1 DPO today, Jan 9th. Anyone else just entering the 2ww??Buddies wanted-5 BFPs so far

I think its too early for symptoms until at least 7-8 DPO...:thumbup:

welcome kittykat....I have TONS of IC's so I can test alot, but I really don't understand whats happening or if I did indeed O as I never got a positive OPk...:shrug:
Ok so symptoms beginning to come back.....boobs are feeling sore/stingy, looks like I've got a dark ring around the areola n lots of blue veins. Also had some abdominal cramping again. Hope this is all positive n a sign rather than my body just saying the witch is coming
Lets go through this craziness together. :)

Feeling very crampy today. I had a few sharp pains but my lower back has been really sore since this afternoon and is still hurting now :( hubby has rubbed it but still hurting. 2-4 Dpo I had quite a lot of lotiony cm. Today is drier, but still some there. I've also had the worst mood swings the last few days. Poor hubby :(
Name: Desi
Location: texas
Occupation: House wife/mom
How long you have been ttc: not actually trying
What ttc aids you used this cycle: charting on ovulation calendar, and checking cm but checked late bc I had the flu.
Any kids, pets??: We have 5 kids 3 girls and 2 boys ages, the oldest girl is about to be 11 in feb, the next girl will be 10 in feb, the next a boy will be 5 in April, the next boy turned 3 in oct, and our last girl will be 2 in feb. as far as animals we have 2 paint horses, a wiener dog, a border collie, an orange tabby cat, and a whole bunch of fish.

Well I think I'm going to test on Sunday bc that would be one day late from ovulation says the calendar but 3 days early according to my cm. So we will see, if its bfn then I will test again on Thursday if I don't get AF by then.
I NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So more to the story, last week during my nipples were ultra sensitive and now they are throbbing. O'd Friday based on my OPKs. Gahhhhhhh, not sure what to think?! I NEVER get sore nipples... ever.
Name: Kerry
Location: Cheshire, UK
Occupation: Medical writer (this group seemed PhD friendly!)
How long you have been ttc: first month TTC #2
What ttc aids you used this cycle: CM and OPKs
Any kids, pets??: DD 19 months old and one cat, 10 years young!

We conceived DD first time so am not sure how I will cope with a :bfn: although I don't think our odds are as great as with her.

However, I am now about 8 DPO and tired, backache and persistent firm spot right where I felt it with DD. I also am PMSy today but not due AF for a week.

Ho hum...

Still light brown spotting all day today, other then that I feel great! This wait is torture!
Didn't really introduce myself properly so here goes:

Name: Gemma
Location: Wales, UK
Occupation: Banking and mummy
How long you have been ttc: 2nd month TTC #2 after chem pg last month
What ttc aids you used this cycle: None
Any kids, pets? DD 26 months old, no pets.

5dpo - back pain, cramping and mood swings.
1-4 dpo - lotiony cm, intermittent cramps

Hope we catch! Testing on 22nd Jan if I can wait that long!
Oooh I'm jealous of all you girlies getting these symptoms, sounds promising for you, I'm only 4-5 dpo so not really expecting any kind of symptoms for a few days yet!! This 2ww seems to be dragging more then ever grr
DrGomps: thank you for the wonderful welcome :) I am following you on your parenting journal. I might continue to use OPK's but I might not. I have irregular periods, so it's very confusing..but I might just use my average cycle and go from there. So I am debating whether I should use them next cycle or not, unless I am pregnant this cycle, that is.

Karkey, and Gemma: both of your symptoms sound promising. :)

Mar: When we conceived #1, I had sore nipples/boobs from the time we conceived to the time I got my first positive pregnancy test. That's how I knew I was pregnant, and that's what made me test earlier. I was only 3 weeks, and 3 days when we found out. :) We found out at the doctors. I was also getting tons of cramping.

Well today I started cramping really good when I was watching my little cousin ice skate, I don't know if it was because I was sitting in a "stiff" angle or what :) so we shall see.

I know I didn't use FMU when I tested today, so that could've been why. I found out with Number 1 when I was 10 DPO, so I might try that...but understand if I don't get a BFP, than don't get too disappointed. :)
Hi kitteykat! Aww I hope so! On my last preg u didn't have any symptoms. I was a day late and my wee smelt funny so I tested!

I'm waiting for my boobs to twinge but nothing yet! Although I forgot to add, not sure if it's a symptom but the last two mornings ive woken up with a numb hand/arm. Could not feel my fingers at all and then feeling came back after wiggling them for a bit. A bit random! :)
Can I join please?

Name: Andrea
Location: Bournemouth UK
Occupation: Blockbuster and mummy
How long you have been ttc: this is cycle #2 but 1st cycle I don't think I ovulated as had only just come off bcp
What ttc aids you used this cycle: opk cm temping
Any kids, pets? 9yo dd 3yo ds too many pets!

