happy new year everyone!
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I've not been in for so long...it's been really tough following the failed ivf, and I just didn't really have the energy to keep up with BnB.
I've updated the bfp count. If I've not included anyone, please let me know. I think bellybump and denyse had their bfps, but not sure on who else? I have a feeling I might have missed someone.
The count now stands at 30 because...
I'm pregnant!
I'm in complete shock. After having our failed ivf cycle back in October, I went to the consultant and explained that not only was I petrified of going back to the ivf, after having nearly died the first time, but I didn't feel like I was ready to let go of the idea of getting pregnant without it. I have always felt that ivf was a last resort, and I just couldn't bear the idea of going through it, feeling as though I hadn't tried everything else. So he agreed to give me a chance on letrozole again. Bear in mind that I've already had five failed cycles of this, and a failed clomid cycle, it was obvious that I was clutching at thin air in the hope of a miracle. But it worked! I genuinely can't wait to tell him, because he knows how much we've been through, and how long we've been trying.
I found out on new year's eve, and I *think* I'm due AF today. So when I tested I was about 13dpo. I've included a pic of my bfp! I still pick it up and look at it because I just can't believe that it's real!
I hope 2014 brings a whole new influx of bfps!!