Yes my belly moved!


Mother of 4
Aug 31, 2008
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After a while of seeing people talk about their bellys wobble i was getting jealous and thinking why cant I see mine move.

That was until I was lying in the bath and looked down and baba was boxing me and my belly was moving!

called the other half in to see it also,

this is very cool! and he got kicked in the bum last night when I rolled over with my belly against his bum which I mentioned in earlier thread.

he is loving seeing all this and so am I. Now I am part of the wobbly belly clan :happydance:
oh and the belly button no no clun ie.please dont play with my belly button its icky baby :rofl:
I think Im going to start taking baths more! I mean dont get me wrong!! I shower...but it seems everyone has a wobbly belly in the bathtub! hehe!

Congrats hun!
I was in the tub when I first noticed my belly move also..its amazing! Congrats on joining the wobbly belly clan!
heh. Glad to hear baby is kicking daddy's arse already. Always important to start as you mean to go on :D
yes thats defaintly my child at the ass kicking already lol

And apparetly it does happen in the bath more the wobbly belly. Maybe its because I have a better view, the water wasnt that hot.
congratulations! i cant wait for this, i havent felt it from the outside yet tho!
yep, a friend said it's easier to notice in thebath, because it makes the water wobble . Like dinosaur footsteps in jurassic park :D But without the fear of being eaten immediately after, I hope.

I can't wait till i am sure peanut is kicking, at the moment im never sure if it's a random twitch or gas!
yep, a friend said it's easier to notice in thebath, because it makes the water wobble . Like dinosaur footsteps in jurassic park :D But without the fear of being eaten immediately after, I hope.

I can't wait till i am sure peanut is kicking, at the moment im never sure if it's a random twitch or gas!

I was holding my belly up and there was a pool of water in my belly button vibrating also. It actually did remind me of Jerasic park :rofl:but it poking right out shocked darren.
I've not seen mine move this pregnancy as such, but when I was reading a magazin the other day I had it leaning on bump. It was moving a bit as I was trying to read, you know, shaking..... so belly obviously moving but not visible as I look at tummy yet.

I've always noticed it in the bath first (in past pregnancies)
yeah!!! It's so strangely brilliant isn't it? I can't wait for mines this time!!
just started seeing her move

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