My first daughter is Sheridan Rae
Sheridan because I like the like the name, and Rae is a mix of my mother's and father's middle names. Richard and Faye. I was a single mom and didn't have to consult the other half.
My family has a tradition of keeping all our initials the same. My kids are the third generation to have this. And since when I married, I got to keep my last initial (Husbands surnames starts with same letter as my maiden name), my kids got to maintain the tradition too

AND the first 'sound' to each of my siblings and my name starts with "Shhh" so I was kinda looking for that too since I kept that tradition going with Sheridan.
My DH has an initial tradition too but it's just with him and his first daughter. She's 19 and had a bit of a shock when she found out she was going to be a half sister...(didn't think her daddy ought to be marrying anyone but her harpie of a mother and certainly not conceive any other devil spawn...:doh:

) so I avoided taking his and her tradition away from them.
So I was looking for a name that sounded like "Shhhhh-whatever" and was searching those baby name sites and ran into Charlotte.
Make a quick conversion of the C to an S and voila! We kinda argued about her middle name... Rose or my middle name which is Renee. He wanted her to have my middle name. I liked Rose. He won
Iknow of two other baby Charlotte's my LO's age on BnB, and my mom's dear friend just had a baby they named Charlotte... though they call her Charlie