Young Yummy Mummies TTC

heya guys, i tested yesterday and got a BFN..but its still early so tests may not pick it up..just waiting to see if AF arrives if not i will test again..


when are you meant to be testing huni?or wens AF meant to be arriving?i done one today god nos why hahaha we did the bump uglys 4 the 1st tym since my MC a week ago today i dont no who i'm trying to kid but i am far to impatient lol i new perfectly well i wernt getting a BFP atall just yet xxx
Hiya, Can I join? :winkwink: I'm 21, my oh is 24 in a couple weeks, about to start ttc as soon as damn af goes away!!! grr! lol ..

I have PCOS which is one of the reasons I've decided to start trying a bit younger than average, so I've started temp charting because I have no idea how long my cycle will be now I'm off BCP! :dohh:

Here's hoping we all get our BFPs soon :) Good luck everyone xxxx

How many DPO is everyone?

i havnt got a clue if i take my bleed i had from MC as a kind of AF then i should of been ovulating yesterday but i dnt no ii'm just gbna wait t c iv the :witch: does actually pop up!!!!which i hope she doesnt!!! xx
heya ladies..

i tested on wednesday when i was 8dpo, as i cracked and got impatient..

im now 10dpo roughly and im refusing to test unless :witch: doesnt show up!!

i have AF like i think she will make an appearance soon..

:) xx
Hiya, Can I join? :winkwink: I'm 21, my oh is 24 in a couple weeks, about to start ttc as soon as damn af goes away!!! grr! lol ..

I have PCOS which is one of the reasons I've decided to start trying a bit younger than average, so I've started temp charting because I have no idea how long my cycle will be now I'm off BCP! :dohh:

Here's hoping we all get our BFPs soon :) Good luck everyone xxxx


heya lace&pearls..

of corse you can join in this thread is free for everyone!! :)

heya ladies..

i tested on wednesday when i was 8dpo, as i cracked and got impatient..

im now 10dpo roughly and im refusing to test unless :witch: doesnt show up!!

i have AF like i think she will make an appearance soon..

:) xx

hiiiiiii just to let u no last month when i got my very definate BFP was only 2 days late for AF and for the week before i had sore boobs, cramping and moodswings really thought she was on her way but instead it was preg so u never no :D and ur ment to test dpo14 isnt it :S so u never no huni :) what date is she meant to be arriving?xxx
heya ladies..

i tested on wednesday when i was 8dpo, as i cracked and got impatient..

im now 10dpo roughly and im refusing to test unless :witch: doesnt show up!!

i have AF like i think she will make an appearance soon..

:) xx

hiiiiiii just to let u no last month when i got my very definate BFP was only 2 days late for AF and for the week before i had sore boobs, cramping and moodswings really thought she was on her way but instead it was preg so u never no :D and ur ment to test dpo14 isnt it :S so u never no huni :) what date is she meant to be arriving?xxx

haha yeah about that, i was away from TTC for 3 months so i sort of lost track of my cycles so im not sure when she arrives :dohh: my periods changed a little recently..but judging by my CM and CP im about 10 dpo..

i have been keeping track of my symptoms in my journal..

some women can test earlier and it show that BFP..but im worried as my mum tested BFN all the way upto 6 months and then she just went docs and demanded an ultrasound..

so maybe tests wont work on me lol..

if your that concerned huni then beginin ov march iv the bfp or af doesnt arrive ask for a blood test and tell them about ur mum :) sorry for TMI but just bin the loo and ther was like whiteishy discharge in my nik naks as i sed TMI haha sorry.that does mean ovulations happening soon doesnt it becasue i bled heaviest 2 weeks ago today but the bleeding startd 2weeks ago yday so i'm going by that as mayb a AF even tho i miscarried :s confusement haha.are you taking any supplements like folic acid b6.... xxxx
if your that concerned huni then beginin ov march iv the bfp or af doesnt arrive ask for a blood test and tell them about ur mum :) sorry for TMI but just bin the loo and ther was like whiteishy discharge in my nik naks as i sed TMI haha sorry.that does mean ovulations happening soon doesnt it becasue i bled heaviest 2 weeks ago today but the bleeding startd 2weeks ago yday so i'm going by that as mayb a AF even tho i miscarried :s confusement haha.are you taking any supplements like folic acid b6.... xxxx

haha its okay i TMi all the time..for about the whole months ive had tonnes of CM and it keeps coming out into my frenchies, and it always feels like ive wet myself, like you know that feeling you get when you come on and dont realise? so i kept running to the loo..

