1 DPO today, Jan 9th. Anyone else just entering the 2ww??Buddies wanted-5 BFPs so far

Dr Gomps, you are beyond kind.
Thank you so much for your kind words!
I love that you got your bfp. :) You deserve it!
Babybee, I tested this morning with a frer at 10dpo stark white bfn feel like I'm out I thought something would show by now :( xxxx

Oh Andrea :( I know exactly what you are feeling.
How bad is this....

I promised myself I wouldn't test, but because of a very vivid dream last night and crying in my dream, i woke up to make myself test to try to make myself have something bright to relish on all day....

dumb mistake.

POAS and it was also, stark white. I figured by now, since AF is due on Tuesday, that I would have any sign...

So i fell flat on my bed w that stupid IC test and just wailed...so loud that my dog propped up on the side of the bed to look at me....I just cried and cried.

I know I'm "not out until AF shows..." but I just know she'll show :( I see my Dr on 2/5, so here we go....I never thought I'd need fertility help...but here I am in the drivers seat.

Hugs to you both :hugs: It is still early yet so don't give up hope. I tested this morning and BFN for me, too but the lines on the opk's (I just pee on every stick that I have laying around! lol!) are getting darker. Who knows - maybe pregnant, maybe ov'ing again? bleh. I hate all the guess work! Stay positive and hopefully we'll get a few more bfp's in the next week or so. In the meantime, we can try to keep each other sane. :wacko:
Yeah unfortunately he wants to live life to the full now......its not like we don't have any kids...we have 4. Hes out from 7am til 7.30pm n when he gets home he gets stuck into college assignments. we talked last nite he's made up his mind. he might as well not b here neway. Don't know maybe another baby was just me being selfish coz my mornings are lonely with all kids out at school or probably thought it wud bring us closer but it doesn't seem to b the case......wudnt b fair to have another rite now.
So im just gonna dry my yes, pull up my socks n get on with it.
Best of luck to u all.....lovely bunch of girls n i really hope u get everything u heart desires.

Sorry to hear this Karkey - I hope you guys can figure out what you both want and a way to move forward (together or not - whatever is best for everyone). Big hugs and you can always still hang out and chat about things if you need to. :hugs:
Well to quote my son, " awwww pickles". I bought a test yesterday and was going to us it this morning but I was so tired when my alarm went off that I jumped up and went to the bathroom, not even thinking about the test. Lol, I want to save it for fmu since I'm not sure if I'm 13 dpo or only 9 dpo. So maybe this is a sign to just wait till tomorrow. Idk we'll see.
Dr Gomps, you are beyond kind.
Thank you so much for your kind words!
I love that you got your bfp. :) You deserve it!

thank you!! I know you will get yours soon too! Any sign of the :witch:??

Babybee, I tested this morning with a frer at 10dpo stark white bfn feel like I'm out I thought something would show by now :( xxxx

Oh Andrea :( I know exactly what you are feeling.
How bad is this....

I promised myself I wouldn't test, but because of a very vivid dream last night and crying in my dream, i woke up to make myself test to try to make myself have something bright to relish on all day....

dumb mistake.

POAS and it was also, stark white. I figured by now, since AF is due on Tuesday, that I would have any sign...

So i fell flat on my bed w that stupid IC test and just wailed...so loud that my dog propped up on the side of the bed to look at me....I just cried and cried.

I know I'm "not out until AF shows..." but I just know she'll show :( I see my Dr on 2/5, so here we go....I never thought I'd need fertility help...but here I am in the drivers seat.

Hugs to you both :hugs: It is still early yet so don't give up hope. I tested this morning and BFN for me, too but the lines on the opk's (I just pee on every stick that I have laying around! lol!) are getting darker. Who knows - maybe pregnant, maybe ov'ing again? bleh. I hate all the guess work! Stay positive and hopefully we'll get a few more bfp's in the next week or so. In the meantime, we can try to keep each other sane. :wacko:

ooh! Sounds promising!! My Opks are getting darker too, but not quite positive!!

Yeah unfortunately he wants to live life to the full now......its not like we don't have any kids...we have 4. Hes out from 7am til 7.30pm n when he gets home he gets stuck into college assignments. we talked last nite he's made up his mind. he might as well not b here neway. Don't know maybe another baby was just me being selfish coz my mornings are lonely with all kids out at school or probably thought it wud bring us closer but it doesn't seem to b the case......wudnt b fair to have another rite now.
So im just gonna dry my yes, pull up my socks n get on with it.
Best of luck to u all.....lovely bunch of girls n i really hope u get everything u heart desires.

Sorry to hear this Karkey - I hope you guys can figure out what you both want and a way to move forward (together or not - whatever is best for everyone). Big hugs and you can always still hang out and chat about things if you need to. :hugs:

agree! We are here for you lady!!

Well to quote my son, " awwww pickles". I bought a test yesterday and was going to us it this morning but I was so tired when my alarm went off that I jumped up and went to the bathroom, not even thinking about the test. Lol, I want to save it for fmu since I'm not sure if I'm 13 dpo or only 9 dpo. So maybe this is a sign to just wait till tomorrow. Idk we'll see.

best to wait as long as possible...though I suck at waiting! :haha:
Not bad, not bad. Heading to the dollar store shortly to buy some hpt's. I work from home so my schedule is pretty flexible. How are you?? :)
I am okay! Glad its Friday!! Its a 3 day weekend here too!!