I am 6dpo and only possible symptom loads of creamy cm sorry tmi and many slightly tender bbs
I will probably test too early at 9-10 dpo but af due 21
Good luck everyone xxxx
Can I join please?

Name: Andrea
Location: Bournemouth UK
Occupation: Blockbuster and mummy
How long you have been ttc: this is cycle #2 but 1st cycle I don't think I ovulated as had only just come off bcp
What ttc aids you used this cycle: opk cm temping
Any kids, pets? 9yo dd 3yo ds too many pets!

I am 6dpo and only possible symptom loads of creamy cm sorry tmi and many slightly tender bbs
I will probably test too early at 9-10 dpo but af due 21
Good luck everyone xxxx

I am 6dpo also, and loads of creamy cm during BD today with DH. Bbs do hurt also. Probably test at 10dpo (Thursday) although I know I should just wait until 12dpo on Saturday to avoid disappointment...maybe I'll hold out. We will see.

Name: Melanie
Location: CT, USA
Occupation: Airline Transport Pilot and Emergency Training program developer
How long you have been ttc: Since May '12.
What ttc aids you used this cycle: opk cm
Any kids, pets? No kids :( 2 dogs, 5 fish, rabbit, guinea pig, turtle.
Ok so symptoms beginning to come back.....boobs are feeling sore/stingy, looks like I've got a dark ring around the areola n lots of blue veins. Also had some abdominal cramping again. Hope this is all positive n a sign rather than my body just saying the witch is coming

fx'ed those are all good signs...I am cramping too...really bad...last cycle my LP was only 5 days so I am nervous that it means the :witch: is coming...

Lets go through this craziness together. :)

Feeling very crampy today. I had a few sharp pains but my lower back has been really sore since this afternoon and is still hurting now :( hubby has rubbed it but still hurting. 2-4 Dpo I had quite a lot of lotiony cm. Today is drier, but still some there. I've also had the worst mood swings the last few days. Poor hubby :(

:hi:welcome mood swings are the worst!

Name: Desi
Location: texas
Occupation: House wife/mom
How long you have been ttc: not actually trying
What ttc aids you used this cycle: charting on ovulation calendar, and checking cm but checked late bc I had the flu.
Any kids, pets??: We have 5 kids 3 girls and 2 boys ages, the oldest girl is about to be 11 in feb, the next girl will be 10 in feb, the next a boy will be 5 in April, the next boy turned 3 in oct, and our last girl will be 2 in feb. as far as animals we have 2 paint horses, a wiener dog, a border collie, an orange tabby cat, and a whole bunch of fish.

Well I think I'm going to test on Sunday bc that would be one day late from ovulation says the calendar but 3 days early according to my cm. So we will see, if its bfn then I will test again on Thursday if I don't get AF by then.

welcome! You got your hands full! Glad you are joining us!

I NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So more to the story, last week during my nipples were ultra sensitive and now they are throbbing. O'd Friday based on my OPKs. Gahhhhhhh, not sure what to think?! I NEVER get sore nipples... ever.

I dunno..are you only 3 dpo? I feel like its a bit early for too many symptoms!

Name: Kerry
Location: Cheshire, UK
Occupation: Medical writer (this group seemed PhD friendly!)
How long you have been ttc: first month TTC #2
What ttc aids you used this cycle: CM and OPKs
Any kids, pets??: DD 19 months old and one cat, 10 years young!

We conceived DD first time so am not sure how I will cope with a :bfn: although I don't think our odds are as great as with her.

However, I am now about 8 DPO and tired, backache and persistent firm spot right where I felt it with DD. I also am PMSy today but not due AF for a week.

Ho hum...


LOL..its true, there are alot of us PhDs...

Still light brown spotting all day today, other then that I feel great! This wait is torture!

weird...definitely could be implantation!!

Didn't really introduce myself properly so here goes:

Name: Gemma
Location: Wales, UK
Occupation: Banking and mummy
How long you have been ttc: 2nd month TTC #2 after chem pg last month
What ttc aids you used this cycle: None
Any kids, pets? DD 26 months old, no pets.

5dpo - back pain, cramping and mood swings.
1-4 dpo - lotiony cm, intermittent cramps

Hope we catch! Testing on 22nd Jan if I can wait that long!

I am trying to hold out until next sunday....I feel like there are alot of us TTC number 2.

Oooh I'm jealous of all you girlies getting these symptoms, sounds promising for you, I'm only 4-5 dpo so not really expecting any kind of symptoms for a few days yet!! This 2ww seems to be dragging more then ever grr

still early...so don't count yourself out!

