★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Azure great photos! So glad it all went well!

Pine I hope you enjoy that wine! I’ve got myself some non alcoholic beer but haven’t tried any yet!

Joanna I’ve not bought anything for the baby yet. I definitely didn’t want to until I’ve had that scan but not sure when I’ll start shopping. We’ve got most things we need already. We’re not finding out the sex but will reuse clothes either way!

CC I’m glad your scan went well and hope you get your blood test results soon!
CC - cute photo, glad baby is doing well :)

Jelly - I've got no baby stuff left from my previous pregnancies. At our previous house we weren't able to store any of the baby stuff and I thought we were done having kids... plus I figured that I'd rather help out someone who could use the baby stuff. So I literally have NOTHING, no baby clothing, no baby toys, no furniture lol. I'm not too worried about the cost and plus our families are so excited to have another baby coming I know they will want to help out buying stuff. I think I am holding back until a) we know the gender b) we know baby is doing alright... I can't imagine buying everything and then something happens to baby.

Update on my son's ankle from last weekend: He's doing well, swelling is gone but lots of bruising. He's back to annoying his sister so we know he's feeling better haha. He can walk on his foot now so we know it's not broken, just a little sore now. He'll be back to jumping on the trampoline by next week I guess.
Lovely scan photos @AzureOrchid and @CC94. <3 Azure how good that you were able to facetime your partner! My hospital doesnt allow this.

So happy for both of you that your bubbas are doing great!

@Joannaxoxo Yay! Glad to hear your boy is doing better :)

Any of you ladies with previous babies - did you have severe stretching pains at around 18 weeks?

I have been having pretty painful cramps these last few hours. A bit period-like but slightly different. They are very low in my abdomen, like right aboe my pubic area. I had stretching pains some time ago (at least I'm pretty sure that's what it was) and these feel similar, just way more severe. Got a little worried so did check on my lil one with the doppler twice during this pain episode, and he seems fine. No spotting either.

Not sure if I want to go to the hospital for this, especially if it's just my uterus expanding. But man, I definitely have not had pain to this extent since getting pregnant.
SO much to catch up on! CC - cute photo!

Jelly - so I have some baby stuff that we've slowly been gathering as we were trying to become foster parents. I literally just ordered a crib mattress yesterday. But I feel like there is still SO MUCH to buy. We don't have clothes (I mean, we have a few but not nearly enough and no newborn stuff for boys), we don't really have baby toys, and we don't have any toiletries/ baby care products. We do have a beautiful Moses bassinet with rocking stand that I love but it's not level with our bed so unfortunately we will need a bedside bassinet, especially if I end up having a c-section. We need a stroller that's compatible with the car seat my mom bought us for Christmas (for fostering) which is really expensive so I'm hoping family members will group gift that one. I've spent so much time planning out a baby registry in past pregnancies, so it's been built and readjusted multiple times, but honestly, I'm super hesitant to buy things this time around. But I think this baby is actually going to happen so I need to get on it.

Joanna I'm glad your son is feeling better and I'm glad his ankle isn't broken! Those are NO fun (I speak from experience). Kids are so resilient though.
Pine - is your doctor accessible by phone? It couldn't hurt to call them and ask for their opinion. They should be able to determine if you need to come in or if it's just round ligament pain. I do have a friend who described the first time she felt round ligament pain and she said she thought her baby was dying it was that painful. Either way, give your doctor a call!
Pine - my round ligament pain has never been very intense. I do get sharp pains/pulls occasionally if I move/turn too quickly. I'd give your doctor a quick call just to be sure.

Foster - you are a lot more prepared for baby then I am.

I do know what types of things I want/need for baby so I can at least narrow down the items a little easier then first time Moms. I also know that if I'm missing something that we can grab it at the store... the mains things you need are something for baby to sleep in, clothing, car seat, diapers/wipes, breast pads, pads for Mom, and pain killers for Mom. Even some of those things you can stop at the store on the way home from the hospital if you've forgotten anything (or send DH). After my surprise c-section with my second baby I had DH go get me some granny panties because my underwear was pushing on my incision and I didn't have anything else to wear.

