Hi Ladies!! Well, I am just jumping into this post becuase I just had to. It's been 6 months since I was on baby and bump. I thought I was pg and it turned out not only was I not, but I had begun a journey which led me to a diagnosis of possible PCOS. I am obese, and have the chin hairs ( though I am pluck them every night, yuck!!) and when I came off BCP I had 2 periods and then NOTHING for SEVEN MONTHS!!!
Let me tell you...it has been a long, hard road. I am now a new grad nurse. My dr. told me that the stress of Nursing School may have stopped my periods initially, and just to wait. I waited three loong months and then went back. I tired parsley tea, aspirin daily, ginger root, dong quai, vitamin C, and nothing worked. Now after six moths I get the possible PCOS diagnosis because I cant afford to pay for a scan out of pocket to confirm.
I was devastated!!!!!! I am 33 and have waited My whole life for this!! I was so CAREFUL TO PLAN to have a baby becuase I wanted to be responsible and give my child the best life. Year after year friends and acquantainces pass along the "Happy News" and I think, "one day, that will be me". Now I am engaged to be married in July, and my life is coming together, graduated Nursing school, etc, life decides, "Ha ha, fooled you!! Now I'm taking your fertility away!! WTH???" I'm so upset.
Ladies, those darned BCP's should come with HUGE warning labels about affecting your hormone levels and future fertility. If I had known ALL the problems I would have after stopping BCP...I would have found another method of protection. I am convinced that my body just could not handle the constant hormone tinkering.
Good news, though, I Got AF today.....I literally cried when I saw the bright red on the paper in the restroom. No spotting...its actually AF, after SEVEN long months of waiting and stressing. I can FINALLY begin again my journey of TTC. I'm going to need a lot of help, ladies.
Everyone, have a blessed day!!