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•••January 2021 tww & test thread•••

Sugger - your progression is perfect! Every day looks so different and better each time.
Get that ticker up so we can all admire it! LOL :) :happydance::happydance:
@Suggerhoney I have been silently stalking your journey and those are beautiful lines sending lots of dust :dust: Happy & Healthy 9 months

Hi hon :hi:

Thank you so much im definitely feeling better today but still a little on edge. Hoping this one is here to stay[-o<

These are amazing! What super progression! No denying them lines! i have a feeling it is time for a ticker, so pleased for you! Xxxx

Thanks hon.
Still nervous but feeling a bit better.

I am not sure if you would want to see,

these are my sweety fox and frer progression. Yours are looking better at 12dpo and I am currently brewing that baby, I have very positive feelings for you :)

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Thanks for this hon.
My lines never got this dark with any of my chemicals.
I did lose my first baby at almost 11 weeks so I never enjoy the first trimester just hoping this one is for keeps [-o<

@Suggerhoney i had loads of symptoms sick as a dog and lost baby. I have mild symptoms, no symptoms all through pregnancy and strong ones that have been fine. They are all so different. Eloise’s and this ones lines went like that too my 2pm test was the best with 4-5 hour hold and no fluids or minimum

Thank you hon.
Fixed so much this one is for keeps.
I've been taking baby Aspirin since 10dpo when I got the very first lines. Im still taking the macca and foliate to.
Wud love to book a privet scan for around 7 weeks but not sure with lockdown if the place is open or not.
Still don't have my bloodtest results its been 3 weeks now but hoping I won't need them and this one is my take home rainbow [-o<
Sugger very good feeling about this baby with this awesome progression :)
@Suggerhoney yes I’m still taking Maca, but i am especially sure to take it through the first trimester (have in my last 3 pregnancies) as it can prevent miscarriage.
@Suggerhoney those lines are looking fab, great progression! There was one chain of scan places that stayed open during the first lockdown and then other ones started opening up as well so I think you should be able to get one. They basically figured out they could stay open if they were doing medical scans rather than ones that would be considered for fun. So that just meant they’d do reassurance scans but not 4D. It changed so often though!
Hi ladies

So had a bit of a panic this morning because my IC lines were a bit fainter than yesterday.
My heart sank but I decided to test again with 3rd morning urine.

Been testing with 2nd all this time so don't understand why they were fainter with that today.
But thank the lord 3rd morning urine and they are darker.

Still on edge.
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Is it safe to add a ticker yet im still like a nervous wreck lol

Fantastic progression. I'm so happy for you. Gives me hope it might happen for me. Hoe much maca have you been taking? I ve had no ewcm since my mc and wondered if it would help. My cycle has settled down to be regular now.
Hi ladies

So had a bit of a panic this morning because my IC lines were a bit fainter than yesterday.
My heart sank but I decided to test again with 3rd morning urine.

Been testing with 2nd all this time so don't understand why they were fainter with that today.
But thank the lord 3rd morning urine and they are darker.

Still on edge.
View attachment 1093399 View attachment 1093400

Is it safe to add a ticker yet im still like a nervous wreck lol
Wow look at those lines beaut!!! I’m so excited for you :) :) :)
@Suggerhoney yes I’m still taking Maca, but i am especially sure to take it through the first trimester (have in my last 3 pregnancies) as it can prevent miscarriage.

OK hon. I will still take them is 2000mg ok. Still taking the foliate to and vitamin D and baby aspirin.
Praying this one sticks hon. I'm still scared lol:roll:

@Suggerhoney those lines are looking fab, great progression! There was one chain of scan places that stayed open during the first lockdown and then other ones started opening up as well so I think you should be able to get one. They basically figured out they could stay open if they were doing medical scans rather than ones that would be considered for fun. So that just meant they’d do reassurance scans but not 4D. It changed so often though!

Thats good to hear hon. The one here is called Baby Bond. I really hope they are open but don't like the thought of having to wait to 13 weeks for the hospital scan.
I'm still waiting on them blood test results for overion reserve. Its been 3 weeks now so im hoping when they call with the results and I tell them I'm pregnant and they know I had 4 chemicals last year it wud be nice if they suggested for me to have a early scan around 7 weeks wud save money lol. But I don't mind paying the money for the reassurance just hope we see a very strong hb.
Will prob book another scan at around 9 weeks to then its not so long to wait for the hospital one.
So nervous still hon.
I never like the first trimester because I list my first baby after seeing it on a scan at 6 weeks with HB I went on to miscarry at 10+4 so im always very anxious until I get to 11 weeks then I start to relax a little but still get anxious.
Its like I don't want to wish it away because it goes so fast but at the same time I wish I was in the 2nd tri. When u can feel baby moving and stuff.
Hope ure little man is doing OK hon?
I still have no symptoms just bloated and backache but mite be me IBS haha.

Fantastic progression. I'm so happy for you. Gives me hope it might happen for me. Hoe much maca have you been taking? I ve had no ewcm since my mc and wondered if it would help. My cycle has settled down to be regular now.

Hello hon
Rooting for ya gal and lots of others on here.
I started taking them 3 months ago. And also instead instead of folic acid I've been taking foliate since the beginning of November.
I started with 500mg of macca for the first few weeks and then went up to 1000mg then 1500mg and for Dec and this month I've been taking 2 in AM and 2 at night so that 2000mg.
I also started baby Aspirin at 10dpo when I started getting faint lines.
As recommended by @wantingagirl and so far so good.
Still very anxious tho.
Just praying this one will be supper sticky and healthy.

Zero symptoms which is weird.
But maybe they will come later :confused:

Really fixed for you hon
So I’m back to ovulation. Expecting to O tomorrow so made sure hubby and I have bd’d today, yesterday and day before. Hopefully that’s enough as I’m working 24 hours tomorrow so don’t think I’ll be in the mood or have the energy if I am

congratulations to those. Who have got their BFP and good luck to the next cycle for those who met the :witch: again this month
Great timing Kimmy!! Really hope you catch the eggy xx
Well AF here in full force. I dnt know if I am classsinf today as day one as last night was spotting.
I’ve heard the first day is the first day of full flow, but whenever I put spotting in my FF app it calls it CD1!
Sorry I’ve been MIA, AF came and I’m on CD3, doc gave me letrozole to start today for five days then CD13 I go in for my follicle US and get my trigger shot, then two days later we do IUI. I’m so nervous for IUI, when I did my Fallopian tube test it hurt like hell to get the catheter inside it so I can only imagine it’ll be similar in pain to do the IUI, ugh I’m nervous!!
Well I'm guessing I had a very early short AF was mostly spotting a day of light flow. :(](*,)Tests have been negative.

So moving on to another month/cycle.
I'm CD7 today and going to start baby making tonight and just go with the flow from here on. I'll be testing again Feb 1st. I should be 7dpo then.

Just wish Jan was my month but wasn't.

Feeling down seeing all the BFPs but that's ok.

I'm happy for y'all who got a positive congratulations again!!

Good luck ladies who are still testing away.
Has anyone had 2 days of very positive opks?
Has anyone had 2 days of very positive opks?

Yeah! Most cycles I used OPK i had two days very positive. Sometimes the second day was slightly less positive sometimes not. ;) Grt BD ing!

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