Other things I know that worked for me: baby swing, burp cloths, Muslim wraps for wrapping baby up at bedtime, breast pump, a bottle and a can of formula, pacifiers (neither of my other kids would take one, but I want one on hand to try), dresser/change table and changing mat, some sort of baby carrier and stroller, and also a baby monitor.

Things I won't buy because they didn't work for us: bassinet and pack'n'play.

Things to buy down the road: high chair, bouncy seat/activity seat, activity mat, toys.

I hope this list helps out some of you... I'm sure I left off a couple things but this is my plan. OK... maybe I do need to start purchasing a few things haha.
Great pic CC! Hope your bloodwork turns out well.

I second (or third/fourth) the recommendations to call your doctor, Pine. Mine has been super about having quick phone chats about things and better to err on the side of caution.

That list is amazing Joanna! Thanks for sharing! I was asked today by a colleague for a link to a registry and it's starting to dawn on me that I need to start getting my butt in gear and think about things we're going to need.
Pine how’s the pain today? I definitely get sharp pains when I sneeze etc and actually woke up with quite a sore bump this morning but it was okay once I’d started moving about. I’d also speak to your doctor just to be sure!
Sorry for the lack of reply. I felt pretty bad most of the week. Hoping next week is better.

Pine no I don't recall anything like that. Rlp yes but not painful uterus stretching.

I'm loving all the scan pics of the babies actually looking like babies. The gummy bear scan at 8 weeks aren't bad, but I love seeing them look like tiny humans :)

Oh and lovely bump pics too. I'm happy I'm not alone in sporting a bump.

I had my appt yesterday and ultrasound. She didn't snap a pic of the nub but I know I saw a boy one. Skull is boyish imo. DH is worried I'm only seeing what I want to see. We go back on the 1st and have an early gender scan so pretty excited for that.

I finally told my boss yesterday and it went well. I'll wait to tell the rest of our dept. Maybe next week though.

I'll upload a pic in just a bit.
Any guesses are welcome. I know you can't do nub as it isn't visible on the pics sadly.

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Love all the scans and good news :)

Pineberry are you OK?

Flueky ooohhh I can’t wait for the 1st now to find out if you were right!

Co_foster you sound very organized. I want to move ds to the current guest room, and change ds current bedroom into a nursery. Can’t wait. My planning had to change though- I’m not going to able to buy everything I wanted to due to husband not having a job (he works in sport and all sport has been cancelled indefinitely). I’m going to make due with whatever my sister and brother can pass on. Luckily I have boy clothes but gave away all my baby clothes (up to 6 months I think?) swaddling blankets, bedding, etc when ds was a year old and we had lost our last embie from the first ivf. I thought I would never get pregnant again. I will just have to save my money for clothes, nappies and consumables. Will see what is available from the family and do without the rest.

We are FINALLY allowed out to go for walks 6-9 AM. I HATE some of the senseless restrictions e.g no-one in SA has been allowed to buy cigarettes for 5 weeks and now cigarettes are banned indefinitely. I don’t smoke but many people I know do and they are actually suffering without their “comfort” ciggies and getting withdrawals; covid stress is bad enough! Walking outside only allowed 6-9 am so the streets are crowded in that time slot. Grocery stores are allowed to sell prepared food as long as it’s room temperature or chilled- no hot food?? Masks are compulsory which causes everyone to constantly touch their faces to adjust the masks, pull them down to speak etc; kids especially touch and fiddle with their masks a lot which imo is dangerous if you have contaminated hands! From my venturing to buy groceries and going to the pharmacy, it freaks me out to see people’s hands glued to their masks! (I know masks are controversial though) And lots of stupid other rules that make little to no sense. But I’m so thankful we can walk at least. I’ve been going out with ds and he is also so grateful. I think 5 weeks of him not being out of the house at all, not even for exercise, has been very hard on him.
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Joanna great news about your ds ankle! A trampoline is so nice but yeah every now and then accidents happen :/ but having it for their entertainment (and the core muscle exercise it provides) is so worth it! We have a large one that is very low to the ground, gifted by ds occupational therapist. He has slightly low muscle tone.
I’m ok! Thanks ladies. I did end up going to the hospital friday evening as I just wanted to be safe rather than sorry. Saw bub on ultrasound for a few seconds, he’s doing well, they then ended up taking my blood and a urine sample to rule out infection.

