£190 at 25weeks

It is a load of crap......where exactly do my taxes go? They also took away our tax credits with no warning just stopped putting them in:( I assume sending a letter warning people would just be too expensive?

Aload of s**t isnt it?
My wage is taxed nearly £200 every month and what do we get for it? its rediculous.
A little god damn help would be nice!

Your MW care, your birth, aftercare, police, fire services, the NHS in general, child benefit......

Agreed! and at the risk of getting bashed for this I have worked all my adult life and paid £1000+ a month in taxes and I do not expect free handouts nor have i ever wanted or asked for or received any.
To clarify I am not 'rich' i cannot afford that tax, im a single mum, atm the paint is peeling off my bath and I cant even afford a new toilet seat..not many people i know in state housing have to put up with that. I havent had a holiday in over 10 years and i cant afford a car. Noone has it easy.
well i would love free handouts like alot of other people in the country that go to work for hardly anything
I wasn't aware that I'd get any money? :shrug:
I'm not on benefits and I know the healthy eating one stopped in Jan(?)

i didnt realise it was still available for first time mums, atleast that is something, but it seems wrong to me. babies dont get any less expensive the more you have imo. i dont think tehres anythin available for workin mums at all is there? :( x
I think they figue if you already have children then you still have some baby stuff to use or can sell some stuff to fund it.

Make sense they dont have money for working mums really as they are working so can afford the essentials.....
I think they figue if you already have children then you still have some baby stuff to use or can sell some stuff to fund it.

Make sense they dont have money for working mums really as they are working so can afford the essentials.....

I do agency work and have practically nothing contract to apply for or agency work for months due to budget cuts. Im now at the point where have to go and see if im better off on unemployment benefit because I cant afford the essentials.
also my eldest will be nearly 10 when this one is born, nothing usable or sellable for me! and if I need to (which it looks like i will) I wont be able to claim anything, or wont get this 'grant' I have no clue what I would be entitled to and dont like thinking about it tbh :( *head sand buried* :-(
Can you not increase your WTC?

nope its gone down since I have had less work and son not in childcare -i couldnt afford to keep his place open and didnt have enough work to justify it,
I think they figue if you already have children then you still have some baby stuff to use or can sell some stuff to fund it.

Make sense they dont have money for working mums really as they are working so can afford the essentials.....

i understand your point but it would be nice to have a helping hand :|.
I think they figue if you already have children then you still have some baby stuff to use or can sell some stuff to fund it.

Make sense they dont have money for working mums really as they are working so can afford the essentials.....

i understand your point but it would be nice to have a helping hand :|.

Why though? surely its your baby so your responsibility?
I think they figue if you already have children then you still have some baby stuff to use or can sell some stuff to fund it.

Make sense they dont have money for working mums really as they are working so can afford the essentials.....

i understand your point but it would be nice to have a helping hand :|.

Why though? surely its your baby so your responsibility?

a lot of people are welcoming some reforms, and really dont believe that the country can afford it. I think you have a baby it is ALWAYS your responsibility? Its noone elses'!
a lot of people who cant afford it simply don't do it and go without what they cant afford. I do. To be honest we really dont need even half the things we're sold and told we do.
Just to let people know, if you get IS or JSA, although its not as good, you may get a Community Care Grant or Budgeting Loan.
I dont know that much about the CCG, but Budgeting Loans, you pay back in full, but it come's direct from your benefit, and its interest free. I recently had to get one when I washing machine died!

OT: Ive been working most of my life, since I left school. Ive been taxed too much in the past, but never been given correct information on how to get tax rebates. So now I am on JSA/IS I see it as my way of claiming that tax back. (I will be going back to work once baby is 6 - 9 months old.)
I'm kinda shocked at the responses here, yes your baby is your responsiblity but what about the people who cannot work for some reason, should they all be sterilized because they are having a hard time? I'm not talking the people who sit around, have babies and don't want to pay for them, i mean the people who don't have the choice to work?

