Oh Lindsay your lil man is squished in your tiny belly! Maybe that will just push him to come a little sooner!
Rachael---I can't wait until you can tell us how you're doing and how labor was! He's so beautiful! How is nursing going?? Wish I could smooch him.
Sam how gorgeous is Oliver! I think he looks a lot like Benjamin---both just perfect.
Jessie, I'm not much help with letting her cry it out. We could usually tell if it was a cry that she'd put herself back to sleep, and we could tell if it was a cry that she was not going to stop. She's never been a really good sleeper, and now she's an awful sleeper. So, like I said, I'm not much help because whatever we did, it clearly did not work! haha
AFM- Last Sunday Khloe got a 102 fever and was so sick all day. I thought for sure HFM finally caught up with us again because the fever only lasted the day and then she was just sick and not herself for a couple days but no blisters came. She just had some bug. She's still not sleeping through the night, and still sleeping on her mattress on the floor. Ryan and I are so tired we're cross eyed I think. My temps have been so odd this month--very flat. I've read that's good because it means my hormones are consistent, but not sure it means anything more than that. Of course I'm getting my hopes up and thinking "maybe"....my progesterone was really good this month, so I'm glad I didn't insist on her upping my dose after last month's was low. Not sure if I'll hold out to wed. or thur to test if my temps stay up. I was tempted to test today but knew it was pointless this early for me (I had a very light positive on FRER at 12DPO with Khloe).