Turns out I had / have a slight bladder infection, was prescribed antibiotics which I’ve taken the past 2 nights. Was still feeling very uncomfortable and crampy yesterday, but today I’m much better!

The weather is soo lovely here today, 32 degrees (celsius)! Made some healthy iced tea and drank it while tanning on the terrace, then we took a nice long walk by the water later.

@Flueky88 Ugh so hard to tell from those pics :( wish there was a visible nub! And I have no clue about the skull theory so can’t guess based on that either. But what a cutie though :)

@Fern81 Glad you’re allowed to go outside for a while now, but I agree it makes no sense for it to be within a short time window. Just causes crowds! I do think that masks being obligatory is very good though, as it’s been proven that viruses spread significantly slower if the majority wears masks. Of course, it makes no sense if people keep touching their masks with their hands all the time, lol.

Hope all of you have had a lovely weekend!!
Pine I'm glad you're okay! UTIs are the worst and pregnant women are apparently way more susceptible to them. Hope you get to feeling like your normal self again super quick!
Glad you’re ok Pine! Ouch UTI sounds so painful though! Hope you feel much better soon!
I've been a little obsessed with bacon and anything orange flavoured (not together!)

I have a cervix scan next week to check the length as I had surgery on it a few years back. Anyone had one done? I'm hoping I might be able to see the baby too if I ask really nicely :)

Sorry I've been quiet, been working and just feeling totally wiped out. Naps in the day and early to bed at night. At the weekend DH gave me a lay-in and I slept for 11 hours straight.

I've been doing some yoga everyday but think i'm going to need to start a pregnancy yoga as I start expanding.

We were meant to have a roast for dinner last night but we are having it tonight, i'm excited as i'm also cooking some bacon for myself to have on the side! \\:D/

Lovely scan, I'm guessing girl as its looks like my daughters scan :)

Hope you're feeling better - UTI's are major ouch!!

Your lockdown sounds really tough! Hope you're able to make the most of your time you're allowed out

I've just noticed there have been a few gender reveals, congrats to everyone :)
Fern so glad you can go out for walks now. We are blessed to have a large yard. I've felt so bad though that I've not felt like taking the girls outside much.

Jess so cool you are going to be team yellow. I have no desire to do it myself but think it's amazing as it's got to feel amazing to find out once you deliver your baby.

Pine hope you are feeling completely better. UTIs during pregnancy can be so weird. I was asymptomatic with one with my 1st, got the culture results called to me after I went into ptl and dd1 was born. I got one with my 2nd and that burning pain would come and go, but sure enough I had one. The midwife told me that the further along you are the more likely you are to have no symptoms of UTI.

Miss bump omg now I want bacon. BLTs have been a favorite lunchtime meal for me.

They only checked my cervix length at my anatomy scan so not sure if they'll also scan baby, FX that they do. Also I really hope your measurement is good.

Thanks for the guess :)

AFM omg had the oddest dream this weekend. I dreamt I bought a pet taxi/carrier that was kinda like an aquarium so I could watch my baby grow. I legit reached inside and pulled my baby out placenta and all. I found put there were twins lol. Then I started freaking out because I wasn't sure if I removed them too early or not :rofl:

Felt a bit better this weekend. I'm still very tired right now. Stayed up too late. I've decided I'm going to just assume a girl so I'm better prepared at gender scan. I had started out thinking that way but I started feeling like it's a boy. I just don't want to get so excited about finally having a boy that I have to mourn never having a boy at the scan.

I hope everyone has a good week

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