Having LOADS of cramps! UGH!! Oh and already had some reflux (shouldn't have had fries and a burger last night) and my urine is smelling funny...something I noticed with DD too. :haha:
Awwww, that's awesome! To be honest, I'm not feeling so hopeful right now. Just having a 'day'. But we'll see. It took us a while with DD but we got there in the end so I'm sure it'll happen when it's meant to. My mom is hopefully either babysitting for us tomorrow night or DD is going to grandma's for a sleepover (depending on how she's sleeping - she has a cold and is teething right now) so me and DH can have a date night tomorrow. Looking forward to that!! :thumbup:

What is everyone planning for the weekend?
Today is officially AF due day n so far she's a no show. Though hpt at 12dpo was a :bfn: so anxiously awaiting her.

Also had a good talk with OH last nite in bed. He said if i REALLY want another then we can have one. Reason he was saying no was because the kids are growing up n getting independent we might b able to give each other some more time n maybe have some notes out
Nites out dat was meant to say! Neway we aren't not getting along we have spent the last 14 years together so we must b doin something right. we will just have to wait n see :)
Hope some more :bfp:s are on their way!

I feel pretty good today. The dizziness wasn't as bad but I only worked a half day today and I snuck a nap in while DD was at nursery. It was lush!

FXd for those of you testing soon!

cowtown! Yay for date night!!

Karkey that GREAT that things are going better with your DH! :thumbup:
Really pleased for you Karkey, glad you and DH have been able to talk about things!!

And so jealous of your nap Kerry! Hope you and DrG have a great weekend and both feel good, so happy for you both!!

Will keep everyone updated as I test. :)
LeAnne27 got her :bfp: too...

this has got to be a lucky thread...come on ladies..how is everyone doing??? when is AF due for everyone???

AFM...I keep looking at the lines...in awe...I just can't believe I have been blessed a second time. I feel so lucky!! I did a workout tonight that I think I need to modify in the future, its the insanity workout...I have been doing it for almost a year now, but the jumps are just too much and I felt a bit nauseous after.
Really?? That's awesome!! Congrats Leanne!! I don't think my AF is due till Tuesday/Wednesday so a while off for me. Could still be early for testing, right?? *grasping at straws*

Take it easy with the insanity workout!! I know about it but have never done it - I like running, I have a treadmill here at home which is super handy!
hi everyone
i m new to this thread..i want to join wid u...presently i m on 14dpo...i missed my period yesterday..i plan to test tomorrow..pls pray fr me....really in a great pressure..i dnt hav much symptoms xcept some breast pain..i already tested on 11dpo and its a bfn..it deppressed me a lot..i m nw in my 6th month ttc..
hi everyone
i m new to this thread..i want to join wid u...presently i m on 14dpo...i missed my period yesterday..i plan to test tomorrow..pls pray fr me....really in a great pressure..i dnt hav much symptoms xcept some breast pain..i already tested on 11dpo and its a bfn..it deppressed me a lot..i m nw in my 6th month ttc..

Try not to get discouraged the fact that you missed your period is a really good sign and I hear that the breast pain is a really good sign as well. Have you tested after 11dpo or will tomorrow morning be the first time since then? Of course I will add you to my prayers with all the other ladies. Good luck in the morning and don't forget to let us know what the result is.

LeAnne27 got her :bfp: too...

this has got to be a lucky thread...come on ladies..how is everyone doing??? when is AF due for everyone???

AFM...I keep looking at the lines...in awe...I just can't believe I have been blessed a second time. I feel so lucky!! I did a workout tonight that I think I need to modify in the future, its the insanity workout...I have been doing it for almost a year now, but the jumps are just too much and I felt a bit nauseous after.

Well I'm doing pretty good for now. I ended up not waiting till the next morning to test just bc I had the thing in the house. I ended up testing on a 4 he hold and it was bfn which is what we want but it still made me sad and think how wonderful a bfp would be. We love kids, I love being pregnant, and we always believe that having children is a blessing. So I'm kinda in a weird spot where I'm torn about what I want but I figure god will what he wants and if its meant to be then it meant to be. So I've been trying to keep myself busy so I don't run out and buy another test. Sat I will be 10dpo and so I'm due for AF Wed. I'm trying to hold out for as long as I can. It should be pretty easy all the way up to Tue bc we will be busy every day the only time I might have a weakness is in the morning bc I'm going to the grocery store. I'm trying to get my DH to go with me so I can have an extra eye on the kids and so I won't be tempted to buy one while I'm there since he doesn't know there is a chance I could be pregnant. So we'll see if I can hold out. Lol
Firstly big Congrats to leeann on her :bfp:

I was due AF yesterday and so far she's still a no show.......bfn at 12dpo. boobs started to b really sore yesterday n they usually are for a week b4 she's due. praying dat it was still too early to test n i cud possibly get bfp
hi everybody, can I join your thread? I have been stalking for a little while but decided I would love to join in. Confratulations to all the bfps and hang in there all waiting to test. I haven't posted on here since a thread on the WTT board asking for help how to convince husband to try for no.3, well just before Christmas he came home out the blue and told me that if I really wanted it he was game too! So here I am in the TWW. I don't know when I ovulated, if at all and my periods are a little bit irregular so I am shooting in the dark. This is our first cycle trying, I conceived in cycle 1 for my 1st and cycle 2 for 2nd son, they are 2 and 4. I really feel pregnant for several reasons, my nipples have changed already, more sensitive and darker and bigger. I have afternoon morning sickness and quite bad bloating. I do t have a test in the house and i am resisting buying onefor fear of seeing a negative. My last period was Christmas day and they are usually 30 days ish so should be there soon. Does anyone here check their cervix position?

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