Beautiful bumps ladies! Here is my updated bump
22 weeks, 5 days
I popped overnight this week lol... (and gained 6 lbs, eesh! Which puts me at a total weight gain of 8 lbs so far in my pregnancy.. So much for trying to gain as little as I can )
Thankyou lol, but seriously when I saw my weight, I hadn't checked a while before that. It was that HUGE wake up call that I assume we all get! I was in a daze for atleast half the day over it. XD Also, my belly has it's days where it is big and days when small, So on Easter, I felt like a hippo!! And DHs dad even commented "you're getting fat, girl! Starting to show good." And i didn't know whether to be happy that someone noticedBeautiful bumps ladies! Here is my updated bump
22 weeks, 5 days
I popped overnight this week lol... (and gained 6 lbs, eesh! Which puts me at a total weight gain of 8 lbs so far in my pregnancy.. So much for trying to gain as little as I can )
PLEASE!!! you are teeny tiny! Most people have gained 2x as much as you by this far in pregnancy. You look fabulous, and I think you know it
people can be so rude with their comments! I cant get over how some people actually think its ok to say a pregnant woman is getting FAT! Ridiculous! Only We are allowed to say that about ourselves! and everyone else HAS to disagree!!
Wow Divershona I love your bump!! It's so cute! Sorry, I just had to let you know!! Congrats on your baby boy!!
:O I don't see an ounce of fat on you! Definitely look pregnant and NOT fat
absolutely gorgeous bumps ladies.
mine sticks out huge when i lay down butpractically nothing when i stand up lol.
here's my 22 weeks + 4 days
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Last pic in 2nd tri. See you ladies in 3rd tri!