People judge people on benefits without knowing circumstances and i really hope those judgemental people never fall on hard times or have to deal with something unexpected that means they need a little help, i think the maternity grant is a good thing. It shouldn't be abused and i think its right that its for the first child only (even though it means i don't qualify!) but i do think there should be help available to those that need it, one day the people who judge will be the ones that need help x
@shadowseer that's the way im going to look at it now, I have to. Im starting to show so my chances of getting anything long term or permanent are less. Ive paid a lot into the system over the past 10 years as a professional.
My oh should be moving in soon and he works so i guess he'll be able to claim tax credits for us or I will continue and take his income into the tax credits claim and claim MA when time comes (Im not entitled to it from agency) If im on JSA or IS (which I cant claim for son, hes 9) it will stop if I claim MA and i cant claim those when oh moves in. we'll have to see whether he or i should claim tax credits.
@kelzyboo, speaking for myself. What makes me rant is the bottom line; I have no work atm. The whole situation is unbelievably depressing when i have studied and worked so hard in my career. and what I really want to do is keep working and find a contract and support myself. I am being positive though and thinking that if that is ballsed up atm through budget cuts then maybe its good timing to have a break and another child.. when my son was born I had to go back to work ft and it broke my heart and I hated every second. (that's why I do agency work) Things like loo seats and gas bills, my broken washer, my broken bath, mortgage and baby on the way all cost money I havent got, my outgoings on household bills alone is higher than my income atm I am one of those that has 'fallen on hard times' but thanks to this thread and some googling Ive started to withdraw my head from my bum and have had a proper think about it. which Ive been avoiding. Im too independent and I'm my own worst enemy at times. The only person I judge is me. Its hard times for everyone ladies and I guess we stop whining and ranting at each other and deal with it, do without and make sacrafices x
t33cup, it must be frustrating to have worked hard and not be able to find work, these are hard times unfortunately and even the most qualified struggle to secure jobs, its a bad situation but its reality and its not always what we expect it to be! I'm glad your thinking about your options, even if you don't work for a while it doesn't mean you never will again or that you don't want to, we all have our reasons and it sound like your really struggling. I hope you find the help thats available to you and accept the help, its hard to accept help but its just a bad patch and when you no longer need that help your taxes will be helping others having a hard time!

Thats my opinion anyway lol I can't work at the moment as i am a carer for my daughter who has ASD and the way it is atm i would need far too much time off from a job to deal with things that are going on plus i couldn't work while pregnant as i have a pelvic condition and am virtually immobile, that doesn't mean i don't want to or never will work it just means that circumstances that are not of my choosing are stopping me right now!

I've learned not to judge people on benefits, we don't all sit around doing nothing and watching Jeremy Kyle lol Don't judge yourself either, whatever help you do get theres plenty of time to repay when things are better. Good luck with baby xx
Tbh the country is in so much debt something had to be cut. The health in pregnancy grant was meant to pay for healthy food like fruit and veg but nobody I knew even so much as bought an apple with it. Most people used it for private scans etc. Xxx
It is a load of crap......where exactly do my taxes go? They also took away our tax credits with no warning just stopped putting them in:( I assume sending a letter warning people would just be too expensive?

Aload of s**t isnt it?
My wage is taxed nearly £200 every month and what do we get for it? its rediculous.
A little god damn help would be nice!

Your MW care, your birth, aftercare, police, fire services, the NHS in general, child benefit......

yeah brilliant, and everybodies elses benefits


its true though. my mum worked hard all the years she was bringing us up and for half that time was a single parent. you would think cos she was a single parent there would be help she could get. nope - she was middle income - just about! even with a mortgage to pay for and three children to pay for on her own because my father paid nothing she still didnt qualify for any help with clothes, school dinners, school transport, childcare etc because she was slightly over the middle income threshold. where as if she had been just below it life would have been so much less of a struggle. you got an unbelievable amount of help at the time if you were just below the threshold.

i think they need to loose this threshold thing and start taking peoples circumstances into account while doing a sensible income/outcome assesment (not meaning one that means people should put down that they have 1 child and a huband who is also working and they spend 1k on food a week but i mean SENSIBLE income/outcome :) i think i will be in the same boat. we both work but i dont earn very much - minimum wage and part time. but because my hubby has a good pay we will just be expected to use all of that, even though that will have to be used to pay for nearly EVERYTHING. im even confused about maternity pay as i only started this job a couple of weeks ago so wont be able to apply for statutory pay i dont think so will only qualify for pennies from the government a month which will barely pay for anything.
i didnt realise it was still available for first time mums, atleast that is something, but it seems wrong to me. babies dont get any less expensive the more you have imo. i dont think tehres anythin available for workin mums at all is there? :( x

the healthy eating one is stilk going but you have to be on benefits. If you get ctc you can get it but have to be earning under 16k.

I know people that have a kid and when they old enough to go full time school if by magic mum is pregnant again, never worked a day in her life yet has a nice home, nice car and holidays abroad! I dont expect freebies but if you have people who have never worked and are loving off our taxes then surely fair for us hard workers to get a little grant of some sort. We will be left with well under £100 a mnth when lo.arrives and still no help from anywhere.

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