gap.

I glad your dad and brother are so excited, that is really nice.
"I thought you were going to try properly for a girl"

What the hell does that mean? How do you "try properly" for either gender, and what does it matter how old Sam is when that happens?????? :dohh:

Sorry to hear that she wasn't thrilled. I can understand her reservations about 1st tri - particularly after having a mc myself - but that should be your decision and not hers.

Pippin - they picked it up with Emma but clearly interpreted the results differently. I have all of the numbers and with Heidi they are only slightly different. I suppose that (here, anyway) a midwife attempts a more natural approach first and then medical intervention second. Doctors obviously do it the other way around.

My doctor is usually pretty relaxed about most things, so I am hoping that he will tell me next week to watch what I eat and maybe repeat the test in a few weeks. One can hope. In the meantime, I've really worked myself up into a mess. I am literally crying about spilled milk and cannot seem to get myself sorted. I look terrible for about 2 hours after even a small cry so I'm sure that when Greg gets home he'll wonder what the hell is going on with me ... but even that doesn't seem to be helping today. I'm just so emotional.

I'm also panicking about how I will handle everything with 2 babies, and what if I get pregnant a third time and have GD - what will I do then?????

:wacko: Good thing we're going out tonight and my mind will be on other things.

P.S. When are you going to start your pregnancy journal??

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Sweetie, what ifs don't help anyone so there isn't much point dwelling on that right now. Enjoy your time out tonight and try to put it out of your mind (hard I know!)
Jojo - thank you ever so much, it's kinda comforting to know somebody's on my wavelength with the sickness, it's dreadful this time and I hate feeling like this. It's zapping ALL the energy out of me. Really hope everything's ok after your bleed and you've had nothing since. Have a great time at the music festival and take care :hugs:

I had my scan today at the EPU. Had to be vaginal because it was still so early but all is fantastic so far :D Baby is in the right place and we saw the little heartbeat flickering away. I'll upload the pic later but there's not a whole lot to see. Feel pretty great about it though after that little bleed last week. Am having another early night tonight cos I'm absolutely pooped :sleep: I was in bed by 8.30pm last night and Arf didn't get up til 7am :blush: HEAVEN!!

Glad to hear that everything is ok :hugs:. Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight and that Arf will let you sleep in again.

Pippin, I'm sorry that your Mum had reacted that way to the news. I'm hoping in time she'll be more supportive of you and keeping my fingers crossed that she will.
"I thought you were going to try properly for a girl"

What the hell does that mean? How do you "try properly" for either gender, and what does it matter how old Sam is when that happens?????? :dohh:

Sorry to hear that she wasn't thrilled. I can understand her reservations about 1st tri - particularly after having a mc myself - but that should be your decision and not hers.


Oh there is the theory that girl sperm lives longer than boys and if you don't climax the environment inside is better suited to girl sperm hence hightening your chances of a girl. My friend is trying it (not pregnant yet) and I discussed it ages a go with her and jokingly said we'll give it a go. As it is we did actually do the deed 3 or 4 days before O so we shall see if half the theory work.... Well we did have a good time :blush:
Pippin - they picked it up with Emma but clearly interpreted the results differently. I have all of the numbers and with Heidi they are only slightly different. I suppose that (here, anyway) a midwife attempts a more natural approach first and then medical intervention second. Doctors obviously do it the other way around.

My doctor is usually pretty relaxed about most things, so I am hoping that he will tell me next week to watch what I eat and maybe repeat the test in a few weeks. One can hope. In the meantime, I've really worked myself up into a mess. I am literally crying about spilled milk and cannot seem to get myself sorted. I look terrible for about 2 hours after even a small cry so I'm sure that when Greg gets home he'll wonder what the hell is going on with me ... but even that doesn't seem to be helping today. I'm just so emotional.

I'm also panicking about how I will handle everything with 2 babies, and what if I get pregnant a third time and have GD - what will I do then?????

:wacko: Good thing we're going out tonight and my mind will be on other things.

P.S. When are you going to start your pregnancy journal??