DrGomps: thank you for the wonderful welcome :) I am following you on your parenting journal. I might continue to use OPK's but I might not. I have irregular periods, so it's very confusing..but I might just use my average cycle and go from there. So I am debating whether I should use them next cycle or not, unless I am pregnant this cycle, that is.

Karkey, and Gemma: both of your symptoms sound promising. :)

Mar: When we conceived #1, I had sore nipples/boobs from the time we conceived to the time I got my first positive pregnancy test. That's how I knew I was pregnant, and that's what made me test earlier. I was only 3 weeks, and 3 days when we found out. :) We found out at the doctors. I was also getting tons of cramping.

Well today I started cramping really good when I was watching my little cousin ice skate, I don't know if it was because I was sitting in a "stiff" angle or what :) so we shall see.

I know I didn't use FMU when I tested today, so that could've been why. I found out with Number 1 when I was 10 DPO, so I might try that...but understand if I don't get a BFP, than don't get too disappointed. :)

I was 10 DPO with number 1...I don't think I could tell if my bbs are sore because I am breastfeeding...

Hi kitteykat! Aww I hope so! On my last preg u didn't have any symptoms. I was a day late and my wee smelt funny so I tested!

I'm waiting for my boobs to twinge but nothing yet! Although I forgot to add, not sure if it's a symptom but the last two mornings ive woken up with a numb hand/arm. Could not feel my fingers at all and then feeling came back after wiggling them for a bit. A bit random! :)
my earliest symptoms were metallic taste in my mouth and bleeding gums...

Can I join please?

Name: Andrea
Location: Bournemouth UK
Occupation: Blockbuster and mummy
How long you have been ttc: this is cycle #2 but 1st cycle I don't think I ovulated as had only just come off bcp
What ttc aids you used this cycle: opk cm temping
Any kids, pets? 9yo dd 3yo ds too many pets!

I am 6dpo and only possible symptom loads of creamy cm sorry tmi and many slightly tender bbs
I will probably test too early at 9-10 dpo but af due 21
Good luck everyone xxxx

welcome! I am Andrea too!!
hi ladies...I am cramping like crazy...so not fun...UGH...but trying not to get my hopes up, because it was similar last cycle and I got AF super early (5-6 dpo).

Getting Closer to the 2nd week of the 2ww!!!

How was everyones weekend??
Gemma: It could be a sign :) I sure hope it's a sign!!! I know I have been peeing a lot more, so that could be one of my signs, but I don't want to hold my breath.

Andrea: fx for you, just to let you know, I got a :bfp: when I was 10 DPO :) so it could definitely happen...

Babybeebee: I see that you got married May 12th, 2012; we got married May 19th, 2012...so we are right behind you :) I noticed you have irregular cycles, how do you know what DPO are you? Do you use OPK's??? :) or what?

I have a question, we are TTC but I don't want to use OPK's or temp. I know it's called NTNP, but I call it TTC still. :) Should I use my average cycles calculating when we ovulate, or what? If someone could help me that would be great.

If I use average cycles I will be starting from my 1st period, which would be December 12th...since that was my 1st Post Partum period, please help me.
Hi DrGomps, I may test on the Saturday 19th as I have a night out. Wouldn't drink much anyway but still want to check! I've had a funny taste in my mouth for a few days but don't know if it's metallic?! It may be!

Kitteykat and babybeebee I got married on May 3rd 2012! How funny!!

Kittey, I would just DTD every couple days during your fertile period...approx cd8-18...just to have your bases covered...I don't think I could ever not actively ttc..lol

ooh! Gemma! Fx'ed!!

AFM...I keep eating everything in sight...I dunno whats wrong with me!! so moody too!!
LOL that's what we were thinking. I had just wanted to go with the flow, but it's definitely very hard to do. I know that I don't want to use OPK's or temp. I get too confused. And it doesn't help, my lovely hubby does not want to know when I get a +OPK so I would have to keep it a secret if I do, and I don't know if I could do that.

So I think we are just going to BD every other day, and go from there. :) I don't really know when I would test. I know my cycles are between 30 to 40 so we shall see what happens. :) Maybe I will calculate my periods @ 35 days, then test at 35 days. An HPT should show up no matter what.

When I do end up pregnant (since we don't use opks) than I would just get an early ultrasound :happydance: since I wouldn't know how far along I am.

May is a great month to get married!! Just found out my really good friend is getting married sometime next year. So I might be pregnant for her wedding, if it takes a while like it took for number 1.
Woah ladies I just come to bed, took my bra off and bam!! My boobs ache!! They are def fuller and my veins look really prominent! I'm technically into 6dpo now as it's gone 1am here.

Getting really excited by these symptoms. Hope it's not in my head. They can't be!! x

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