im taking folic acid..thats all..i check my CM and Cervix but thats it..but i kind of didnt do anything this months except take folic acid..

i will go docs if i dont get AF and test say BFN as my periods are hardly ever late and if they are its by like a few days..

hmm if its EWCM that means your about to OV..i think thats right, if not ive been doing things all wrong :rofl:

oooooo ritey thanx huni.haha me to then again last month i just thought o i'll buy the hpt for the fun of it because we wernt really trying we wer just not being careful so i was 2 days late like i am most months anyway and it was 11pm on the 20th of jan and i thought o why not just do it now insted ov the mornin thinking it was going to be neg o wel was i mistaken haha, asoon as the wee started goin up the stick that BFP was ther and really dark and definate i stood up then had to sit back down quick nerly passed out haha best day of my life because secretly i really wated to be a mum.but then the 29th of jan that was all taken away!!!!so wer actually on the TTC wagon nw lol.i havent got a clue how to check my cervix wouldnt no what to look for meself lol xxx oh and i'm taking folic acid, B6 and B12 and OH is taking B12 and folic acid xxx
im bored what you doing?

i feel like i cant chat to anyone except people taht are on here as no one really knows were TTC..and all i have on my brain is babies, sex, TTC, pregnant, babies again..


i feel like my life now revolves around TTC hehe..

oooooo ritey thanx huni.haha me to then again last month i just thought o i'll buy the hpt for the fun of it because we wernt really trying we wer just not being careful so i was 2 days late like i am most months anyway and it was 11pm on the 20th of jan and i thought o why not just do it now insted ov the mornin thinking it was going to be neg o wel was i mistaken haha, asoon as the wee started goin up the stick that BFP was ther and really dark and definate i stood up then had to sit back down quick nerly passed out haha best day of my life because secretly i really wated to be a mum.but then the 29th of jan that was all taken away!!!!so wer actually on the TTC wagon nw lol.i havent got a clue how to check my cervix wouldnt no what to look for meself lol xxx oh and i'm taking folic acid, B6 and B12 and OH is taking B12 and folic acid xxx

i think when its high its around OV, and low is arund AF? im not to sure theres a thread some where..hang on ill try and find i need a recap on my CP..havent checked in 4 months..

ive always wanted to be a mummy, and i want to be a young mummy too..


hmmm i never knew men could take folic acid :blush: i guess i need to do more reading a bit rusty on the whole TTC..:dohh:

do you have a journal?

it would be nice to stalk some younger TTCers that i get along with well..

heres mine incase anyone cares about my rants and ramblings..
im bored what you doing?

i feel like i cant chat to anyone except people taht are on here as no one really knows were TTC..and all i have on my brain is babies, sex, TTC, pregnant, babies again..


i feel like my life now revolves around TTC hehe..


bored senseless listening to gold as u do at 21 lol.u? exactly me!!! i cant talk to no 1 because they think if they mention babys round me i'm going to scream and start flipping lol which i'm the opposite yes deep down i'm jealous but one day will be my day is all i keep thinking its no1s fault i love talking baby talk but all my friends and family keep saying let yopurself greive and ur insides get back to normal then try but i dont want to wait in myself yes i have my bad days but i just get on with it and have a moan to my fiance haha.and besides i had a natural MC so my insides are fine.o god rant over haha.wel being onest our sexlife to me is just baby making now i'm not letting him no that tho he wont be happy lol but i cant help it!!!till i see that BFP again then he can have his normal sex routine back haha.xxxx i havent got a journal but i might start one today now uve mentiond old are you?? yep men can take folic acid it helps with the making like the chromosones coming together i think lol but ino men can take it so get your OH on them haha xxx i'll have a peep at your journal now xxx
im bored what you doing?

i feel like i cant chat to anyone except people taht are on here as no one really knows were TTC..and all i have on my brain is babies, sex, TTC, pregnant, babies again..


i feel like my life now revolves around TTC hehe..