Oh love I know it seems a little over whelming now but you are right they will probably say cut out the sugar, redo the test a few times and generally keep an eye on you. You're allowed to feel an overwhelming mess sometimes that's why husbands have arms to pick you up and cuddle you in times like these. Remember Greg is there to help with the babies too, even if it's to load the washer and stack the dishes in the dish washer. You'll cope we all find our ways :hugs: Tomorrow is another day and you'll feel different then. Big :hug:

I haven't got the discipline to keep up a journal, tried it last time and it died a death. :dohh:
Oh Pippin :hugs: thats awful. My mum was exactly the same, how ive disappointed her, what about my career etc etc... Im 20 weeks now and she still wont discuss the new baby or anything to do with the pregnancy. Apparently 15 months is too little a gap.

I glad your dad and brother are so excited, that is really nice.

She didn't go as far to say I've disappointed her I just think she wasn't prepared. She video called me last night and although she still didn't mention it she said she just wanted to see me and say hello (even though she only left me 5 hours previous) so I'm obviously on her mind. I'm hoping she'll get excited once it sinks in.

I forgot when I told her She did mention work so that old chestnut obviously bothers people. Sorry your mum isn't responding too. I'm sure she'll feel differently when the baby is born. Xxx
:hi: Hello everyone! I am due Oct 16th with my 2nd. There will be about 15 months in between my two bundles of joy. At first, I got some negative reactions from my MIL saying why weren't we using "protection" :haha: but I think she has rightly gotten over that point and is now insisting that we wait at least two years before getting pregnant again. That part drives me bonkers, but she really doesn't have any say in it, now does she? Not unless she plans on watching our every move so we don't DTD until then :rofl: Anywho, I am super excited for this next LO. We are staying on team yellow again and have less than 2 months until we find out whether our LO will have a brother or sister to play with.

Oh there is the theory that girl sperm lives longer than boys and if you don't climax the environment inside is better suited to girl sperm hence hightening your chances of a girl. My friend is trying it (not pregnant yet) and I discussed it ages a go with her and jokingly said we'll give it a go. As it is we did actually do the deed 3 or 4 days before O so we shall see if half the theory work.... Well we did have a good time :blush:

Personally I think this theory is a load of garbage (no offense intended) But from my experience my first should have been a girl by this theory :dohh: When I got pregnant with my first, we hadn't had sex for seven days before I ovulated. (we weren't trying to get pregnant, but got a surprise BFP and never turned back) We also didn't DTD after I ovulated. So techniqually, I should have never gotten pregnant in the first place, let alone with a boy. Nevertheless, I did get pregnant, and my LO is very much a boy :thumbup:
silver_penny- i would have to agree on that theory not working too well. i looked into it a lot and there was actual scientific experiments that were performed with sperm and how they function when it pertains to how long they live, and how an acidic and alkaline environment effects them. the girl sperm do have bigger heads but it doesnt make them slower and neither of the sperm live longer then the other ones. it did say that healthy sperm lived longer than ones with genetic abnormalities. and when placed in alkaline and acidic environments there was absolutely no difference in how fast or slow they were or how long they lived based on sex. the theory was completely based on the female sperm being bigger and therefore being able to live longer in a harsher environment even though swimming slower. it was just a theory though and when tested came out to not be true according to that experiment.

my experience was like yours, i only bd on ov day and had two girls and almost a week before and had a boy. my last we bd every day til ov and day after and did have a boy, but 1 of 4 isnt proof for me.

sorry to ladies who had family, especially mothers and mil, who werent happy. we experienced this, but decided we were in love with this baby more than we were with them and we are the ones gonna raise it no matter what anyone thinks. we see our children as a blessing and not a burden, no matter how anyone else sees them.
Well ladies, in the interests of science and helping out, I went to have a play with the Baby Jogger City Select in my lunch hour today. Wow. It's super cool (and super expensive of course). It's pretty light, although I'm going to go back with Imogen and try it with her in at some point, the carry cot is scrummy and it's so easy to put it up and down and move the seats around. That said, it's a bit annoying you have to take the seat out to fold it, but I'm used to that with the stokke. I'm a bit sad that you can't have the seat facing out in the lower position with the carry cot in the upper, but was really pleased that with the carrycot at the top and the seat facing you at the bottom, you can still see the older child's head. AND it can take two children to a combined weigh of 45kg, unlike a lot of tandems which only go to 30kg.

It is so expensive though, it's untrue. We don't use the pushchair all that much as it is, so I'm really loathe to spend too much money. I bet we end up with a second hand mothercare tandem!

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