★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Omw Jess, I’m thinking of you hun!!! I know it will be difficult to update for a while but all the best for you and your sweet bubs... can’t wait to hear more xx

Catmum gl with your sweep!

Azure enjoy your pool... I’ve also been swimming and it helps a lot with the pelvic pain! I’m just glad I don’t have to move and do all that work, wow hope you get it all done soon!

AFM enjoying the holiday, swimming a lot and ice packs have been helping my pelvic and sciatic pain, just relaxing:)
Thanks, catmum! Sadly, the family time yesterday was far from relaxing.

That side just exhausts the crap out of me and no one disciplines their kids so I become the b*tch aunt. They'll yell at the kids to stop doing something dozens of times but never actually do anything about it so I wind up having to get up and intervene because I can't take it anymore. If I ever did crap like that as a kid I would've been removed from the pool and in trouble the rest of the day, at least. Plus the adults just think it's time to vent/gossip/give me "advice" about things the entire time and it's just exhausting trying to be polite through it all.

Hope everything goes well Jess!!! Looking forward to hearing an update once you're ready :)

Sounds like a great day, Fern! Enjoy!! :)

I had a mini meltdown this morning and am just staying at the old house while the fiance goes and does work at the new place (I'm also 'not needed' there anymore so.. fine). Need a break from everyone and everything today so just going to hole up by myself. Already engaged in some retail therapy to buy some more baby things off my registry, too, so at least there's that! :)
Hi ladies,

Jess - I hope everything goes smoothly and look forward to your update when you get a chance!

Azure - sorry to hear about the family and the pool, I’d be frustrated too. I think we’ve all experienced some meltdowns in the past couple weeks. Our hormones are all over the place and I think we feel more stress towards the end.

AFM - cold is gone.. who hoo. It was not a nice cold, intense sinus pressure but thankfully it only lasted 2-3 days. Kids were able to go back to school today... some changes in the system which allowed kids who have been symptom free for more than 24 hours could return to school. Since my two has been symptom free for more than a week we were able to send them (thankfully didn’t have to keep them home for 14 days!).

So I’m finally chilling and relaxing in some peace and quiet. Next checkup with the doctor is Wednesday, we will check again if baby is still breech (I think he is). Also, feeling some pressure down there... not sure if his bottom has dropped into my pelvis perhaps? Also, an increase in number of Braxton Hicks over the past few days but nothing consistent. I’ve never gone into labour without my water breaking first, so it’s going to be hard for me to tell lol.
Jess - I know you probably won't see this for a bit but I hope everything goes well! Yay another September baby!!!!

Azure - ugh! I totally get the stress and meltdowns. Try to find some time for yourself (I know, I know!). Shopping therapy sounds nice lol I need to try that...but then I think I'd get us in some serious trouble lol.

Catmum - I hope your second sweep goes better this time!

Joanna - I'm so glad your cold is gone and that they changed the policy for sick kiddos. That sounds much more reasonable. Plus, kids who actually get Covid tend to have the most obscure symptoms - not your usual cold or flu symptoms. For instance, some kids have had inflammation on their brain and gone blind or deaf, or had a very severe ear infection that actually was Covid. Super bizarre. I'm glad they are feeling better and you get to enjoy some peace and quiet for yourself!

Pine - how are you doing lady?!

AFM - not a lot to update. I have another growth check tomorrow and then a NST on Friday again plus an OB appointment. I also have a chiropractor appointment (thank the heavens!) on Wednesday. So many doctors lol. Well anyway, that's basically it. Still working on getting the apartment settled but we are SO close now. Things are feeling much more peaceful.
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So I have not had the time to read the entire last page of posts, and I will just quickly type this while I get the chance...

Baby Rafael was born on September 24th, at 07:57 pm! :cloud9:

I ended up going in for an induction, simply because that was the only way to ensure my SO could be with me all the way and not miss the birth. If I had waited for spontaneous labor, he would have had to do the COVID test when checking in at L&D, and he would have to wait 2-3 hours for the results until he would be able to join me.

We did the covid tests 2 days before the induction, so we had the results ready, and we arrived at the hospital at 7 AM. It took a while until we got everything sorted out with the paperwork and until we were able to get a private "suite". Then it took a few more hours until they gave me some hormone (dont know which one) to try and start contractions.

We waited 4 hours for the hormone to work but turns out it didn't trigger any contractions for me. So my doc came in around 5pm and broke my waters. Gosh was that painful! 30 mins after they broke my water, contractions started. Managable at first.. but they were starting to come on really intense and sometimes with not much of a break inbetween! I definitely underestimated the pain of labor contractions. Also, I was overly tired from only sleeping 2 hours the night before, and didn't feel like I was in good shape to handle the pain, so I ended up going with an epidural. No regrets at all! Such a relief.

The crazy thing was that I apparently progressed from being 4-5cm dilated (when I got my epidural) to being ready to push within about an hour! I did not expect that at all, it all went so fast. The doctor came in just to check my cervix and was like "oh, looks like baby is about to come out"! When I had only been 5cm dilated an hour before.

So they rushed me to the delivery room, and once I was set up there, I literally pushed 3 times and little bubba was out. It was crazy! And soooo surreal. It honestly felt like I was in a dream, I couldn't quite grasp reality when they were putting my boy on my chest for a few seconds before whisking him away to check him and weigh him.