bored senseless listening to gold as u do at 21 lol.u? exactly me!!! i cant talk to no 1 because they think if they mention babys round me i'm going to scream and start flipping lol which i'm the opposite yes deep down i'm jealous but one day will be my day is all i keep thinking its no1s fault i love talking baby talk but all my friends and family keep saying let yopurself greive and ur insides get back to normal then try but i dont want to wait in myself yes i have my bad days but i just get on with it and have a moan to my fiance haha.and besides i had a natural MC so my insides are fine.o god rant over haha.wel being onest our sexlife to me is just baby making now i'm not letting him no that tho he wont be happy lol but i cant help it!!!till i see that BFP again then he can have his normal sex routine back haha.xxxx i havent got a journal but i might start one today now uve mentiond old are you?? yep men can take folic acid it helps with the making like the chromosones coming together i think lol but ino men can take it so get your OH on them haha xxx i'll have a peep at your journal now xxx

if you feel its fine to TTC now then whos buisiness is it anyways?? sorry had a little outburst rant there..

hmm maybe it will help his :spermy: get my eggy :rofl: definatly getting him on folic acid now :thumbup:

oooh you should create a journal, im definatly stalking :haha:

im 19 and OH is turning 23 on the 23rd Feb.. :)

some things i found interesting, funny, and useful..

The cervix gets higher as you approach OV, but after OV it can go up and down like a yoyo until it will settle low for af.
If its high, soft, open, wet thats good..
Low, closed, dry, well thats AF coming..
Thats what i figured is the basic rule, but i still may be wrong..

some googled info on it..
In predicting fertility, observing the position of the cervix (located at the lower part of the uterus) can be very instructive. Like cervical fluids, the position and "feel" of the cervix will undergo measurable, tangible change during a woman's menstrual cycle.

By examining your cervix, you can learn to predict ovulation and increase your chances of getting pregnant. If you are fertility charting, then by recording your cervical position changes, you can establish another coordinate for determining your most fertile time.

Examining Cervical Changes

When conducting any self-exam, make sure that your hands are clean. As with ovulation testing and BBT charting, examination of the cervix should take place at the same time every day. Gently insert one or two fingers into your vagina - and by reaching back you should be able to feel your cervix. During the exam, ask yourself the following questions (but remember, it make take time to "learn" about your body - the positions and feel of your cervix throughout your cycle).

Is the position of the cervix relatively low (easy to reach) or high (less easy to reach)?
Does the cervix feel relatively soft or firm?
Does the opening of the cervix feel open or closed?
Is the cervix dry to the touch - or relatively moist - or very moist?
Prior to ovulation - during the first half of your cycle, the cervix will feel relatively firm (like touching your nose) and dry to the touch - and the position of the cervix will be low in your vagina (easy to reach). The entrance of the cervix will feel closed.

However, as you approach ovulation, the cervix will become increasingly soft and will increasingly moisten in order to create a more fertile environment for the sperm. (A product that is designed to help improve the quantity and quality of cervical mucus is called FertileCM.) The entrance of the cervix will feel open and begin to lift. At the highest point, the cervix may be a bit difficult to reach and the entrance of the cervix will increase in size. The feel of your cervix will be softer - like touching your lip. At this point, you are at your most fertile time.

Following ovulation, the cervix begins to return to a firmer state and the entrance will begin to close. Also, the position of the cervix will again drop and become easy to reach.

These changes in cervical position can be monitored and recorded, augmenting fertility charting and helping you pinpoint your window of opportunity for conceiving.

hopefully these little bit of info are useful for others..

:) :thumbup:
exactly wa i think and said!!its upto me!!! wel i'm 21, 22 in May and OH has just turned 21 last month.toyboy haha in a way haha.wel folic acid is needed to maintain a mans quality and number of sperm :) and B12 helps men with low sperm count i dont no wether brad has a low sperm count but hes taking it just incase lol and B6 in a woman has shown to increase fertility :) just little advice incase u would like to take them.i'm not taking any chances this time round haha.haha i'm going to start one now :D sorry took ages been nosing at your journal lol xxxxx
haha thank u huni, bradleys goin to wonder y i'm going to be constantly in the loo nw haha havina check haha.just done a ovulation stick testy thing and got a faint line :S wether that means its on its way or its faint and that just means ntn :S god nos how them little sticks work!!if only that came up on a HPT haha xxx just red the box and it says iv the test line is lighter than the control line then your not ovulating :S but ive done like 4 this week and a half and thats the only one thats gave me a faint line the rest have been negative :S the things uve got to do lol xxx

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