Oh yeah, speaking of weight... Remember how he was 99th percentile, then 75th percentile, and the doctors were CONVINCED he'd be huge, chubby and at least 4kg (8lb)?! Baby came out a perfectly normal 3290 grams (7 lbs), and 50cm in length. He is tiny! Even his size 56 outfits are too big for him.

Spent 2 nights in the hospital, and they were rough. Luckily we had great help from the nurses who taught us stuff, took care of our bub from time to time, etc.

He's 4 days old now and let me be honest... I have never been so sleep deprived in my life. I'm thoroughly exhausted, and so is my partner. But sooo in love with my lil guy. He's the most precious thing I have EVER seen in my life.

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So that was only a really short simple version of it all. and bubba is waking up right now. I will catch up with you ladies very soon and hope all of you are doing wonderfully <3
Oh my goodness, congratulations Pineberry!!! So great that you were able to have your SO with you for everything. Those pictures are amazing and he is absolutely adorable!!!

I'm also definitely appreciative of all the tidbits in there and feeling more comfortable about leaning towards the epidural route.

Glad to hear you're feeling better Joanna and that's good the kids got to go back to school. Must be a nice relief!

CO - the retail therapy was definitely not cheap lol! But we do still need so many things. Well.. maybe not so much after today :) Chiropractor sounds absolutely delightful... enjoy!!
Hi all congrats pine! How amazing u had such a lovely easy(ish) labour! Such a cutie!!

Sorry I can't catch up with everyone. I had my sweep today which wasn't great went home felt so ill I came back Bonnie still wasn't moving etc and I am so so drained. The Dr decided to bring my induction to tonight! So here I am!!

I'm having a mechanical induction (balloon catheter inserted into cervix then inflated and left for 12 hrs to DILATE you enough to pop your waters) I had the first fitted at 9.20 was on the ctg for another 30 mins and then went to the loo. There has been some bleeding which the midwife said was normal but obv worried me.. anyway it fell out after the loo, so the midwife thought maybe I had dilated already but when she examined me it turns out my cervix was long so she didn't put it in far enough. So round 2 went in at 11.20 which really hurt but could cope. More ctg monitoring. The covid lady came and was soo rough I nearly cried. AND THEN the anesthitist came to put my cannula in. Seriously had enough of being poked Now! My partner can't even be here with me because I have no one to have my youngest until I'm in established labour. Anyway 12.40am here so gonna try get a nap now xxxxx
Wow excited news on this thread since I last posted this afternoon!

Congratulations Pine! He is adorable and precious... so little yet bigger then mine were at birth. I’m hoping my little guy will be over the 7lbs mark. Your birth story sounds so amazing.

Catmum - another one of us in labour. Excited for you and wish you all the best. Can’t wait for your next update when you are able.
Congrats pine, what a beauty!!!!!!! Good luck Cat!!!! <3 <3 :flow:
@Pineberry massive congratulations, he is absolutely gorgeous!! Just goes to show also how wrong growth scans can be!

@Catmumof4 good luck!! I hope it all goes smoothly for you.

Just a little update from me... Safely delivered a baby girl at 10 to 8 on the 28th :) she weighs a tiny 6lb 10oz and we haven't quite agreed on the perfect name for her yet but we are absolutely besotted with her.
It wasn't an easy ride to get her here in theatre and she is currently in neonatal as she's having difficulty with her blood sugars but on the whole she is doing well. I am OK although I think I'm in a state of shock at how differently this delivery has gone compared to my other 3. I will update with a proper birth story in time when things have calmed down xx
Omgsh! congrats to you too Jess, these sweet babies!!! <3 <3 <3
Wow Jess she is gorgeous congrats!!

Afm managed to get a few hrs sleep woke up at 5 to go to the loo and there was blood. Called the midwife she came and said it's fine it's just cos u haven't moved since having it inserted. On monitors at 6 until 7 went to go toilet again and quite a bit of blood enough to drip on the floor. So midwife got me wearing a pad and going to come back soon to check it. I'm scared but trying to keep it together. My partner should be here soon thank God. I don't know how long he will be able to stay because my kids will prob be too much for my nan. This is not going the way I hoped!!! Xx
Congratulations Pineberry and Jess, what beautiful babies!! Hope you’re both managing to get some rest and enjoying the snuggles.
Cat all the best with the induction, not long for you now!
Sorry I’ve not been about much the last week or so, it’s all been a bit crazy but will update soon. Can’t believe we’re at the point where babies are arriving. It’s so exciting!
After 12 hours with the balloon catheter in they managed to pop my waters got until 4 - 4 30 if don't contract properly then start on the drip. I can only have that so high so wish me luck xx
Pine - SOOOOOO happy for you and CONGRATS!!!!!!! Get as much rest as you can - you've earned it! Rafael is ADORABLE!

Jess - Also SOOOO happy for you! Your little gal is BEAUTIFUL! Can't wait to hear a name.

Catmum - Sending you TONS of grace to get through whatever - be it this bloody episode, lack of having SO, or whatever comes your way. You CAN do this. You are amazing and have been through so much with Bonnie. You're gonna rock this mama!
Oh gosh congrats Pineberry and Jess, I’m so glad you are both well and that your babies are doing well! They are both so precious omg!

Pineberry happy for you that you got your vb. That’s crazy fast!

Jess- hope your little lady continues to improve and that her sugars stabilize xx

Catmum you’ve had a rough ride. I hope it’s over soon and that it goes smoothly. Thinking of you!!!

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